Do you get support from your family?

Just wondering as my family just yawn and don't want to know. I feel the need to share my thoughts with my wife or scream I lost x pounds but I get "we are bored and don't care" response or am mocked for weighing my food

I am hoping that my 13 year old daughter would join me as she is overweight or my wife as she is 5'2" and weighs 280lb


  • eeede
    eeede Posts: 88 Member
    That's unfortunate they don't support you but maybe it's because they feel they should do it with you but aren't ready to?
    As you're doing it for you, you cannot expect them to make it with you for you. It has to come from them. I hope I'm clear. (English isn't my first langage).
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    Not really , I mean there are days that wohoooo Kary lost X lbs and I have my cheerleader squad but those are the exception , they are now at a point that nothing surprise them (I have being doing this for almost a year), they are convince that I'm going to get to my goal soon/someday , seriously I feel more support and like I belong in that aspect more here in MFP than my own family.

    And I'm OK with that, it's hard at the beginning but down the road it's so much better because not trying to be cheesy , but it does makes you stronger, my weight loss is completely separate of whatever is happening at home, how they feel, what they eat, what they bring to the house, etc.

    Yes I would love for my mom to take long walks with me , my brothers to eat a bit more healthy, and stuff like that, but it hasn't happen, but if it ever does, I'm def. Going to be there for them.
  • Marinemomm
    Marinemomm Posts: 64 Member
    I really don't share my journey with anyone.. On here is the only people that knows my ups and downs. But hang in there, you gotta do this for you! One day someone will look at you and say.. Wow you look great! They will notice without announcing it. Stay strong, stay motivated!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It makes my family a little uncomfortable, unfortunately. They don't understand it, and have weight to lose themselves. I try not to over talk about it because I notice my mother especially tries to ignore it.
  • FatRunningMan1966
    eeede wrote: »
    That's unfortunate they don't support you but maybe it's because they feel they should do it with you but aren't ready to?
    As you're doing it for you, you cannot expect them to make it with you for you. It has to come from them. I hope I'm clear. (English isn't my first langage).
    eeede wrote: »
    That's unfortunate they don't support you but maybe it's because they feel they should do it with you but aren't ready to?
    As you're doing it for you, you cannot expect them to make it with you for you. It has to come from them. I hope I'm clear. (English isn't my first langage).
    Marinemomm wrote: »
    I really don't share my journey with anyone.. On here is the only people that knows my ups and downs. But hang in there, you gotta do this for you! One day someone will look at you and say.. Wow you look great! They will notice without announcing it. Stay strong, stay motivated!

    Thanks and yes this community is extremely supportive

    And yes I am doing it for me and plan to treat myself with a new expensive wardrobe when i hit target weight

    The sad part is that my wife sees me as a pain making healthy meals
  • NeonStrikeVi
    NeonStrikeVi Posts: 61 Member
    edited September 2015
    I agree with what eeede said, maybe your family know they should eat healthier but aren't ready to make the change. Keep it up is the only advice I can give, your results could be the motivation they need :)

    Good luck to you.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Marinemomm wrote: »
    I really don't share my journey with anyone.. On here is the only people that knows my ups and downs. But hang in there, you gotta do this for you! One day someone will look at you and say.. Wow you look great! They will notice without announcing it. Stay strong, stay motivated!

    This. The journey was for myself and I kept it like that. I explained that I would try to lose weight and then adjusted my meals around our normal meals since I hoped to continue to eat a "normal" but altered diet.
    I cooked the same meal for everyone and extra vegetables. I'd have smaller portions of the higher calorie items and more veggies, so we still all ate the same; just different proportions.
    As you lose the weight and your family sees that you're eating to satisfaction and not going hungry, one or more of them may join you. But until they are ready for the task, you won't be able to convince them.
    Good luck. You're going to do this.
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    I've watched and listened to my husband's journey for 8 months and like eeede said, I wasn't ready. Sure I was proud of him, maybe a little jealous, but some days it seemed that was all he wanted to talk about and it got old. Now, I've logged on mfp for 3 days (it's a start) and gone to the gym the last two days. So give it time. They may act pissy, but you are providing a good example for them when they are in fact ready to make changes for themselves.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    My husband was not supportive in the least. I used his lack of support and enthusiasm as motivation to prove I could do it. Guess what I did it on my own. I do not share my journey unless I am asked directly. I live by example and now I have 3 family members on here.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I agree with what eeede said, maybe your family know they should eat healthier but aren't ready to make the change. Keep it up is the only advice I can give, your results could be the motivation they need :)

    Good luck to you.

  • HeatherDunnell1979
    Most of my family think I'm a weirdo because I only eat real food and refuse to eat anything processed haha
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    My family is also uninterested in this process. The good news is, here on mfp you will find people who are willing to listen and support you
  • jersey_54
    jersey_54 Posts: 278 Member
    Dad built us big *kitten* weight room in home, Mom fuel our workouts with diet including gallons of milk and proteins lol Hmm yea they do ^_^
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi there. I do not get support like that from my family. I mostly have to fight with my husband so I can go for a walk bc he refuses to go with me. I have to argue for why I need foods I need. Thid has been a struggle for me! But I have to do it myself I would love to talk to him about it but he really doesn't care or notice my looks like hey that out fit you bought me doesn't fit me anymore (bc its falls off me) oh well tough I had to just get thick skin and say f this this is about me. Selfish? Yep I am bc who else is going to care about me if I don't? And yes I've been called selfish for wanting a walk and exercise and wanting healthy food.

    so for a bit it really was transformative as he started to lose weight too but then went back to chips n soda. But as far as meals yep I cook 3 to four different meals every meal time so if she doesn't want to cook it then you can.
  • chickiechickie
    chickiechickie Posts: 27 Member
    My husband has always just stood back and let me do my thing. He doesn't push or hinder.
  • FatRunningMan1966
    My husband has always just stood back and let me do my thing. He doesn't push or hinder.

    That's great :smiley:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Lead by example. It's all you can do.
  • 110challenge
    110challenge Posts: 195 Member
    Yes, absolutely. My husband and I are doing this together, and he has actually lose way more weight. I do all of the meal planning and 95% of the cooking, but he is not complaining and is passionate about it too!

    Extended family supports us for the most part. His sister had planned on getting us gluten-free burgers at a birthday party she hosted, and when I insisted that I would bring my own food she wasn't offended at all, she said she understood that I didn't want to deviate from what was working for us. We bring our own food when we visit his parents which isn't as big of a deal as it would normally be (Portuguese family, she is the type that cries if you dont have third helpings because it means you 'hate her food) as they aren't doing a lot of cooking right now as she has just finished chemo.

    It's hard to argue what's clearly working.
  • FatRunningMan1966
    Hi there. I do not get support like that from my family. I mostly have to fight with my husband so I can go for a walk bc he refuses to go with me. I have to argue for why I need foods I need. Thid has been a struggle for me! But I have to do it myself I would love to talk to him about it but he really doesn't care or notice my looks like hey that out fit you bought me doesn't fit me anymore (bc its falls off me) oh well tough I had to just get thick skin and say f this this is about me. Selfish? Yep I am bc who else is going to care about me if I don't? And yes I've been called selfish for wanting a walk and exercise and wanting healthy food.

    so for a bit it really was transformative as he started to lose weight too but then went back to chips n soda. But as far as meals yep I cook 3 to four different meals every meal time so if she doesn't want to cook it then you can.

    Funny you mention selfish as that is what my wife called me today because I prioritised gym over unnecessary house chores. I made a healthy meal for all which was rejected and she ended up making scrambled eggs and complained I was selfish cooking just for me.

    After reading your reply - I don't care anymore. I have to look after my health first before I end up another statistic who died from obesity
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I get about as much support as can be expected. I'm very lucky that I get any at all, so I do my best to foster it. I do my best to respect my family and not talk about it much (not every day, maybe a couple times a week), and they do their best to consider adding more vegetables to the refrigerator. Because I'm not financially independent, their support is crucial to me making any changes at all, so I try very hard to work with them, not against them.

    Some things I've learned about not starting arguments/hurting feelings are:

    1. If I'm feeling "hm not sure if I am up to/want to go to the gym/for a walk" they will for sure argue for the "no" position. I need to make that decision on my own.

    2. I bring things up as "hm, I read this, it was interesting, what do you think?" rather than "oh my gosh I read this we have to start doing x RIGHT NOW". If it's their choice to accept or decline new information, they'll be much more receptive.

    3. If I talk about something too long, like dietary iron, it's painful for them. It's my fault, and I need to apologize. This is NOT their journey, and talking about myself or my interests (even if it's not specifically me) too long is BAD conversation.

    4. Getting backup from a professional is the best. For the longest time, my mom has held the view that 1/4 cup of peas is enough green things for one day. It's been years trying to change that, because I was too insistent/antagonistic (see #2). The most effective way was regularly speaking with a dietician, and getting literature and tips from her to bring back to my family.

    5. I try to take it all on myself as best I can. I need to cook extra veggies but not get in anyone else's way in the kitchen. This may mean cooking at 9pm, and having my veggies as a goodnight snack. I can't take up too much space with meal prep. I can't take food allocated for other meals. If I eat "too many" cherry tomatoes, someone will get mad at me. If I whine about not getting enough exercise, or how I'm trying to reach a goal, or whatever - it WILL get on people's nerves! That's what the internet is for ;)

    I get support, I get the support I need - but I do not have a cheering section or a catering team. And I don't expect it. Everyone has their own path and their own food issues and their own health to consider. It's not up to you to change anyone else's mind beyond letting you do your thing - and do it quietly. I do sometimes think I'd get better results or be more efficient if I lived alone and was in charge of the shopping and everything. But the house would be so much messier, honestly. And I'd miss my family. Living with people is always hard, and a lifestyle change can stress this relationship. But the change comes from US, so WE need to monitor the disruptions and apologize and be humble. At least, that's my take on it. Best of luck!!