Sleep problems...please HElP!

Hey guys,
I'm sorry this question is not really related to diet & weight loss, but I really could use some advice/help! I am studying abroad in Spain this summer and ever since I got here I've had difficulty sleeping. I guess it is a combination of me worrying and being in a new environment. I've been here for over 3 weeks now & things are not really getting better. I have had to take meds most nights to help me sleep...this is not good at all!! Ugh, so someone please give me some advice about how to get over my insomnia. I have never suffered from sleep deprivation this bad before so I don't know how to fix this! :(


  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I've suffered with insomnia for years.
    Um, i tend to use a thought distraction, i.e music, a film (that you've seen before so you're not concentrating) just in the background.
    And i was told to make the bed all about sleeping not a place to sit through out the day, so your body knows bed = sleep. Try and wind down, so get changed into your pjys, then watch some tv or read a book, have a warm drink (not coffee!) then get in bed and if you have thoughts that are distracting you, don't get angry accept the thought is there and breath in and out to try relax yourself.

    Hope one part of this works i get so angry when i can't sleep haha.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    are you exercising at night? If I do then I am up till dawn. If so, change your routine to a bit earlier or the morning if you can swing it.

    I promise if you get up at 5 am to work out, you will not have a problem falling asleep by 10pm!

    Good luck!:drinker:
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I promise if you get up at 5 am to work out, you will not have a problem falling asleep by 10pm!

    I agree. I used to have problems, esp when there is a lot of things going on in my mind or if I drink a lot of coffee.....
    Do you sleep in in the mornings on on the weekends?

    I am pretty sure if you have to get up early you will not have problems falling asleep at night. I learned that when my baby showed up. Now we are up at 6am and I am dead tired by 9pm.
  • LIndabuskin
    Try and keep to a routine so getting up and going to bed at the same time every day
  • Brinklj
    Brinklj Posts: 10 Member
    Night and day are completely switched that far around the world. I'm sure your circadian rhythm is way off. You should definitely just establish a routine and stick to it and eventually your body will realize that night time is what used to be day time and you'll get better. Sorry you're having so much trouble!
  • kldobbs02
    kldobbs02 Posts: 8
    1st - My husband and I are stationed in Germany... we have been here 3 years. It's quite a shock at first, but try to relax and enjoy your time! And of course... welcome to Europe!

    2nd - I recently saw on Dr. Oz that pumpkin seeds have some natural thing in them that helps you sleep... He had a drink to try and they said it "kicks cammomoille teas butt"

    In a blender combine:
    1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
    1/2 cup milk
    1 TBS honey

    I cut it to 1/8 of the 1st two and 1/2 TBS honey to try... I'm going to try it tonight for the first time.

    Here's the link for it:

    it's at about 2 min
  • promiseskept
    promiseskept Posts: 119
    Hey, my doctor recommended one benadryl, it has nothing addictive and will work,
  • promiseskept
    promiseskept Posts: 119
    Hey, my doctor recommended one benadryl, it has nothing addictive and will work,
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Melatonin, it's a natural supplement that is a godsend for me. I can go days with out a wink of sleep but pop one of these and it's lights out!