Okay, so I'm sure a lot of people have experienced this..

Last night, I went out to dinner with a friend to a fancy pizza place I love, but havnt been to in months. I rarely go out for dinner so I told myself this would be my cheat meal. I hit the gym for cardio 4/5 times per week (45 mins a pop) and recently incorporated strength training workouts (YouTube videos - Yoga with Adriene, "Abs and arms" - i highly recommend!) and i stick to my daily calorie goals.

I intended on 2 slices of cheese pizza and a spinach and walnut salad.. but when it came to order, the salad became non existent and I ordered a whole cheese pizza (medium, thin crust).

Waking up this morning, I feel like crap. Dehydrated, bloated, ITCHY ( I've come out in mini hives!) - but most of all, I can't shake the feeling that I've set myself back a week of hard work.

Have I? What damage have I really done?


  • elos18
    elos18 Posts: 38 Member
    I ate a whole large pizza, garlic bread, a large Chinese takeaway over 2 days and more chocolates/popcorn than I should've/ have done for a long time over the course of this week. Weigh day today and I've still lost 2lbs. Not that I expect this will happen every week if I ate like this!

    Obviously, if you feel ill after then perhaps you shouldn't eat that/ much but there's nothing wrong with a treat! You went out with a friend, and had a good time! (Although admittedly felt rubbish after) you may not see the loss you expect this week, or whenever you weigh, but hasn't it happened to everyone that you have a perfect week and don't lose/ put on! It's life! Don't beat yourself up for living it :)
  • irishgal25
    irishgal25 Posts: 18 Member
    elos18 wrote: »
    I ate a whole large pizza, garlic bread, a large Chinese takeaway over 2 days and more chocolates/popcorn than I should've/ have done for a long time over the course of this week. Weigh day today and I've still lost 2lbs. Not that I expect this will happen every week if I ate like this!

    Obviously, if you feel ill after then perhaps you shouldn't eat that/ much but there's nothing wrong with a treat! You went out with a friend, and had a good time! (Although admittedly felt rubbish after) you may not see the loss you expect this week, or whenever you weigh, but hasn't it happened to everyone that you have a perfect week and don't lose/ put on! It's life! Don't beat yourself up for living it :)

    You are very very wise! Ha. That has really helped the guilt a bit.

    This is the graph I live by success-graph-demetri-martin-squiggly-line.png
  • elos18
    elos18 Posts: 38 Member
    irishgal25 wrote: »

    You are very very wise! Ha. That has really helped the guilt a bit.

    This is the graph I live by success-graph-demetri-martin-squiggly-line.png

    Anything I can do to help a fellow Irish girl :) I grew up in Co. Kerry but living in the UK now!

    And also, I hate seeing people beat themselves up for having a life. Unfortunately 100% perfection in our diets is a tall order and I don't believe it's possible when you have a social life. Well, not without an inhuman amount of discipline!

  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited September 2015
    Can't change the past so just make the next right choice.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    I ate a whole stuffed crust pizza from dominos a couple of nights. It was excellent.

    I gained about 5 lbs, but I still look and feel awesome. Today I had a cheeky weigh and the weight had gone away. What I'm trying to say is don't put yourself down for having a night off. Just make sure your consistent with your diet and your exercise regime.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    irishgal25 wrote: »
    elos18 wrote: »
    I ate a whole large pizza, garlic bread, a large Chinese takeaway over 2 days and more chocolates/popcorn than I should've/ have done for a long time over the course of this week. Weigh day today and I've still lost 2lbs. Not that I expect this will happen every week if I ate like this!

    Obviously, if you feel ill after then perhaps you shouldn't eat that/ much but there's nothing wrong with a treat! You went out with a friend, and had a good time! (Although admittedly felt rubbish after) you may not see the loss you expect this week, or whenever you weigh, but hasn't it happened to everyone that you have a perfect week and don't lose/ put on! It's life! Don't beat yourself up for living it :)

    You are very very wise! Ha. That has really helped the guilt a bit.

    This is the graph I live by success-graph-demetri-martin-squiggly-line.png

    Love this^ its true
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Looking at your weekly calorie totals and their average often puts a "cheat meal" in perspective.
  • jsmestflowers
    jsmestflowers Posts: 52 Member
    When I saw the title of this post I thought you were giving away a whole pizza and I got excited! :)
    Really I totally did the same thing you did. Next day I was like "Damn I should not have done that" I then just started watching the cals again, if you fall off the horse accept that it is going to happen and then just get back on and keep riding. Yes I am from Texas you should expect horse related examples :)

    Hang in there!
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I am busy bouncing back from 5 days of eating over calories. I still logged it (as best I could, I was in a foreign country and eating off buffets and at restaurants) and I hold myself fully accountable for the intake. I got on the scale when I got home and was rather miffed to see I had gained 1kg (just over 2 pounds). It is pretty much impossible that this is all *real weight* as I did not eat THAT much over, relatively speaking, but I did eat a lot of salty and sweet food and I had also just got off a plane from a long flight.

    I will see in a couple of days but the way I figure it - even if I did gain that full 1kg, it will take me two weeks to get rid of it at my normal rate of loss. An extra two weeks is not a big deal in my life, just a small blip on the road.

    One pizza is probably not even going to ruin your whole week, if the rest was in hand.

    You can't let stuff get under your skin, you just need to soldier on.
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    it's crazy when you change your eating habits how the foods you used to love make you feel after over indulgence and sometimes don't even taste the same! It's a bit like a hangover - except, food. You'll be fine, you got this.
  • irishgal25
    irishgal25 Posts: 18 Member
    cbnorris wrote: »
    it's crazy when you change your eating habits how the foods you used to love make you feel after over indulgence and sometimes don't even taste the same! It's a bit like a hangover - except, food. You'll be fine, you got this.

    TOTAL food hangover. On this journey I've cut alcohol in a big way, also. Being a 20-something in Ireland, it's safe to say that drinking is a huge part of our culture, and it is certainly not uncommon for someone of my age to go out on a friday or/and Saturday night and have more than 6 pints of beer or 50cl of vodka. In fact, on a big night I'd polish off a bottle of wine before even getting to the club, and I wouldnt even consider myself a huge drinker.

    I've had a total of maybe 3 glasses of white wine in the past 3 months and have no regrets - certainly dont miss the hangovers. But this morning - holy crap! I woke up at 4am gasping for water, pounding headache and feeling 50 lbs heavier and covered in ichy hive things! How did I eat that stuff regularly for so long?!

    But... Let's be real - at the time, the pizza was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted.
  • irishgal25
    irishgal25 Posts: 18 Member
    When I saw the title of this post I thought you were giving away a whole pizza and I got excited! :)
    Really I totally did the same thing you did. Next day I was like "Damn I should not have done that" I then just started watching the cals again, if you fall off the horse accept that it is going to happen and then just get back on and keep riding. Yes I am from Texas you should expect horse related examples :)

    Hang in there!

    I would totally have given you a pizza, but you know, I had an appetite like a horse last night - that's why I have the long face.

    (I can do horse analogies too. ha)
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    Yea I don't think the taste of pizza will ever change for me - but the taste of soda sure has!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It's unlikely you've undone a whole week of hard work. Maybe a day or two, but so what? It's done and it can't be undone. Drink plenty of water to get rid of the bloat and carry on. Leave it in the past.
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    Every now and then you earn the chance to be bad. On July 4th weekend I went to a neighbor's party and quaffed a few beers, ate lots of good food (including "meat popsicles"), and chilled. My intake was about 1000 calories over my goal, so I balanced it out with 2 days of proper food, exercise, and lots of water.

    It's all about balance. For every bad day you have, balance it with good days.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I feel like I'd be less confused if like once/twice a month I didn't eat an entire pizza to myself... and stay within my allotted calories. I mean... I guess it depends what you ate the rest of the day?

    But yes, as everyone's saying, don't beat yourself up about it. The worst you're going to do is carry a bit of water weight for a few days, or if that somehow took you up and out of your deficit for the week, gain a very, very small amount of fat.

    The hives don't sound fun though; sorry to hear about those!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    irishgal25 wrote: »
    I intended on 2 slices of cheese pizza and a spinach and walnut salad.. but when it came to order, the salad became non existent and I ordered a whole cheese pizza (medium, thin crust).
    What are you going to do next time to let your Rational Voice win?
    Waking up this morning, I feel like crap. Dehydrated, bloated, ITCHY ( I've come out in mini hives!) - but most of all, I can't shake the feeling that I've set myself back a week of hard work.

    Have I? What damage have I really done?
    How many calories was it?
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    ok ordering pizza right now.
  • irishgal25
    irishgal25 Posts: 18 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    irishgal25 wrote: »
    I intended on 2 slices of cheese pizza and a spinach and walnut salad.. but when it came to order, the salad became non existent and I ordered a whole cheese pizza (medium, thin crust).
    What are you going to do next time to let your Rational Voice win?
    Waking up this morning, I feel like crap. Dehydrated, bloated, ITCHY ( I've come out in mini hives!) - but most of all, I can't shake the feeling that I've set myself back a week of hard work.

    Have I? What damage have I really done?
    How many calories was it?

    I think the hives and generally awful feeling is enough to make me think twice in the future.

    Also as for calories, it's hard to know. Maybe 1000 or more? It's so hard to gauge. It's a gormet pizza place, they piled on the cheese, although I had no toppings.

    Anyway... lesson learned!

    Thanks for the advice guys

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited September 2015
    One day going over your calories isn't going to sabatoge you or makes you a failure. Just makes you human. Log it and start fresh the next day. If it becomes a trend where you're going over several days in the week, then you have a problem, but one day? We took some friends out for a thank you dinner to a fancy steak house and hell yeah I'm eating that steak and having dessert because OMGAWESOMECHOCOLATECAKE! Was like 600 calories over for the day since I had adjusted lunch since I knew it was coming, but I went back to normal the next day and everything was fine.