

  • Amillionsparkles
    Amillionsparkles Posts: 41 Member
    MissJay75 wrote: »
    The tricky thing with weighing once a week, or once a month is that if you happen to weigh on a day where you are retaining a lot of water it can be really really frustrating because it looks like your whole month's work was for not.

    However frequently you choose to weigh, you need to understand that your weight will fluctuate. A lot. And that is not an indicator of your fat loss, only of water weight. To see what your body is doing with fat loss, you have to look at a record over time. Look for patterns. And if you pack on a couple of pounds overnight, you know it's water weight, and it will go back down in a few days.

    You might look for an MFP group to join of other people with hypothyroidism. They might be able to help you determine what your true TDEE is, the numbers MFP automatically gives you will probably be off. You probably will have to be content with a slower rate of weight loss for the same work that someone with a regular thyroid does. So 1-2 pounds a week probably isn't realistic for you. I also expect you will have less room for error. So be diligent with your foods, weighing, measuring, and logging everything. This will help you to predict what the bathroom scale should say, and not be surprised by crazy water weight changes.

    Amillionsparkles, you can do this! You are now armed with very useful information. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. :smile:

    You are right. I need to have the courage to see those numbers and just let the anxiety go away. I also need to accept reality and just face it. Thank you so much for giving me more confidence. You;re very kind.
  • Amillionsparkles
    Amillionsparkles Posts: 41 Member
    cebreisch wrote: »
    I have PCOS, and that also makes it easy for me to gain; extremely hard to lose weight. I've been on this path since 2011 - and was up to about 150 lost at one point, and am now around 50. I just went to Weight Watchers this morning for the first tie since May - gained 20 pounds. UGH!!!

    I understand the fear of the scale - the fear of not wanting to let people in on the dirty little secret. Only person I was fooling was myself. I was even convinced that I wasn't going back until I got back to where I was -who knows how long that would have taken and the only person I was hurting was myself for not getting help and not being around people who are trying to make it work also.

    It really does come down to calorie intake vs. calories burned, and being totally real about journaling every bite that goes in your mouth. It isn't willpower. It's discipline.

    I've been wallowing in frustration again feeling like everybody else can eat whatever they want without consequence except me. That's not the way it is. There are always consequences - they're just more extreme for me because of the PCOS and that I'm a food addict.

    There are different ways of coping, and different ways of looking at things. For example, if you eat what you're body needs, you'll have fewer cravings. The better quality food you have (meaning things like baked chicken or grilled chicken instead of fried chicken and not smothered in high-calorie sauces), the more of it you can have. The more "food journal friendly" foods you have, the better you'll feel too. That doesn't mean you can't indulge -- just means you have to be very careful about how you indulge.

    You can do this. Believe me - if I can do this, anybody can. Let's get back on track!!!!

    Funny thing is! i had PCOS as well!! and with the hypothyroid issue you can see how much pain it caused me.. i would workout 2 hours a day vigorously, watch every single bite i take and still way the same and sometimes even gain!! my sister would weigh around 50 kgs and still eat all the junk while i eat healthy. it got me really depressed and mad! I need to let the scale stop bothering me it is what it is. thank you and good luck :)
  • Amillionsparkles
    Amillionsparkles Posts: 41 Member
    hi135 wrote: »
    Hello, I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism (I feel tired all the time without any effort, would sleep A LOT and still feel sleepy, takes me so much effort to lose weight hypothyroidism makes it almost impossible.)
    I used to work out a lot and obsess about calories but not lose weight (i didn't know about my problem before but now i do), when i get on the scale i might even gain weight!! My fat percentage is high although i try to eat healthy.
    I am scared of using the scale, every time i'd go on it i would be disappointed and feel crushed. Shall i get one since now i know what my main issue is, or shall i just rely on how my clothes fit? At the same time i care about losing weight it's not just about my appearance since i count calories for a reason and i wana feel i am making progress.
    ANY ADVICE please!!
    If you recommend getting a scale please tell me about an affordable really good one if possible? Thank you.

    The scale can be a motivator.

    Any scale will work, I like the ones that look like a clock- don't have to change the batteries.

    That's true! but they are not as accurate i guess that is a good thing? Im not sure if the more accurate the better i would feel or if i would feel worse lol.
  • Amillionsparkles
    Amillionsparkles Posts: 41 Member
    hi135 wrote: »
    hi135 wrote: »
    Hello, I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism (I feel tired all the time without any effort, would sleep A LOT and still feel sleepy, takes me so much effort to lose weight hypothyroidism makes it almost impossible.)
    I used to work out a lot and obsess about calories but not lose weight (i didn't know about my problem before but now i do), when i get on the scale i might even gain weight!! My fat percentage is high although i try to eat healthy.
    I am scared of using the scale, every time i'd go on it i would be disappointed and feel crushed. Shall i get one since now i know what my main issue is, or shall i just rely on how my clothes fit? At the same time i care about losing weight it's not just about my appearance since i count calories for a reason and i wana feel i am making progress.
    ANY ADVICE please!!
    If you recommend getting a scale please tell me about an affordable really good one if possible? Thank you.

    The scale can be a motivator.

    Any scale will work, I like the ones that look like a clock- don't have to change the batteries.

    That's true! but they are not as accurate i guess that is a good thing? Im not sure if the more accurate the better i would feel or if i would feel worse lol.

    They are basic but they are pretty accurate, if the pointer nudges a little out of place there's a little knob on the side where you can adjust it back. Scales just pretty much gives you an idea of where your weight is at- I don't think they're always spot on correct.

    I agree. I will get a non digital one to save me the headache thanks a lot