Weight Watchers vs. counting calories

ivansmomma Posts: 500
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have counted points for the past year and lost approximately 7 pounds. To compare calorie counting to "points" counting, I have been tracking both. According to WW points for today, I am over by 15 daily, yet I am still under my calorie count by 44. I know WW encourages more fruit and veggie consumption, but isn't a calorie still a calorie??? That's why I'm here, to come back to counting calories and see if it works better for me.


  • MrsRaia
    MrsRaia Posts: 18 Member
    I'm interested in seeing the answers on this. I've lost weight on both WW and using this.. I just would love to know the comparison of it and what people think. Altho- I have to say I was on WW before they changed their point system recently.
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    Yes, a calorie is a calorie. I don't know how WW figures out the amount you should have. I used to use WW several years ago and find counting calories on here much easier for me. I like that most foods are already in the data base. This just seems so straight forward. I have been on here since February and love it. Good luck with your counting!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I was on WW years ago with flex points, etc. I am using the Points Plus system, where the majority of fruits and veggies are 0 points. I have really tried the system, but I need to try something else and maybe my body will get a jolt to lose again.
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    I also tried weight watchers without much success. I would run out of points during the day and still be hungry. I have yet to use all of my calories since starting MFP. I am so full now and still manage to lose weight. I'm not sure what the difference is...but I like MFP much better. I am not feeling deprived and therefore I am less likely to fail!! Good luck to you!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I've done both. I actually left WW when I found MFP. I had the opposite experience as you though. I was close to the end of my calories, but I had almost half of my points left - Because of the "free" fruits and veggies.

    I've done far better on this than I did on WW. After doing MFP for a week, I cancelled WW.
  • i too used to do weight watchers and lost very quickly. but i just got tired of counting. if you do the new points plus system, you need to purchase the calculator. i like both, this is just easier for me. but i can't wait to see the answers as well!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    Yes, a calorie is a calorie. I don't know how WW figures out the amount you should have. I used to use WW several years ago and find counting calories on here much easier for me. I like that most foods are already in the data base. This just seems so straight forward. I have been on here since February and love it. Good luck with your counting!

    I do agree that it's a lot easier to find foods with MFP database.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    WW uses the energy and the saturated fat of a food to find its points, without taking into account sodium, protein, carbs, or any other nutrients. I personally enjoy counting calories more because I really think about the food compared to other foods. Yeah, they might be worth the same 'points', but what am i actually eating? I also don't like the 'free' foods - you can have as much McDonald's soft serve icecream as you like???
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    I did WW for quite awhile and lost 15 pounds in almost 9 months...i was not exercising at the time! Since starting MFP I have lost 31 pounds in 153 days!!! I love keeping track of my calories and now i am exercising alot and feel so much better!!!! I would rather keep track of my calories then keep track of points... MFP just makes it easy to do!!!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I started WW this year with the new power points program. I have lost 14 lbs. The diffference with WW power point is that all fruits and most veggies are free. They factor in fiber and how your body burns calories. I have done both, counting calories and WW, both can be successful if you are commited. For what it's worth my sister started WW at the beginning of the year and has lost 32 lbs. I have seen her struggle with ALL different weight loss programs and WW seems to be clicking for her body type.She loves it and it shows!

    Good Luck!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I use the old WW system and have a working knowledge of nutrition. I recommend a hybrid approach because you can become nutrient deficient using only weight watcher's point (previous program - no experience with current points plus system). I try to make sure I get enough (but not too much) protein, calcium, and vitamins and watch the sodium. I take nutritional supplements (vitamins, calcium) because I am sure that I do not always make good choices. I like weight watchers because it does ensure sufficient fiber intake and I drink a lot of water anyway. Additionally, I find a very lowfat diet extremely unsatisfying, so I like that I can eat somewhat higher fat foods without ruining my success. Also, the flex point setup allows me to party and not feel guilty and I like that. It works with me the way that I already am, does not require an entire lifestyle change. I am not a health nut, but I don't like being overweight so this is my solution. A hybrid approach is also good because you can make a boo-boo, go over your points, check your caloric intake on MFP and see, oh, wait, I didn't do that bad in terms of overall intake. I think the sense of success and being in a good state of mind is very important to losing weight. I admit I have a lot to accomplish in terms of exercise and changing to a low cholesterol overall healthier diet, but in terms of weight loss I have succeeded and I am proud of that accomplishment.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I should probably add that since November 4, 2011 I have lost 41 pounds.
  • spaztastic13
    spaztastic13 Posts: 229
    I did WW for two years and within the firsts 8 months i lost 60 pounds and i loved it the people in my meetings were like family...and then i couldnt afford to go anymore...and then got married had a baby and gained it all back plus some...so four years later i find MFP and im loving it but they both end up the same because your still counting what goes into your mouth...there both great to me!!!!!! Good luck
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Pretty much all of my weight loss was on Weight Watchers (not very much from the Points Plus plan though). It's a good program, but I just can't believe in "free" fruit, and frankly, I learned all I could from it. The thing is they act like they're encouraging more protein with the new Points Plus equation, but they're only encouraging foods that are balanced, but the thing is, what if you're eating a grain and a protein and a fat together? It doesn't give you any benefits. Also, they don't distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fats. I used to never eat enough dietary fat on Weight Watchers. It can be an excellent program, but calorie counting while eating HEALTHY foods is just as good in my book.
  • I lost 150 pounds on the old WW system. I have gained 40 lbs back because of falling into old habits. I started the new points plus plan right when it came out ang gained :-( I am actually eating more on MFP and losing! :-)
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I was on WW, but I got frustrated at the idea of converting everything to points for the rest of my life. Counting calories seems more livable to me. Then again, I lost about 14lbs on WW, however, I assume it was because I was eating the minimum points (and I think that was REALLY low).
  • rupicola
    rupicola Posts: 9
    I lost 25 kilos in 6 months with the old points system. I liked the idea of "free" fruit and vegetables (although I've always known 5 bananas aren't the same as 5 grapes). Over the years, I gained 10 kilos back, and that's why I'm here. I don't want to pay the WW anymore, but I thought their system suited me well. I never attended any meetings, did everything with their cd rom, so I know I can get motivated just counting on my own :)
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    thanks so much for all of the feedback. I know Weight Watchers will work for some people, as being on the different WW threads, it has been proven. For me, and so many of you who posted, I believe counting calories is the way to go. I, too, have ended my membership with them, effective July. With me, seeing the actual calories vs. points helps me to control better. Thanks again and best of luck with your weight journeys.
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