Battling hypothothyroid, want to lose 60 pounds!

I'm battling my hypothyroidism and it's hard to lose weight. Still trying to find my right dosage/medication for my thyroid so it's a struggle. I started at 203, lost 10 pounds, but want to be a healthy 135-145. Anyone else here with similar goals? Would like a friend with similar goals to help stay motivated :smiley:


  • crpoll5
    crpoll5 Posts: 105 Member
    I also suffer from thyroid crap. I quit using this site about a year ago and gained all my pounds back. I realize I need MFP or I fail. Looking for some new best friends to help me get back to where I was at before I started drinking Pepsi and eating Doritos again. I promise I will be very active. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    CoJak0810 wrote: »
    I'm battling my hypothyroidism and it's hard to lose weight. Still trying to find my right dosage/medication for my thyroid so it's a struggle. I started at 203, lost 10 pounds, but want to be a healthy 135-145. Anyone else here with similar goals? Would like a friend with similar goals to help stay motivated :smiley:

    I have no thyroid due to cancer and started two years ago at 217 pounds. I am well adjusted with my meds ( and I take high doses, plus cortisone for my RA ) and have lost 65 plus pounds. It was not a struggle, but I needed to develop a lot of patience, because I am aiming for about.5 pounds a week, which means that things are slow. I am confident to lose another 35 or so pounds, which would get me to about 115 pounds which is in the high normal range for me ( I am under 5 feet tall).
    Hang in there and success will be yours.....but most of all, get your meds well adjusted.
    Good Luck !

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It takes a while to find the right dosage and even then, it changes. Keep your appointments at the endo! You'll get there eventually.

    I don't have a thyroid and have lost 92 pounds. Hang in there! It can be done. :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I find if I find a diet that works for me, I can lose weight well. For me, that was a "clean diet" where I ate no added sugars or processed baked goods (in hindsight, it was probably low carb), and now I follow a LCHF ketogenic diet. Both diets cut my appetite and cravings.

    In the past I naively stopped my diet when I approached my goal weight and the weight came back (big shocker). I now know that it can't be stopped. Eating this way is like a medication to me, it helps my well being as much as my natural desiccated thyroid does. I'm not likely to stop either.

    If you find a WOE that works for you, weight loss will come. JMO.

    Good luck!
  • Amillionsparkles
    Amillionsparkles Posts: 41 Member
    I suffer from hypothyroidism and i recently discovered it after trying too hard. Symptoms include: Sleeping a LOT. lazy. depressed. unproductive regardless the immense effort. i hope its gone and without mfp i'm just not careful enough about my foods... i want to lose 30 pounds if possible. that would be a dream and i need it a reality.. ahhh!
    I heard to reverse it you can cut gluten, dairy, and sugars.. basically follow a paleo diet eating fresh foods, instead of being on meds. Goodluck feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • specialkron
    specialkron Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my goodness! I'm hypothyroid too and I am 238 pounds at the moment, looking to lose 70 because I know that my happy weight is 170 which seems high, but I think I look good there! I've been on this roller coaster of losing weight and gaining it for a really long time I actually was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 13 and ever since have gone on diet after diet trying to banish my huge belly.
    I've been on Armour steadily at 90, and it still doesn't help too much. I've noticed that for me (especially since I do have Hashimoto's) going gluten free is a must otherwise I bloat and look like I'm 20 months pregnant.
    But anyway! I'm looking to get back on the boat and start losing weight and would love some friends! :)
  • TedsAngel
    TedsAngel Posts: 3 Member
    Hypothyroid also..Just getting back on here. This site is really the only thing that helped me
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Hypothyroid, fairly severely, but well controlled now with levothyroxine at 175mcg. (Also menopausal, which many also seem to consider a barrier).

    Have lost 41 pounds since mid-April, maybe 15 more to go. How? Calories in < calories out.

    IMO there are no magic foods or eating plans, just find what's sustainable for you, commit to it, and track consistently and accurately.

    You can do this.
  • 1stgardengirl
    1stgardengirl Posts: 34 Member
    I've been hypothyroid for 30 years. Was a skinny kid, a slender teen and adult, even after my kids were born weighed 116 - until Hashimoto's kicked in. Gained huge amount of weight in a few months before being diagnosed. It's been a long and bumpy struggle ever since. Sometimes my meds/diet, exercise combo works and I lose for awhile, then suddenly I start to gain. Now I'm at 223 and working hard again to find the right combo so the diet and exercise has a chance to work. It takes a lot of patience and work with endocrinologist to get the meds at the right dosage, even though now, there is not much left of my thyroid, due to the years of damage. From what I have been reading, gluten can be a problem for many people with this problem, and a gluten-free diet could be beneficial for those people. Makes sense, since celiac disease and Hashimoto's are both auto-immune diseases. I've cut gluten almost completely out, and tend toward more protein and veges. Losing slowly, but, so far, not doing too badly. Exercise really helps.