How many more pounds/kg/stone do you have left until your goal?!



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    I hit my first goal mid-June.

    I had a range I wanted to be in by the end of September, and I'm within that range now, so I'm working toward the bottom end of that range which is about 1.5 kg away.

    And then by the end of October, I'd like to drop another 2-4 kg.

    I'll reassess again at that point, but I probably don't want to go any lower than about 5 kg from what I am now.

  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    48 more lbs to go. But depending on how I see myself, I may add on an extra 10-15 lbs
  • dwasson56
    dwasson56 Posts: 15 Member
    34 down and 34 to go. I started in June and I'm halfway there. Good luck to everyone!
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    My goal right now is 150. I've basically been the same size for as long as I can remember, so I'm going to see how I look there. It's just outside of my "healthy" range. I just started losing weight in August, and have 42lbs to go.
  • miggy1970
    miggy1970 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm sorry I'm a stones n lbs girl, but I started at 17st 8lb I weighed myself yesterday and I'm currently 15st 9lb, 27lb so far( I think
  • miggy1970
    miggy1970 Posts: 18 Member
    KymmyJoy wrote: »
    5kg would be a great benchmark for me though last time I was there I had a lot more muscle.

    Any supportive friends appreciated. My wall is so quiet now :(

    In that case I shall add you
  • Verivus
    Verivus Posts: 16 Member
    edited September 2015
    8 lbs down, 25 to go. Stated in mid-July.
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    I'm down about 11-12 pounds, and still have 50 or so to go, at which point I will re-evaluate. Such a pain in the *kitten*. I'm not usually impatient, but I am both pissed I regained (~40 lbs), and excited to look good again.

    I also just want to get my wardrobe back. So many nice clothes in sizes that are just out of reach. And those are sizes I won't likely get too small for (medium shirts are too short and not broad enough in the shoulders, and I can't see me going below size 33 pants at 6'3").
  • bonofication
    bonofication Posts: 9 Member
    About 25 to go now since I gained weight over the summer. Before the summer I needed to only lose 17 more and I would've reached my goal. SIGH.
  • mcmorrow33
    mcmorrow33 Posts: 34 Member
    I started at 196, down to 176 now :) my goal is 166 so not too far to go!! Feel free to add me :D
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    Nalotaib wrote: »
    About 25 to go now since I gained weight over the summer. Before the summer I needed to only lose 17 more and I would've reached my goal. SIGH.

    You can get back on track!! You got this :)
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    15 lbs. down, 1 lb. to go.

    WOWW you're so close!! Amazing!