Trying to get back in shape and lose 32lb

TxGoals Posts: 4 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
So far this place looks awesome with a great community. Hello everyone and I am excited to be here.

I started my workout/diet about 3 days ago. prior to this I would sometimes eat lunch but most of the time not and almost never breakfast but always dinner. I would usually eat a large portion for dinner. I am 28 6'0 232lb and and would like to see the 100's again. My current goal is 32 pounds and I am planning on working out 5 to 6 days a week.

I have made my diary public in hopes for some constructive criticism on what i am doing before I get in the wrong habit . It seems like I am eating way to much trying to keep my calorie intake at what this site says. I am burning 500+ calories when working out so I am eating to compensate for the calories burned. My big question, is it not good to not eat your goal cal plus what was burned if its at the end of the day? The problem I have ran into is at the end of the day (after dinner) Usually around 8 I am short 300 to 500 or so cal. I eat watermelon and bananas to make up the extra that i am under. Last night i was almost 500 under but that was because of about 900 cal burnt during my workout. I made it up with 2 pop tarts, a banana, and a piece of toast about 10 pm after we walked our dogs for 30 min. I went to sleep around 12, woke up and was at the gym for group step by 5:15AM.

Thanks in advance for any advice


  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    Don't worry too much about being under. You should eat calories back, but try and make it during the course of the day. Once you've gotten the hang of how many calories you will probably burn in a day, try to keep that into consideration when eating. And please eat throughout the day. Once a day is not healthy.
  • minchk1n
    minchk1n Posts: 11
    I wouldnt personally eat for the sake of eating, you should only eat through hunger (as long as you are eating the minimal amount of calories). Its good to eat some exercise calories to give you the extra energy but I wouldnt necessarily eat them all. It sounds like your blood sugar is playing havoc, if you eat throughout the day you will keep it level. They say you should eat every three hours.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    If you know you're going to have an intense workout, try eating more during the day BEFORE your workout. This will give you more fuel during the workout and will also stop you from having to eat late at night. Try snacking more throughout the day. Nuts are really healthy and filling snacks. Don't feel like you have to eat all of your exercise calories back. If you're not hungry, don't eat; if you're still hungry, eat more. If you do feel the need to eat more calories, nix the pop tarts and try spreading peanut butter on your toast. Peanut butter has lots of healthy fats/calories and will help you feel fuller longer.
  • Hey welcome! From what I've gathered so far, you should eat at least 75% of the calories you burn. I'm in the same boat though, I have to find ways of eating more sometimes. Apparently if you don't eat those calories back your body can go into starvation mode and try to protect the fat instead of burning it.

    At least that's what I've read from a few similar topics on the site. :P

    I hope you enjoy the site and have fun reaching your goals!
  • TxGoals
    TxGoals Posts: 4 Member
    AtomicDarling, thats why I was trying to eat them all back because I heard it would make your body go into starvation mode. The last thing I want is to not see results after waking up early and working so hard. Thanks to everyone who has responded I am still learning and all the advice is great.

    Sweetiepie31612, I thought about peanut butter but it was high in fat and so I passed. I will have to go pick up some light PB
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    It takes a while, not just a day, for starvation mode to kick in. And it has to be a significant decrease in calories.
  • TxGoals
    TxGoals Posts: 4 Member
    How long does it take to get out of starvation mode? I'm pretty sure that has been my problem for the last year or 2.
  • lynnie07
    lynnie07 Posts: 52

    Welcome to MFP. It's a great site for encouragement and support. I would recommend that if you are going to train that often you are going to have to start eating throughout the day. Breakfast is the most important meal. You need good carbs ( watch for hidden sugars in carbs) and protein to fuel your body. It's like a car. You wouldn't drive you car without making sure it has oil and fuel right, well you body is the same way. Try eating 5 to 6 meals a day including a serving of carb, protein and fat. The protein and good fats will help you stay fuller.
    You're still young that your metabolism will start kicking in as soon as you start working out. Remember, the more lean mass, the more you burn fat. Eat clean and stay away from alcohol, it really slows down your metabolism and guess what, it keeps the fat around your abdomen area. Don't know if it helps but feel free to ask if you do have any questions.
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have the same problem! I just roll my calories over to the next day if I can't eat them back. I always go by my weekly goal anyway.
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