How to deal with weight loss comments



  • DawnUrbanski
    DawnUrbanski Posts: 39 Member
    It will happen! My own mother didn't notice my weight loss until I hit 43 lbs lost.
  • AndrewP0621
    AndrewP0621 Posts: 97 Member
    To me there are 2 types of people that comment about weight loss. The first seem generally impressed and are happy and proud of your hard work. Those people usually ask questions about your diet and what you are doing and say good job. The second type are people I have found seem to be more judgemental I don't think it's on purpose but those people seem to think you have changed as a person some how. They usually ask questions like don't u feel better? I bet u feel younger? U must be so much happier? Now In theory yea losing weight and being healthy does make u feel better but it does not change whi u are, the way the question is posed it makes u feel like your old self was not great or not worthy. I don't know but sometimes I just don't want to talk about it and just move on.
  • irishdancer214
    irishdancer214 Posts: 108 Member
    Yes it is awkward...I never really know how to respond...but "Thank you!! I've been working hard!" Usually works... most people know I'm a dancer so I can usually move the conversation to dance competitions to avoid the awkwardness
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I have mixed feelings about it. I generally take the comments as the compliments they are intended to be. I thank the person and then quickly change the subject. I *know* I was morbidly obese and that I look incredibly different now, in a very good way, and I appreciate those that compliment the change and then move on. I only become bothered by the comments when they won't change the subject, or allow me to change the subject, and move on. I don't want to give weight loss advice to my friends and relatives and I certainly don't want to talk about their weight loss successes or failures, especially as compared to mine. My weight loss has been a very personal journey of education and self-discovery and I really don't want to talk about it in casual conversation. (Talking about it here on MFP is different - we are all here to help, support, share knowledge and strategies, be cheerleaders and/or tell someone to suck it up, when need be. :wink: )
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    patesq wrote: »
    I've lost 24.5 lbs and not one person has noticed. I wish they would because it would help me believe it's making a difference. I don't see any difference other than the number on the scale.

    How much you need to lose makes a big difference on when people really start to notice and comment. I didn't start getting comments until I was more than 50 pounds down. A 20 pound loss on my body when I started was not really noticeable, except to me, however a 20 pound loss on my body now would be extremely noticeable. It wasn't until then that it was really obvious that I was losing and the loss was intentional.
  • bsmith891
    bsmith891 Posts: 20 Member
    I usually take comments very well, and like hearing it, but I had a strange one the other day. Someone I hadn't seen in a while looked at me (in a crowded public place mind you) and said quite loudly "Oh my god! Did you take a 160 pound s***?". We had a good laugh.