Running: how late is too late?



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    ishepelska wrote: »
    Or, maybe, any other situations where you see a runner and go "why on earth is he/she doing this"? :smirk:

    Yes, I think that about myself every day I run. :)

    but dog needs to run and so do i
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    THIS --> "i did have that reaction when I saw a runner running in the middle of the street during a snow storm last year. I mean, its one thing to be dedicated and get it in when you can fit it in, but it's another thing to be completely reckless about it." ditto.

    In New England, the snow banks were extremely high this past winter and driving conditions on unplowed roads were difficult enough to navigate for drivers. If you seemingly jump out from behind a snow bank into traffic on your winter run, please expect to get hit with no apology.

    I run at the high school track days/early eves/ & nights. It is well lit and very safe. I'm at the gym and on my treadmill in the basement in the winter. Run any time, but please stay off the roads. Be safe.

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I wear bright clothing during the day. I usually run at 4:30 AM but must admit that I am a bit lacking in reflective material. Shoes hat and arm band have reflective and some shirts. I always face traffic which is almost non existent at that hour. I am in a small town and stay on the sidewalk unless the road is very wide or a back road. My worst moment was this past weekend during the day. I was in Philadelphia suburbs and miss read the map when I headed out thinking I would be on the main road for only a short time. That turned into four miles on a tight curvy hilly road. By the time I thought this is stupid I could not turn back do to the urgent need to find a bathroom at the park I was heading to. I asked a ranger if there was a better way back but he said the only other way was just as bad. I headed back as it started to rain and started shaking my head thinking that I am a dumb *kitten*. That when the ranger pulled up and offered me a ride, Thank You!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    Run any time, but please stay off the roads.

    If I had to stay off the roads, I would NEVER be able to run. We have very limited options for trails/tracks here (and good lord, who the hell wants to do a 6+ mile run on a freaking track??). And dreadmills suck, lol (they actually cause hip/knee issues for me, because they force me to change my natural gait, so I won't use one).

    Share the road, please. :)

  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    gobonas99 wrote: »
    Run any time, but please stay off the roads.

    If I had to stay off the roads, I would NEVER be able to run. We have very limited options for trails/tracks here (and good lord, who the hell wants to do a 6+ mile run on a freaking track??). And dreadmills suck, lol (they actually cause hip/knee issues for me, because they force me to change my natural gait, so I won't use one).

    Share the road, please. :)

    Same here, plus the lack of sidewalks means I WILL be on the road.

  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    We don't get too many runners on the road with snow storms though as a driver it does make me a bit nervous. I'm always a bit concerned with what would happen if I lost control of the car but I have faith that those running in poor conditions are also being extra vigilant.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    No such thing as too late. Be well lit and go.

    In the winter most of my runs are in the dark... it doesn't much matter if it's 1800H or 0200H, it's dark. I'm well marked, carry a small flashlight (streets) or headlamp (trails), my dog has a flashing light on her - and off we go.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I prefer running in the dark at night. My neighborhood has lots of sidewalks and streetlights. I wear light colors but I'm not in the street so I don't worry too much about how much I'm seen.
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    I prefer early morning but not in the dark. ..not too safe the route I do so much happier if it's daylight. In the uk so 7 am is the earliest. ..last month it was 6am which was perfect! ! Happy running ☺
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    Of course, running in the dark is unavoidable when the sun goes down at 7, and that's when you get home. But if I see a runner after midnight, I cannot help but think it is odd to be running at such hour. No idea why, because I often feel like going for a run/walk late at night myself!
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I think it depends on where you live. I live in a dangerous neighbourhood so I don't run after dark (which makes running challenging in the winter)
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    I think it depends on where you live. I live in a dangerous neighbourhood so I don't run after dark (which makes running challenging in the winter)

    It could improve your speed.... :smiley:

    Jokes aside, that's quite sad. Treadmill?
  • advisingwench
    advisingwench Posts: 53 Member
    ishepelska wrote: »
    Is there a time of day/night that you find inappropriate for running outside?
    Or, maybe, any other situations where you see a runner and go "why on earth is he/she doing this"? :smirk:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the people who see me running while it's still dark out think I'm nuts. Don't care... I love going before work and since it's not even starting to get light until 6am these days, darkness and a headlamp it is =)
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    ishepelska wrote: »
    Is there a time of day/night that you find inappropriate for running outside?
    Or, maybe, any other situations where you see a runner and go "why on earth is he/she doing this"? :smirk:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the people who see me running while it's still dark out think I'm nuts. Don't care... I love going before work and since it's not even starting to get light until 6am these days, darkness and a headlamp it is =)
    I think running at sunrise is quite standard, as opposed to midnight. In my mind, all runners are early birds.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    ishepelska wrote: »
    Of course, running in the dark is unavoidable when the sun goes down at 7, and that's when you get home. But if I see a runner after midnight, I cannot help but think it is odd to be running at such hour. No idea why, because I often feel like going for a run/walk late at night myself!

    I think it's people that run at that time of night that started the slogan - run like you stole something!

    I've run a few times about 11pm and I've gotten a few odd looks.

    Normally afternoon or early evening feel the most comfortable for me.

    I have a friend that runs at 5am and they thrive on it - my brain doesn't even function at that time, let alone my legs.

  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    ishepelska wrote: »
    Is there a time of day/night that you find inappropriate for running outside?
    Or, maybe, any other situations where you see a runner and go "why on earth is he/she doing this"? :smirk:

    Saftey first. You MUST BE SEEN. Other than that, as long as you get your sleep, any time.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    ishepelska wrote: »
    ishepelska wrote: »
    Is there a time of day/night that you find inappropriate for running outside?
    Or, maybe, any other situations where you see a runner and go "why on earth is he/she doing this"? :smirk:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the people who see me running while it's still dark out think I'm nuts. Don't care... I love going before work and since it's not even starting to get light until 6am these days, darkness and a headlamp it is =)
    I think running at sunrise is quite standard, as opposed to midnight. In my mind, all runners are early birds.

    You're assuming that all people work a standard 8-5/9-6 day. Not all do. For some, midnight is their 7pm....or their 5am.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I LOVE running at night in the dark, but my husband isn't a fan of me doing it. I have a safe cycle path to run on (rather than road or sidewalk, so no traffic), but it can be uneven footing at times (tree roots underneath), and it's not lit. It parallels a forest with awesome trails, so it's all better in daylight. If I can go, I am lit up like a Christmas tree, vest, headlamp, ankle straps, blinky light on the back of my headlamp...
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited September 2015
    Incidentally when I run at night my second biggest concern after vehicle traffic is being hit from behind by a cyclist. There are a lot of bikes out here through all seasons. On side walks. On paths. Around the seawall. Coming at me. Scary! Boo!

    I have a low power light facing *backwards* behind me to avoid being crunched by someone coming up from behind and I find bikes give me a nice wide berth. Reflectors are not enough: there are plenty of cyclists that ride without lights (damn them all to heck) to light up my reflectors.
  • adnamalegna
    adnamalegna Posts: 203 Member
    I LOVE running at night- I used to go when I lived in town. But being a single mom, living in the country with only one lane county roads at my disposal... not so much! And predawn? Fahgetaboutit!! LOL I already have to be up at 5 M-F to get my son up and to practice by 6. My few sleep hours are precious! haha