Spinning class

Hello my name is maria. I took my first spinning class two days ago ,and right after class i couldn't walk is that normal?? And also I've been having really bad soreness on my quads did i do something wrong? Tia.


  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    It's common for your legs to feel shaky coming off the bike after a good class. With spin however it's super important that the bike is properly set up so ask your instructor to fit you. If your quads are super sore they probably need to be stretched out more. Using a foam roller will help.
  • mariazaragoza690
    mariazaragoza690 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks alot for the reply...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    if you haven't done much in the way of exercise and jumped right into a spin class? yeah, that would be pretty normal.

    also, did you have your bike properly set up? did you stretch and cool down afterwards?

    but yeah, if you wee pretty much going from nothing to a full on spin class...that'll getcha.

    also, your quads are used heavily in all cycling applications...it should not be a surprise that your quads are sore.
  • mariazaragoza690
    mariazaragoza690 Posts: 25 Member
    C wolfman..thanks for the reply :) and yea i really don't workout ,but i told the instructor that he wasn't making me do none of the moves that's why im surprised. I really liked it want to do it again ,but how long should i let my legs rest ?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    You should be fine with a couple of days rest. Absent some kind of injury/physical condition problem, you don't need to wait until the soreness is all gone. In fact, making sure to do some light exercise (walking, say, or *easy* cycling) the very next day may reduce the soreness, along with stretching, foam rolling, and drinking plenty of water. If you keep it up once (minimum) or twice a week or so, the post-spin soreness will be less, quite quickly.
  • mariazaragoza690
    mariazaragoza690 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks annPT77

  • tressie99
    tressie99 Posts: 16 Member
    I was the exact same way after my first spin class. Walking down stairs was the worse and I had serious jelly legs! Just keep going! That is my biggest advice to newbies. I do spin 4-5x a week now and its the best thing I've ever done! I still have nights that I am very sore after but it is usually gone the next day.
  • lmlilly
    lmlilly Posts: 22 Member
    I wouldn't wait too long before your next class, you want to get your backside used to the saddle. That'll take around 3-4 classes. Just take the class easy, do what you can. I spon 5 days a week, but I've been spinning for years.
  • mariazaragoza690
    mariazaragoza690 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice....