What cheat day does to you



  • 2bfit_2015
    2bfit_2015 Posts: 42 Member
    I had at least 3-5 cheat days last month where I ate what I wanted and still managed to lose 8 lbs that month (but also didn't gain any weight). I go 2000- 3,500 at most with my cheat days but with the amount of exercise I do during the week and my normal activity level that 3,500 doesn't do anything to me. I don't gain any weight quite the contrary actually because I still continue to lose weight. However I don't think I could keep it up for too long because if I did that everyday I'd probably start gaining eventually. Although I'm cutting down on the whole binging thing because I'm approaching my last 40 lbs and I really want to avoid any possibility of plateaus. But once a month from now won't hurt and I'm planning an epic cheat day beginning of October hehe