Hello, I'm a proud geek!

edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself

I'm a new member here, on a mission to drop some pounds! I've tried this kind of thing before, but this website seems far more motivational and the community here seem so lovely! I really think if I stay focused that I can reach my goal this time around.

I'm from England and tend to use sarcasm as a natural defence, so I like people that can take a joke and are fun to talk to. I'm also very literary. I use proper grammar all the time, and proper spellings usually. If I don't use a proper spelling it's because my standards are slipping and my brain has temporarily malfunctioned.

Smileys? I avoid them. 'LOL'? I avoid that, too. Especially when people SAY 'LOL' It's like, "JUST LAUGH." (Hypocrite alert - I've done that on more than one occasion... -cough-)

I'm obsessed with Harry Potter more than you'd imagine. I'll leave it at that so you won't think I'm a >complete< freak...

So: About the geekiness. I Role Play (yes, you read right) and I also write FanFiction. It keeps me occupied and away from the fridge, so I'm a happy person. I also love documentaries and programs about how things are made and done.

I also do original story work and hope to be published one day.

Oh, and I'm also a vegetarian as of February 2010. I don't mind if people choose to eat meat, it's their life after all. I just choose not to, and (though nobody I know is supportive of this life choice) I'm doing very well!

I love talking to new people, so if you're into any of the same things as me, don't be scared to talk to me! I don't bite!


  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I am from England too, Berkshire and i LOVE Harry Potter too!! Cannot wait for the last instalment!!

    I love smileys! and i always say LOL (mainly because it annoys my hubby and now it's hard to stop!)

    Add me if you like. ;-) (haha)
  • elouise86
    elouise86 Posts: 12
    Hi and welcome!

    I'm from England too and a bit of a geek as well. My fiance is a huge comic book fan and over the 6 years we've been together i've caught the geek bug! Although we don't Role Play ourselves, a few of our close friends do.

    Fell free to add me is you'd like.

  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    LOL :)

    Sorry I couldn't resist. Welcome!!
  • LadySappy
    LadySappy Posts: 1

    I am new here as well and this is my first message board post!

    You sound very interesting. We have a lot in common. Although, I haven't tried Role Play, but it does intrigue me. I used to write FanFiction, but haven't written any for a while. I do hope to be published one day. Writing is one of the things that keeps me sane. I also knit obsessively; very obsessively. I love Harry Potter too, although probably not as much as you!

    Well done for going vegetarian. I have been one for ten years now. I don't have any objections to others eating meat, but I do think it keeps me eating healthier. My mum and brother followed me and have both been vegetarian for fives years.

    So, yes, this is just me saying hello.

    Take care.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    If this was a personal ad, I'd have to introduce you to my brother! I think you'd hit it off...seriously. Only problem is that he's in Canada and you're in England. I'm sure he'd be willing to relocate!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Hello and welcome!

    I've been using MFP since March this year and have lost 12lbs since then. I'd lost a great deal more than that before I joined though...

    I use a Mac computer, this usually qualifies you straight away as a geek :tongue:
  • Comic books are amazing!
  • Haha, thank you!
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