Thyroid- hypo and hyper!

Pita0224 Posts: 23 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone,

So I'm not new to this site, however I'm back for probably my 5th time starting over. I'm 5'6 and weigh 220. After having my daughter 9 months ago my thyroid problems started, although now that I have been diagnosed with Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism) my life makes sense. The only thing is, that with levels so elevated that the doctor feared I was going to have a thyroid storm, I still did not lose weight. People with hyperthyroidism are notorious for losing weight... not me. And now I have undergone the radioactive iodine treatment d/t the cardiac and emotional implications that Graves was causing me, that did not work. I now take methimazole 10mg twice daily to try to destroy my thyroid that way. I go next week to find out the results, however I can feel it all over my body that I am now hypo. Hypo and Hyper, I am constantly nauseated, taking zofran frequently to control this. I have also been watching my calories for a few weeks now, although only documenting on here in the past week and adding workouts as well. My weight is slowly decreasing like I would expect, however a few weeks ago I put on 10 pounds in a few days, so I assume I'm just losing that weight that came on so rapdily and that it likely would have been lost regardless (has happened since my thyroid problems began). I'm terrified that if I couldn't lose weight being hyper, will I ever be able to lose this weight hypo? The other day I showed coworkers pictures of me only 4 years ago at my wedding and they did not recognize the beautiful size 8 me. I don't either. I'm looking for some inspiration and to find some great friends on here that know what I'm going through or those that are willing to just offer weekly inspiration. Nice to meet everyone!


  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, aka Autoimmune hypothyroidism. I can also swing to hyper & feel the same, plus no weight loss. It's a balancing act to get your thyroid levels under control. And since you are undergoing treatment to kill the gland, this could take a lot longer. I'm sorry you have to go through that. But there's hope at the end of the tunnel. Eventually your levels will even out. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle now will pay off later. It's taken me a few years since I got diagnosed to get myself under control. Mainly because I didn't understand the disease, I ate horribly & never exercised. Now I am using MFP to track my diet & I do cardio an hour a day. I've lost 7 pounds. At my heaviest I was 225 which was 6-7 years ago. I am under 170 now. Long slow journey to get to the 170 range because I didn't work that hard at it. My point is, if you stick with your regimen & stay on top of your medical treatments I have no doubt that you will succeed. Hypothyroidism is not a permanent roadblock to weight loss. Hang in there. I'm sure over time things will get better! :flowerforyou:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    you need to really analyze on nutrients--check out the site which goes way more specific. i have used it during plateaus to help me figure out what was doing wrong. Went trhu a thyroid scare a few years back and i know it's a long haul. i will be rooting for you--people don't realize what a juggling act it is--like the old plate spinning routine where the guy runs around to keep 50 or so plates spinning on sticks all at the same time...

    and don't be afraid to grill your docs. sorry but i'm paying them so they work for me and i ask questions until i get something that improves my quality of life, lessens pain, and i can fit into my daily routine without feeling it runs me. there'll be bad days but come on, vent and we will listen. Good luck!
  • Hi Pita! I totally understand what you are going through. While I do not have Graves, I do have Hashimotos and can also swing hyper. A few years ago I was dealing with my thyroid in hyper mode AND adrenal fatique. I belive this was brought on my working too much, crash dieting and exercising too much, I was extremely underweight (yes, WITH Hashimotos) and running myself ragged. I was so sick I had to quit working. I had trouble sleeping, eating, just functioning. I found a wonderful holistic that I worked with for three months every day, I made some changes and got well again. Since then I have tried to take better care of myself, I started working part-time instead of 7 days a week, doing yoga, I quit smoking, and started eating more regularly. I also quit eating wheat/gluten and I eat very little or no refined sugar or processed food, and no fried or fast food. I think this is very important. When I first started on Levoxyl, I was at .88mcg, then 100, then 112 -- guess what? I have started to go back the other way now, I went from 112, to 100 and back to .88 in the past 6 months. And it's not a radical swing to hyper this time, I believe my thyroid is getting better due to yoga and diet.

    I believe it is possible to maintain a healthy weight with Hypothyroidism, but it does take work, epscially the older you get (gee willikers, throw 40 into the mix and it's a definite challenge!). You really have to be on top of making sure your labs are getting checked every few months. You can't rely on the doctors to remember. Lots of people end up stuck on the wrong dose because of this.

    I am healthy now, yes I would like to take off the extra 5-10 pounds I put on getting healthy, but most important is to be healthy. I still have bad haibts, skipping meals, going full speed sometimes, but I'm much better and this site is such a help for balancing everything out.

  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    I'm going thru this now. I just found out I too was hyperthyroid after 20 plus years of being hypo. I too couldn't loose weight was gaining after running 6 miles a day and doing kettlebell workouts for an hour a day ,six days a week. I asked for a thyroid blood test thinking I had too be HYPO. The shock to hear I was severely HYPER and Was in the 15% of patients that GAIN instead of loose with this disease. I'm starting tests this week I have to wait for synthroid to be out of my system for three weeks before uptake scan. I have been killing myself trying to get off the 15 pounds I suddenly gained a year ago.What other tests and treatment do I have to look forward to? I'd kill for a good nights sleep and to be cool instead of hot the only thing the Drs. say they can do for now is meds to sleep and nausea. Any advice would help.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    We should start a Thyroid forum lol. Hello all. I'm new to this site, just started today on my phone and I absolutely love it. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2006. Thyroid treatment was done in the beginning of 2007, almost exactly 4 years ago. The Dr's have yet to get my numbers under control. I've only been hypo a few times, I'm always usually hyper and yes in that percentage of always gaining weight. I'm at the heaviest now I have ever been and it's gotten to the point where I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I'm 5'9" and weigh 250. A year ago I weighed 220 and I was even hitting the gym every day for 2 hours. Anyhow, I can tell it's taking a toll on my body. My knees have always been bad, but I can tell they're getting worse. Anyhow, I've tried diets and working out before, but I always give up when I see no results. So given yes I've spent the last year pretty much eating what I want (not too bad though) and sitting on my *kitten* cause I had this total F it attitude, nothing was gonna change, so why bother. This year I feel different, I have this confidence feeling that this is the year, I can do it. I started changing my eating habits last week and drinking more water. Tomorrow I will be going to step foot into curves to see how I like it and if I can afford it.
  • ArleneAB
    ArleneAB Posts: 1
    Wow, this is great to find others who have what I have been going through. Not too many people I know have heard of it and the info seemed to be confusing and the first specialist was not too informative, the endocrinologist was ok, but hard to get into to see and a long time between visits. I had been underactive since 2001 that is in my family history, then it starts to change and go up then over active, confusing. The first specialist informed me that I was his second patient to have this "problem"; he did not know what it was. My weight has been a problem for a long time, I felt like I was yo-yoing losing and gaining every few years. A few years ago, I decided to be heavy but healthy, not happy any more with that, need to loose some weight. Started in January I started with a few friends to watch what I have been eating, just found this site this week :) I have managed to loose some weight at first and then struggled but seem to be loosing again. The doctor has stopped all the meds for my thyroid since the beginning of March, my latest blood work has me at the high end of normal. I will have it tested again next week for the specialist, before my followup appointment in early May. Looking for support and happy to have found others who know what thyroid issues are about.
  • Hi Everyone I'm new here! I am excited to find an updated forum from this year finally that I can maybe find some support. Im 25 and was working out like crazy and dieting low carb like a total nut and gaining about a 1/2 lb a day running two miles a day. ahh I have always been able to be at a healthy weighor at least lose weight t as long as I was workingout and eating healthy and this was sooo frustrating to me. I figured I had to be hypo. Sure enough I was Hyper instead and panicking bc they said they need to slow my heart rate down. I was certain I would gain more weight since I am already in the lucky 15% of ppl who gain being hyper. I started on methimazole or however you spell that three days ago, I am losing about 3/4 of a lb a day. This is seriously crazy, I'm glad but here is the thing. I am extremely worried that in 6 weeks when the medicine actually kicks in I am going to blow up. I have cried everyday and am having some serious depression bc I am getting married in 6 weeks in a tropical location and already have the dress fitted and everything. I have to go on a honeymoon with my fiance and wear next to to nothing and feel like crap. Please help! If i lost the few lbs going back to my normal weight, will I start gaining when the methimazole kicks in ? How long until I will see the gain? I hope it waits till after the wedding, I am in panick mode right now. Also my heart rate is still high? I am watching what I eat very very closely and excersing with a trainer while monitoring my heart rate. I don't think the methimazole is working yet bc my heart rate goes back and forth in the range of 92 - 110 beats per minute. High Thank you for you help!
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I am hypothyroid, and struggle to lose weight. I would love to help others and get help losing this weight....
  • Hey I am in the same boat! almost.. but im hyper and gaining,
    Lets do it together! I weight the same as you and have the same goal! Lets do it
  • I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism last year after about 5 years of ill health and gradual weight gain. I was put on Levothyroxine but still wasn't losing weight. I have since started Cambridge Weight Plan and 3 fitness classes per week and have lost the weight I gained over the past 5 years. I feel so much better since taking the meds!
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