Exercise and Diet and No Recent Change

Hi all,

I bike or run for about an hour, do twenty minutes of yoga, do crunches, and follow the diet and consume around 1200-1300 calories each day and have been stuck at 169 for the past few days. I started a couple of weeks ago at 175/176 and had been making good progress, but it has stalled recently. What do you think the problem is/what should I do?



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    1200-1300 net calories or total? If total, you are eating way too little for the amount of exercise you are doing and your body is going to hold onto every little bit that it can. Try upping your calories to 1500-1600 and see how that works for you.
  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    I have heard people talk of 'plateaus', and also people say though you might not be losing weight, you might be losing inches. Are you taking your measurements? You might find you're still doing ok.
    I have been eating approx 1350 cals a day with a weekly 'bad' day, and doing an hour of gym 2 times a week with no weight loss. Very disheartened, but I suppose I am fitter than I was.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Congrats on the weight loss to date! Don't be too hard on yourself, I often have periods of several days to 2 weeks in which I'm not doing anything different, but my body just stops shedding the weight for small time. Give your body some time to catch up. After a couple weeks of not losing weight, all of a sudden my body drops 2-4 lbs overnight. If what you are doing is working overall, then your body will catch up just keep doing what was working. TOM can also cause a stall in weight loss.
  • shadyman
    shadyman Posts: 15
    I too have stalled now and then, you just have to work throuht it. Stay with the exercise you have started for yourself, it will start to come off again..........I was at 255 lbs now at 200lbs, and have gone though what you are going though now, good luck , John.......
  • mnattinger
    Hi Guys,

    The site says that I should be around 1250 calories a day to reach my target weight (153 lbs). Also, I just took my first measurement. What should I aim for for measurements? I have been measuring myself on a Wii fit and a regular scale. Is there something that I should be doing differently? I eat about the same things every day. I went vegetarian to help cut and I have been eating the boca, morning star, green giant, and healthy choice meals. Does it matter if I run or if I bike?

    Thanks for the kind help,

  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Hi Guys,

    The site says that I should be around 1250 calories a day to reach my target weight (153 lbs). Also, I just took my first measurement. What should I aim for for measurements? I have been measuring myself on a Wii fit and a regular scale. Is there something that I should be doing differently? I eat about the same things every day. I went vegetarian to help cut and I have been eating the boca, morning star, green giant, and healthy choice meals. Does it matter if I run or if I bike?

    Thanks for the kind help,


    Hi Matt,

    The calories alloted are set for you to lose weight even if you don't exercise. If you are exercising daily, you need to log it because then your calories will be adjusted accordingly. So, if you are allotted 1250 calories and then burn 500 calories, then your allowance would be 1750 for you to lose one pound a week, if that's what your goal weight loss is. If you are allotted 1250 and you burn 500 calories that you don't eat back, you will only be netting 750 calories a day which is entirely too few!