Weight Watcher Vs. MFP

Any MF pals out there try weight watchers online. Does it offer anything that MFP doesn't? I really don't want to pay for a program, but I am a little desperate to lose the weight for my wedding. I can't say no to the candy bowl at work - darn it!!!

What keeps you guys using MFP? I find it hard to log on everyday and load my meals, any tips?? Any one out there wanna hold me accountable for my candy bowl treats. haha.


  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i use my cell phone app & log before i eat or drink anything so i'm conscious of what i'm eating & make better decisions :o)
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    I did WW about 5 years ago and lost 40 lbs before I messed up my knee... and I find that MFP is basically the same thing for free. For me, there is not a whole lot of difference between counting calories and counting points because the philosophy is the same - be mindful of what you put in your body and exercise to stay fit. If I were you, I would use MFP since it's free, and if you find that it's not working for you after a few weeks (you have to give it some time - don't expect a miracle overnight!) try WW for a while. :)

    ETA: You're welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like! :)
  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
    I tried WW online...Only difference,this is free...and easy with no points to count.Plan plan plan is the key.I enter my breakfast and lunch for the week on Sunday night..That way I know how many calories I have left for supper..And when I exercise,that's a bonus.As far as your candy bowl treats...I treat myself to 3 snack size hershey bars a day! And still have calories left.Good luck!!!
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    I did WW once and lost the weight only to get sick and gain it back. But it worked I feel this is just as good as the online one only difference is im sure WW gives you heathy recipes to use where here you have to ask ppls to share or find your own.

    What keeps me coming back is reading the messages and seeing all the ppls that have lost tremedous amts of weight . If they can do it why can't I.

    Good Luck and keep logging in each day and read the message boards to see how others are doing.
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I also use the app on my cell phone, which is super handy when I am away from home!

    Recently I started planning out the next day in the evening before bed, I try anticipate what I will want and where I will be, and I budget and rearrange my calories (sodium, protien, fat ect...) around those circumstances. It has been very helpful so far :)

  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    Oops, double post!

  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    i use my cell phone app & log before i eat or drink anything so i'm conscious of what i'm eating & make better decisions :o)

    DEFINITELY use the app if you have a smartphone! It's a major help to be able to log food on the go. :)
  • blueocean52811
    blueocean52811 Posts: 83 Member
    I did do WW several times before and did well on it when I stuck to the program, but I could not afford it any more and the meeting I went to moved further away. I have to say this site is just like WW, but it's FREE!!! Instead of counting points you just count calories. I just finished my first week yesterday and lost 6.6lbs. Plus I like all the support here, I think it is better than WW. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will help you out any way I can.
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    I tried the online weight watchers last month for like a week. And then I cancelled my subcription. lol. I like MFP a lot better because you are getting daily support from real life people who are the friends that you added. And WW doesn't offer that on there website. But the cool thing about ww is that you can sign up for a local meeting place and get face to face support. I believe the meetings are once a week, and you weigh in during those meetings.
    To me this site is the best out there! But that's just my opinion. :)
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I think if you have no idea where to start - how to put decent balanced meals together, WW or Jenny Craig gives you more ideas how to get going......if you already understand what healthy eating looks like, and need a place to track your food - and find wonderful support- MFP is the place to be.....
  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I have never tried WW, but a friend of mine has tried it and he hasn't stuck to it (wasting his money). I have been using MFP for a month now, and I love it. At first the thought of recording my meals had me not wanting to do this, but its really not hard, and i opened my eyes to what I was feeding my body on a daily basis - plus having the app on my phone makes it so much easier. I love all the nice people who are on a journey to change their lives like me, I love all the supporting, inspirational, motivating people I've met here - at no cost. I wouldn't trade MFP for anything.

    Oh yea.. instead of reaching for the candy bowl try chewing some gum (thats what helps me)!!

    Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • mamaredhead
    mamaredhead Posts: 112
    After I've seen a friend of mine lose and gain weight WITH WW I decided to never try that. She was motivated as long as she was feeling fine and now that things are getting harder she just jumped off the train and now has nothing to keep her going.

    This thing here keeps my mind set on healthy eating all the time, which has never been a problem for me, but I guess I just had too much of the "good stuff" ;-) Now I want to be able to honestly log my food (sick of making excuses!!!), look good and be proud of the comments I get from my "friends" here. I've been active for only like three weeks and already lost a couple of kilos only by watching my food. The food-logs of others are a cool way of inspiring myself and getting new ideas about what to eat and how to spread everything over the day. After that time I can already estimate how many calories this and that would be "worth" and I'm summing it up over the day to log it when I come home at night. (My mobile phone doesn't want to download the app, it's too OLD, hahaha!)

    Everything just seems right for me here -- best thing is it's free.
    Have fun on your journey to your new self!
  • In my opinion WW is easier for me because you don't have to count your fruits/veggies as to where on MFP you do.. So that banana I eat as a snack .. I have to count that 100 calories.. I feel a lot more hungry on MFP but I'll adjust (i'm only a week and a half in).
  • StephLop
    StephLop Posts: 20
    Wow...so impressed with all the posts. Thanks for all the advice guys! MFP worked for me for awhile and then I stopped logging... right back where I started now. I am now super inspried. Thank you guys so much! :flowerforyou:
  • kathyaslade
    kathyaslade Posts: 22 Member
    Weight Watchers did not work for me!
  • kathyaslade
    kathyaslade Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome, for you! I am frustrated I am 5 foot three and 185.5. I Lost a few lbs on this site do everything right even work out about four hours a week no loss. What has been your secret?