Geeky gamer girl looking for new friends to join this epic and perilous journey!



  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Hey. Anyone is this thread is welcome to add me, but please be consistent. There was a girl who started a very popular similar thread in the spring. She was active for a bit but then flaked out and was gone within a few weeks; that was disappointing.

    Anyways: hi, I have a lot of geeky interests.

    Gaming: primarily PC, current multiplayer: Planetside 2, Battlefield 4, Guildwars 2, and Heroes of the Storm. Also like RTS, arcadey racers, some sports titles, etc. Very excited about virtual reality developments. Used to play tabletop RPG stuff but that was a long time ago. Been into computers and gaming since the heyday of arcades, the Apple II, and Atari 2600.

    TV/movies: big on Star Wars & Trek, Doctor Who, The Flash, Arrow, and pretty much all the standards of the sci-fi genre. A little anime.

    Reading: fan of Neal Stephenson, William Gibson, Vernor Vinge, and Iain M. Banks. Also a fair amount of DC and Marvel comix, and Peanuts. Intrigued by futurism/transhumanism in general, history, the applied sciences, and finance stuff.

    Music: used to play and be in bands but that was also a long time ago. Really enjoy metal, funk, and classical. Pretty broad taste range though and dig anything catchy.

    Fitness: regularly lifting, sprinting, and intermittent fasting. At maintenance bodyfat levels.

  • Koorii
    Koorii Posts: 65 Member
    Sent you a request! I'm a geek as well, though err more on the side of video games. I do love sci-fi fantasy books movies and Television as well. As far as comics go, I'm more into the indie stuff. Could never relate to the spandex-clad superheroes.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »

    @danielleeu I've never watched Doctor Who, probably because I'm OCD and I'd want to watch it from the literal beginning and... whoooo 20+ years to watch seems a bit crazy haha Still on my bucket list though!

    I was put off by that for a while, but you can really think of it as two separate series. The original stuff was a looong time ago and hard to find and the pacing is drastically different. If you start with the rebooted series (2005), it's much more practical as the seasons are short (as British shows usually are). It's all on Netflix too.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @Koorii Lovely! What are your fave video games? Haha I think that's the great thing about being a geek; there's literally something for everyone, no matter what it is that your enjoy most :smiley:

    @feisty_bucket That's a great a idea, thinking of the series as 'old' and 'reboot'. Still want to watch the older stuff, different pacing and different from the reboot doesn't bother me at all. I'm a nerd for origins XD The best thing I've seen from starting this thread (and another before it) is how everyone connects with each other and finds others to climb this mountain with. For me it's been my Mount Doom, stumbling and falling is par for the course. What counts to me is picking myself up again, no matter how long it takes :smiley:
  • kimikats
    kimikats Posts: 529 Member
    @FitGeekery Yep! The game industry is great and if you really want to do it you can get into it as well! I feel I got lucky and it's been one heck of a ride. I'm the happiest I've been in ages! It's always good to go to game conventions and talk to people, but the best place is GDC as that's where you can really meet different developers and find what works for you. Good luck!
  • knowles1989
    knowles1989 Posts: 28 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @knowles1989 Hi, I'm sorry I missed you last night! I could barely keep my eyes open and thought I'd welcome everyone, obviously not XD And heck yes to Zelda, although I've only played the older ones. A Link to the Past for the win! And paranormal/supernatural/zombie love, yesss. Added!

    Haha no worries, I forgive you :wink: I have recently completed A link to the past on the snes, bought one a while back for old times sake, I couldn't resist when I found it so cheap :smile:
    Thanks for the add :smile:
  • tfinch35
    tfinch35 Posts: 25 Member
    Ha! Sounds like a fun group of peeps! I can't say I'm as geeky as y'all are but I FEEL like a zombie most of the time...does THAT count??
    And my geekiness extends to being a life-long student. If I every graduate from one thing I'll be looking for something else to study. It's in my blood. I guess I could use some of y'all's expertise on virtual worlds in healthcare. I'm looking to eventually aim a practice in telehealth to the Native American cancer population.

    Anyway, nice to meet you all!
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    Hey. Anyone is this thread is welcome to add me, but please be consistent. There was a girl who started a very popular similar thread in the spring. She was active for a bit but then flaked out and was gone within a few weeks; that was disappointing.

    Anyways: hi, I have a lot of geeky interests.

    Gaming: primarily PC, current multiplayer: Planetside 2, Battlefield 4, Guildwars 2, and Heroes of the Storm. Also like RTS, arcadey racers, some sports titles, etc. Very excited about virtual reality developments. Used to play tabletop RPG stuff but that was a long time ago. Been into computers and gaming since the heyday of arcades, the Apple II, and Atari 2600.

    TV/movies: big on Star Wars & Trek, Doctor Who, The Flash, Arrow, and pretty much all the standards of the sci-fi genre. A little anime.

    Reading: fan of Neal Stephenson, William Gibson, Vernor Vinge, and Iain M. Banks. Also a fair amount of DC and Marvel comix, and Peanuts. Intrigued by futurism/transhumanism in general, history, the applied sciences, and finance stuff.

    Music: used to play and be in bands but that was also a long time ago. Really enjoy metal, funk, and classical. Pretty broad taste range though and dig anything catchy.

    Fitness: regularly lifting, sprinting, and intermittent fasting. At maintenance bodyfat levels.


    i added u. star trek and metal ftw
  • Hikaru140
    Hikaru140 Posts: 9 Member
    yohoo good to find people like me :P im a hardcore gamer jrpg fan mostly :P actaually i play games to lose weight makes me forget about eating lol anyone can add me here my fellow gamers :D
  • preyaticintent
    preyaticintent Posts: 46 Member
    Video game programmer here. Just got into MFP a week ago. Anyone feel free to add me. I mostly play RPGs and RTSs. Currently have an active subscription to most MMOs. :) If anyone else plays, just pm me the game and I'll let you know if I play and character info. Also just started Diablo 3 season 4. Will also give Steam name to those who'd like an add.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Diablo, yasss!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,410 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi all! I have some geeky interests although I haven't ventured into gaming.

    I'm a medical editor and have also done a little aerospace tech writing, and am trying to do more.
    I'm in the National Space Society ( - I'm an officer of my local chapter, and have volunteered at several of their international conferences (website for the last one: Our chapter has had a table at the Los Angeles Science Fiction Convention in previous years. I'm interested in space science in general.

    Movies: most of the Star Trek movies, Total Recall, the first two Alien movies, Dark City, Minority Report - the more surreal the better. I'm eager to see The Martian. My husband and I also are into the old cheesy Hammer horror films. Pratchett's The Hogfather is one of my favorite Christmas movies.

    TV - Star Trek, Doctor Who, but I really miss Babylon 5.

    Music (not sure this is geeky though) - Hard rock/metal (Rush, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Saxon, AC/DC, Megadeth, Symphony X, Joe Satriani, Voivod, Deep Purple, Dio) Goth: Sisters of Mercy, The Mission, Specimen, and I forget what else. Also classical and new wave.

    Comics - not so much, but I am getting into the Sandman series.

    One other thing (and I'm not so sure this is geeky) - I am obsessed with ducks.
    dogcatac wrote: »
    Intrigued by futurism/transhumanism in general.
    Perhaps you would also like Greg Egan? I am working my way through Diaspora.
    dogcatac wrote: »
    Music: used to play and be in bands but that was also a long time ago. Really enjoy metal, funk, and classical. Pretty broad taste range though and dig anything catchy.

    Star Trek and Metal FTW, I agree! What instrument do you play?

  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    :) i play guitar and drums. i tore my rotator cuff in july and havent been able to play for a while, but slowing building up the strength to shred.
  • LadyJ1975
    LadyJ1975 Posts: 7 Member
    I am the geeky girl next door. I am a Social Worker who is active in the coomunity...the cosplay community that is. LOL! Firefly, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Star Trek...and the list goes on. My goals were not all about weight loss but my health. I am on meds for diabetes and hypothyroidism and my goal was to be healthy enough to cut back on some of my meds. Although I have to admit, I do want to look good in my Wonder Woman and Daenerys cosplay.
    I look forward to keeping up with my fellow geeks.
  • LadyJ1975
    LadyJ1975 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh, and for those that are interested, check in your communities for fitness clubs. I belong to Geek'd Out Running Club and we have a great time. I have run in the May the 4th Be with you, The Potter Run (hufflepuff in the house), we run the Time Lord run on Saturday, and then the gamer dash which is all things gamer. Check into it. Lot's of fun, many are for charity and tax deductable, and open to all fitness levels.
    Good luck!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @kimikats Thanks for the advice and I'm glad you've found yourself something as awesome and fulfilling as you have :smiley:

    @tfinch35 Haha I'm pretty sure that counts, and whether or not you're nerdy or geeky you're still welcome! ;) Sending you a request hehe

    @Hikaru140 Love me some good JRPG's, and I know what you mean about being able to find others like you. Sending an add your way :smiley:

    @preyaticintent An active subscription to most MMO's? I don't think I could handle that many, and WoW is the only one I've ever really stuck to. Blizzard makes it so easy to go back, and there's so much history and nostalgia there ;) Sending a request your way!

    @lkaspin Any and all geeky interests are wanted and welcome hehe Love sci-fi and surrealistic settings, doesn't matter for me whether it's a movie, tv show or book. Love anything that can transport me to another world. Adding you :)

    @LadyJ1975 That sounds like a blast, I'd really like to get into cosplay at some point. Plate's too full at the moment but it's on my list of things to do :smiley: And I think the goal of cutting back on meds is both awesome and totally achievable. Adding you as well!
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    can we talk about how good a workout ddr is??
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    People think I'm weird for having DDR in my home gym setup... it's right next to the power rack and inbetween the bench and treadmill. I'll represent the DDR (or Stepmania) love.
  • preyaticintent
    preyaticintent Posts: 46 Member
    edited September 2015
    @FitGeekery I think WoW is the only one I don't play, lol. Lets see: Final Fantasy 14, Star Wars Old Republic, Star Trek Online, EverQuest 2, DC Universe Online. Then of course, the free to plays: Rift, Defiance, Neverwinter. I usually get to max level, and then stop cause I'm not a fan of the grind after.

    Currently playing(Other than listed MMO's):
    Mass Effect
    Dark Souls
    Borderlands 2
    Defense Grid 2
    Neverwinter Nights 2
    Dragonball Xenoverse
    Shadows of Mordor
    Dragon Age: Inquisition
    Civilization 5(will be playing this forever, at this rate)
    Diablo 3

    Waiting on:
    Fallout 4
    Rockband 4
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    what can i offer? inconsistent wall posts that are random. sometimes funny... sometimes not. Responses to wall posts you make. occasional advice. music references. limited knowledge on a vast variety of topics

    what can i not offer?
    Rah-rah posts for the sake of rah-rah posts. Overly sappy/motivational posts.