Vitamin Experts: Help me!?

hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
I know it's possible to overload on Vitamin C, but really, is it common?

Let me give you the scoop, here.
I'm sick, as always.
I have a horrible immune system.
I take a multi-vitamin every day.
Today I picked up some Vitamin C chewables, and some Echinacea my pharmacist recommended.
I also bought some Vitamin C drops for my sore throat.
Now I'm wondering, is it okay to take more Vitamin C since I'm ill?
I only took one Vitamin C chewable today, but should I take another?
I've got the drops too, and I don't know how much Vitamin C is actually in those.

Any help/opinions/educated-guesses are appreciated.

Thank you!


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
  • srtiemann
    srtiemann Posts: 76
    You should be fine. When I get sick I usually take 1 chewable every 2 hours to help boost my system.
  • Phoenyxtears
    Phoenyxtears Posts: 173
    From what I have read, your body will only absorb enough Vitamin C and expel the rest.

    I just eat a lot of jalapenos and garlic and I haven't gotten sick (I have allergies) with colds, flus, or my allergies since I started eating more jalapenos and garlic. Whether or not that's what's causing me to be less sick, I don't know. I just noticed that my eating them and my not getting sick occurred around the same time :) Nothing else has changed.

    I started waaaay before I started on MFP, so I don't think it's my dieting.
  • sioannone
    sioannone Posts: 13 Member
    I am not an expert., but here is what I know. Over load can occur, but not until over 2000 mg. per day.So check your labels. Up to this point Vitamin C is not stored in your body, so there isn't a problem. Over 2000 mg. can result in stomach and intestinal issues.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    If you're needing advice from "experts" then don't include me. There's no MD after my name.
    However, I have been a firm believer in supplements for a long time.
    It is my understanding ( and I've verified it with my doctor- and you can look it up online too) that you cannot overdose on any vitamin that is water soluble- Vit C is in that category. 500 to 1000 mg is the recommended am't- taking it AM and PM is best so that it stays in your system. You can take more, but it's just wasted- you just pee it out anyhow.
    You might want to add L-lysine and zinc to your list- those boast your immune system as well as the Vit C.
    Just a suggestion.

    BTW. you can overdose on Vit A, E, etc. Those are fat soluble.

    This subject has been discussed SEVERAL times. Search the topic in the SEARCH box and you'll find lots of other answers if you don't get adequate info here today.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    With vitamins and minerals, you cannot have too much simply because your body will absorb what it needs and then expel the rest. Now, what you may want to do to get the best benefit, is take each one at different points in the day. If you take a ton only once in the day, your body will only take what it needs (at that point in time) and then get rid of the rest. Meanwhile, you are low the rest of the day. So just make sure you take a little each time instead of all at once.

    Also, just a side note, but taking Vit C will not cure or get rid of anything WHILE you are sick. It is more of a preventable measure. Obviously you take it while you're sick, but its really only beneficial as preventative care.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    With vitamins and minerals, you cannot have too much simply because your body will absorb what it needs and then expel the rest.

    Just a note, but it is indeed possible to overdose on various vitamins and minerals, even if it is not exactly common. I know it sounds a bit outlandish, but I would not have believed it had I not read it in a my nutrition course's textbook a while back. Here is a nifty site I found with some info regarding toxicity levels and potential side effects: