Tell me your weekly workout schedule



  • crpoll5
    crpoll5 Posts: 105 Member
    I am a 48 male and I have been skinny most of my life until I got a desk job. Now I am skinny fat and want to start lifting weights to slim down and also gain muscle. I have no idea where to start so I am looking for some help to get me going correctly. Looking for some kind of routine. Help Please!!!
  • lei82
    lei82 Posts: 20 Member
    A good beginner routine is stronglifts 5x5. There are some good routines on, it also has an index which shows you all the lifts, form and muscle groups with pictures and videos, it's worth a read.
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    crpoll5 wrote: »
    I am a 48 male and I have been skinny most of my life until I got a desk job. Now I am skinny fat and want to start lifting weights to slim down and also gain muscle. I have no idea where to start so I am looking for some help to get me going correctly. Looking for some kind of routine. Help Please!!!

    Go over to and look up Allpro, or Fierce 5. Following either of those will get you well on your way. Get your nutrition on point, that is the first thing above all others though. Good luck.

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    • Mon - Rest
    • Tues. - Max Effort Lower (squat variation or deadlift variation for max effort single at 9-10 RPE, 3x5 or 5x3 back off sets at 80%, weak assistance work)
    • Wed - Off/Assistance Work (back, traps, biceps, etc
    • Thurs - Max Effort Upper (bench variation for max effort single at 9-10 RPE, 3x5 or 5x3 back off sets at 80%, weak point assistance work
    • Friday - Off/Assistance Work (back, traps, biceps, etc)
    • Saturday - Dynamic Effort Lower (low bar squats in weekly waves of 10x2 @ 75%, 8x2 @ 80%, 6x2 @ 85%, Speed Deads at 10x1 @ 70%, 8x1 @ 75%, 6x1 @ 80%, weak point assistance work)
    • Sunday - Dynamic Effort Upper (BB Bench in weekly waves of 10x2 @ 75%, 8x2 @ 80%, 6x2 @ 85%, weak point assistance work & additional assistance work.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Finally slowly gettin into more balanced programming. Bench Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday. Light squats/deads Tuesday and Thursday.
  • LiveLoveLift48
    LiveLoveLift48 Posts: 379 Member
    I hit chest, back , shoulders, and triceps and biceps once a week with no rest supersets.....i do legs twice a hard heavy day and one unilateral day.....core i work with every workout......cardio very little.....only a 20 min recovery walk while i drink my shake mainly.
  • wtaylor790
    wtaylor790 Posts: 1 Member
    I go to club 16 three times a week monday Wednesday and Fridays I do a upper and mid body with cardio
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    Monday - PT session
    Monday - LBT class
    Tuesday - weights workout A (full body)
    Tuesday - yoga
    Wednesday - weights workout B (full body)
    Wednesday - yoga (maybe)
    Thursday - weights workout A
    Friday - single compound lift focus
    Friday - yoga (or the pub)
    Saturday - weights workout A or B (whichever takes my fancy)
    Sunday - go for a walk with the family and the dog!
  • misspancakes
    misspancakes Posts: 96 Member
    Monday - PT session
    Monday - LBT class
    Tuesday - weights workout A (full body)
    Tuesday - yoga
    Wednesday - weights workout B (full body)
    Wednesday - yoga (maybe)
    Thursday - weights workout A
    Friday - single compound lift focus
    Friday - yoga (or the pub)
    Saturday - weights workout A or B (whichever takes my fancy)
    Sunday - go for a walk with the family and the dog!

    LOL.. I like that one - yoga - or at the pub.. that's where you will find me haha.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    My workouts are all class based which I prefer as I have more motivation in a group.

    Mon: Bodycombat & CXWORX
    Tues: Yoga
    Weds: GRIT Plyo,strentgh or cardio
    Thurs: Kettlebell Class
    Fri: Spinning
    Sat & Sun: Rest days
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    running 3 x a week, and I pretend I'm going to do some yoga & strength training 2x a week, but I never do!

    10 points for honesty from the Canadian judge.

    I'm much in the same boat, most weeks 5 or 6 days running. The body weight work I do in comparison isn't worth talking about.
  • ghoti_fish
    ghoti_fish Posts: 63 Member
    Monday - chest
    Tuesday - back and arms
    Thursday -shoulders
    Friday - am is legs day, pm is cardio
    Saturday - rest
    Sunday -swim

    Friday is a killer
  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    I Rollerblade 13- 20 miles before work 6 days a week and go on runs and walks at work throughout the day.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm on a Split / Hypertrophy Routine.

    Train each muscle group twice per week (or every 3-4 days on average).

    To keep the routine flexible, don't assign workouts to specific days of the week. Rather, rotate through Days 1/4, Days 2/5 and Days 3/6 workouts regardless of what day of the week it happens to be. If you performed a Days 2/5 workout the last time you were in the gym, you should perform a Days 3/6 workout the next time you're in the gym.


    6 days week / total workout

    Days 1/4: Upper back, rear delts, biceps (reverse flyes, pulldowns, preacher curls, any type of row, etc.)
    Days 2/5: Chest, front delts, triceps (Wide grip, incline, and decline bench press, flyes, rope pressdowns, etc.)
    Days 3/6: Thighs, lower back, obliques (front squats, Romanian deadlifts, weighted side dips, back extensions, leg curls & extensions, etc.)

    *Proper form is more important than lifting heavy, but lift as heavy as you can for 8-15 reps. DO YOUR RESEARCH. There are YouTube videos on proper form.*

    Stretch!!! Then, 1-2 warm-up sets with light weight (15-30 reps), then concentrate on 2-4 work sets which are 8-15 reps for most exercises, for a total of 30-50 reps including all sets. Abs & Calves get 15-30 reps per set for a total of 60-100 reps for all sets.

    *Side delts, calves, and abs can be trained daily. These muscle groups respond exceptionally well to high frequency training. Cardio is not necessary if you are lifting with moderate intensity, but 1-3 miles tops, at high intensity is always good for heart health.

    Rest days are taken whenever you feel as though you need one, just pick up from where you left off. For every 3 weeks on, take 1 week of complete rest to de-load. Then, start the routine where you left off.

    Exercise & Muscle Directory


    Protein: 0.60 to 0.80 grams per pound of bodyweight (or target/ideal weight in the obese) -- the highest amount justified by research. Consuming more than this is sort of a waste, unless you like spending money on pricy meat, or don't mind getting more from non-meat sources.

    Dietary Fat: 0.40-0.45 grams per pound of bodyweight (or target/ideal weight in the obese) -- the lowest amount implied by clinical observation. Maintainers and bulkers can (and should) consume much more than this. Consider TDEE, and if bulking, add 10-20% to TDEE to see what you are comfortable with. This is the most important macro when it comes to a bodybuilder's overall diet considering the high caloric load of more than double the other macros.

    Remaining caloric budget: whatever mix of macronutrients you prefer, notably a rich variety of nutritious whole foods, fruits, veggies, high fiber items, and healthy fats.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    running 3 x a week, and I pretend I'm going to do some yoga & strength training 2x a week, but I never do!

    Exactly this.