Exercises to perk up chest?

What are they best exercises to perk up breasts after losing weight? Are they effective? Or is this something surgery is going to have to take care of?

Thanks much.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You can build your pecs with flat and incline bench press but their effect on the perkiness of breasts is debatable IMO. Your breasts are made of fat and breast tissue (glandular tissue/connective tissue.) You can build your pec muscles underneath all of that but weightlifting isn't going to build the fat/breast tissue itself.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    After two kids and weight gain and loss and gain and loss, etc., my boobs aren't at their perkiest. But, as previously stated, bench pressing helps.
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    I noticed better....umm...lift when I added incline flyes to my bench day. Also chest presses with a twist at the top. Not perfect, but 40 yrs old + 2 kids + D cup....so any improvement is a good thing :)
  • SCP0914
    SCP0914 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks guys!