
Really disappointed today. Weigh day and I've stayed the same. I've had 1 slip up all week and don't feel has though I deserved that. Feeling very disheartened this morning.


  • Becky_charles29
    Becky_charles29 Posts: 125 Member
    Staying the same is's better than going up! I've stayed the same the last 2 weeks but I'm ok with that. How big was your slip up? Have you accurately weighed and logged your food? How do you measure exercise calories and do you eat them all? If you are doing all the right things it will come off....just don't give up! Tighten everything up this week and use the disappointment as motivation for the week ahead rather than giving up
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    I've stayed the same for 3 total weeks before. It can be frustrating, but eventually if you get your mind to relax about it the number will go down again. Indulgence is ok for keeping you sane.
  • lucylu7406
    lucylu7406 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been at the same weight for 2 months, but I am doing cardio mix w weight training! Even tho I haven't lost, my clothes fit big and feel lighter. I started out at 153 now 136. I have gained muscle and feel energized!
  • fozdawn
    fozdawn Posts: 8 Member
    unigirl143 wrote: »
    I've stayed the same for 3 total weeks before. It can be frustrating, but eventually if you get your mind to relax about it the number will go down again. Indulgence is ok for keeping you sane.

  • fozdawn
    fozdawn Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone. I feel thinner but my scales say I'm the same. Annoying but okay now I've got my head around it.