Looking for friends who have more than 70 pounds to lose.



  • chris101002
    I found out a year ago that I became Diabetic. Crazy thing, is that my DR told me I was just barely over the "limit". So, in my mind I did not feel like I was at risk. I just took my pill everyday and that was it. Well, I was wrong. My Diabetes is under control BUT, I am just so tired of being "the big girl" I am 240 and it is starting to wear my body down. I am not getting any younger and it is harder to loose weight now. My goal is to loose between 80-90 lbs by next summer. I would love to make friends with other people who are in the same boat as well.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I'd like to share the boat with you guys. I am more determined than ever right now - but who knows what tomorrow will feel like? And the people in my real life who said they'd help keep me accountable bailed about 10 pounds back.

    You guys were talking about sleep apnea - I was never diagnosed but my husband complained about my pausing then panting and flopping around the bed, which has recently quit right around the 205 mark. I used to feel like a cat was sleeping on my chest if I laid on my back and that has gone away too :) It's my favorite benefit from the weight loss so far.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    You can add me if you like. I started at around 295-300 in late Jan. Now down to 244. Still have about 45-60 lbs to go.
  • TripMom
    TripMom Posts: 102 Member
    I have over 80 pounds to lose. Been doing MFP for almost a month now. It is great. I know sometimes the WTGs sound forced, but they do help me. Sometimes we all get busy and don't have time to write much. I appreciate it all! I would love to be friends with all who want to lose weight and be healthy. Feel free to add me. I've done all the diets there are out there.
    I really need to go to the doctor for some "check ups" too, but want to lose some weight too before I see them...doesn't that sound so dumb!?!

    Let's do this together and be healthy together!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    My original goal was to lose112. I have lost 42.8 pounds since February 28th. So I have 69.4 left to go to hit my first goal. I started out walking....and started adding in intervals and did my first 5km last night in 40:01. My next race is July 1st (canada day!!!) and I hope to be under 39 minutes. :)

    Friend me if you like....If I can do it...anyone can!
  • Mama2CeceliaLogan
    I have lost 26lbs, I am sitting at 203 and I want to get down to 130, so 73lbs to go. I am 5'4 and definitely have an apple shape right now. I did weight watchers in Jan/Feb/Mar, but I didn't really stick with it after the first 6 weeks or so. I got tired of counting the points and trying to figure out what the points value of food is. Plus there is no actual weight watchers where I live, I think I would have liked the meetings. So far I love MFP. I would love to be part of a group that holds each other accountable.
    I have plantar faciitis and that has prevented me from doing my workout videos. I was working out pretty much every day in Jan/feb, but then my foot just got worse and worse. I do have an awesome treadmill just sitting in my basement that I need to dig out, because I should try just walking and seeing how that feels.
    My biggest problem with food is emotional. I eat when I am bored or depressed. I was pretty depressed when we moved to Red Lake and I went from 215 to 229. My other problem is that I am not good at meal planning! We seem to eat the same few meals over and over. I wish someone would just tell me what to make for supper! Right now I feel motivated to lose the weight and get healthy, and I need to keep this motivation going. I don't want my daughter and son to grow up and make bad food choices too. My parents were both always thin and I think we ate pretty healthy as kids, but I never learned how to eat healthy until I was already overweight. I also had a lot of depression as a teenager and put on some weight then.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    I really did not think when I started this forum I was going to get much response, but all of you are very wonderful. Every one of you in your own way is very inspiring to me. I too was on Depo birth control and gained some weight because of it, but I won't blame it all on that. I was always back and forth with my weight. Let's face it.. as I got older I stopped being so active. I became self absorbed in boys and working and that was it. Grabbing a burger at In-N-Out was much for convenient than trying to cook something (Plus it tasted better) LOL.

    As I say on my profile -- I was the girl who looked in the mirror and said, "You know you could lose some weight but you're not THAT bad." Really, I was though. I don't know who I was kidding. People all the time would tell me I looked 50 pounds less than I was so I just figured I was alright, even though the number on the scale said something differently.

    I haven't been to a doctor in over a year but the last time I went they took my blood and my blood sugar was fine. I don't believe I am diabetic, but I'm going to go to a clinic soon to check. I don't have health insurance and I believe I have sleep apnea so I'm fighting hard to lose the weight to be better. Anyways, if you are serious about wanting a friend to motivate and want to be on a more personal level, add me. I was just adding people left and right but now I've realize I only want friends who motivate me and whom I motivate in return. It's those friends who make the fight even that much better (=