Weight loss is slowing down

Hiya ,

Just wanted to start Off a thread about weight loss slowing right down .. I've lost 5 stones ( 70lbs) took me about a year and a half to lose it and have put on a stone in the last year (easily done !) any way any body lost a lot of weight and now struggling to lose the weight? I'm at the gym about 4 times a week but don't seem to be getting any where weigh loss wise !


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    First of all, a huge congratulations for your amazing weight loss so far :] Seriously good work!

    Are you weighing your food? I say this because I have just started weighing food and was SO shocked at how much I was under-estimating my calories by. Some days it added up to around 300 that I'd MISSED just because of incorrect weights etc. This could be a vital role in your lack of weight loss - so I just want to suggest that first of all.

    You look fantastic in your profile picture!
  • Rosebud2411
    Rosebud2411 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi PinkPixiexox, thanks for the reply ! :)

    I have been noting down everything I'm eating and no I haven't tried weighing my food .. But I might give it a go never really though about it !
    My mums trying to get me to go to slimming world .. But I begrudge paying somebody each week to tell me whether I have lost weight as I know I CAN do it it's just getting harder now for me. Christmas is around the corner and I know it's going to be bloody hard haha.. Do you calorie count and weigh the food aswell? I get confused about "low fat / fat free yogurts-foods " etc as they have hidden sugars in.

  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    edited September 2015
    rosebird wrote: »
    Hiya ,

    Just wanted to start Off a thread about weight loss slowing right down .. I've lost 5 stones ( 70lbs) took me about a year and a half to lose it and have put on a stone in the last year (easily done !) any way any body lost a lot of weight and now struggling to lose the weight? I'm at the gym about 4 times a week but don't seem to be getting any where weigh loss wise !

    Hi there,

    First of all, 5 stone in a year is a huge accomplishment so a very big congratulations to you.

    Secondly, do you track your macro nutrients? As you're now at a much lower weight than you started, it's going to be far more important now that you track your calories from the appropriate macro nutrients. If you haven't done this, head over to: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ . This will give you an excellent starting point on the sort of macro nutrients you should be consuming daily in order to lose body fat.

    Third, what is your exercise regime? I'm sorry to be sexist but I'm going to assume that because you're a female and a beginner you're doing cardio only. Although this is a good start, it will be highly beneficial for you to incorporate some kind of weight training into your regime. Not only does building muscle burn calories, but also gets rid of that "skinny-fat" look that some people go on about. If you're a newbie to weight training, head over to http://bodybuilding.com - You can find plenty of free work out plans there, so you're right; you don't need to pay someone to tell you how to lose weight, everything is free online.

    Lastly, DO NOT MAKE WEIGHT LOSS YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. A better measurement of your progress is by taking progress pictures and noting down your body measurements. You can lose body fat, but the scales will remain the same. I would say this is far more beneficial to you now rather than relying on the scale.

    Feel free to add me or send me a personal message if you have any more questions.

    Good luck to you and the rest of your journey! :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    Get a food scale , weigh everything, log it here accurately.
    As you already know ( because you've lost weight before ) that weight loss comes down to cico. If your not losing, then your not at a deficit.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    rosebird wrote: »
    Hi PinkPixiexox, thanks for the reply ! :)

    I have been noting down everything I'm eating and no I haven't tried weighing my food .. But I might give it a go never really though about it !
    My mums trying to get me to go to slimming world .. But I begrudge paying somebody each week to tell me whether I have lost weight as I know I CAN do it it's just getting harder now for me. Christmas is around the corner and I know it's going to be bloody hard haha.. Do you calorie count and weigh the food aswell? I get confused about "low fat / fat free yogurts-foods " etc as they have hidden sugars in.

    You certainly don't need slimming world or any other group that asks for payment - I used to do Weight Watchers and whilst I did lose weight, I quickly realised I could do this without paying out every month and I am still continuing to lose (and I'm a lot happier too). I count calories and weigh my food - it's fantastic. Don't worry about 'what' you are eating, it really is the calories that matter. I can sit and eat a donut after my dinner if I want - it doesn't make any difference as long as I count it! So you can by all means have 'low fat' yoghurts, as long as you are counting calories! :D