
Hi there!

I've always had an issue with my weight, and always had the hesitance to make the necessary choices to loose it. Whether it was hesitation, a lack of information or confidence, I had always been the "fat kid".

Within the last few weeks this has changed. As an individual i've made the conscious decision to make the changes needed, and i've found I feel much more confident and happier with the lifestyle i've chosen. At the moment, i'm 19 years old and my last recorded weight was (16 st 11 lbs). I'm of rough average male height, though I cannot give the correct information for that.

Would it be possible to receive advice and/or feedback on getting to my 15 st goal by December?


You can take a lot at my diet for a closer analysis. But a short summary is making sure I have breakfast in the morning of either scrambled eggs on toast, or buttered toast. On the occasion porridge.

This is an area i'm less confident about. I do not consider myself indulgent, but it doesn't meant i've not had the occasional takeaway or a pot-noodle.


I've replaced sugary and fizzy drinks with just green tea, normal tea, water or orange juice. This is one area I feel i'm getting right. But if improvements can be made, please say.

I do sometimes drink alcoholic drinks, on a night out. But the frequency of nights out are usually twice a month. I'm either busy or do not have the money.

Every other day (monday, tuesday, wednesday) I got running either before lunchtime or after dinner. This would usually be a rough fifteen minute jog at a reasonable pace. And most days I would take the dog for walk if i'm not running, usually 45mins-1Hour.

Whilst on my summer break i'm not performing a great deal of movement in the meantime. I'm either laid on the bed or at my work desk, sitting down.

Where do I feel i'm going wrong? Sleeping habits.

Because i'm not doing a great amount, and being a fairly typical 'student' - my sleeping habits can be jumbled. I tried to get my maximum amount of eight hours. But sometimes I just can't sleep at night, which means I sleep through the day in small naps. At one point I feel asleep straight after having lunch.

What would I like?

Feedback. Anything to improve, increase and hasten my weight-loss to my desired goal. Anything that could increase my metabolism.

Thankyou! I realise reading all of this is tedious and vague, and more so if you decide to take a look at my food-diary.


  • hortensehildegarde
    First off, do not feel "tedious and vague" and as if you are not worthy of asking advice. You are as much worthy of asking as anyone else, that's what the boards are here for.

    My only other immediate thought is about the orange juice. Yes, it has nutritional value thus it is better than soda but it has a fair amount of calories. I'd recommend focusing on intaking things that make you feel full and not hungry. Calories are only worthwhile if they make you feel satiated, and the key to losing is feeling full with the least amount of calories possible.

    I'd also say to not worry about arbitrary goals of X amount of weight loss in a specific period of time. You are very young and have a lot of time to get to your desired physique. Don't set yourself up to feel like you failed if you don't get to a certain point by a particular time.

    I am a strong believer that in addition to finding foods that make you feel full for the lowest calories being regularly active is another key. It sounds like you are on the right track with this. The adage "eat less, move more" is powerful but really it's about eating less calories and moving more. You can actually eat more volume and still lose if you eat the right things. Find lower calorie things you love and incorporate those as a regular part of your diet instead of higher calorie things.

    Lastly remember it's a long term thing, and that's ok! Find ways to make it not feel like a punishment you are giving yourself and you'll do great.