FireRunners (closed C25K group) week of 6/6 :)

Time to get this party started!! My fire blew out for a little while but I'm BACK and ready to rumble! Who's with me?!

I started Week 3 this week! I didn't think I'd be able to but I DID it; I ran 9 minutes total (my best EVER!) and walked for 15 (ish) minutes, for a total of 303 calories burned :) This is going to be a great week!


  • chaparra81
    chaparra81 Posts: 31
    I am done with w5 d1...., lets do this!!!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I'm still on week 4. Its killin' me, but I'm going to keep at it. It feels just as hard this week as it did last week. But, I guess that's what makes it challenging...the fact that its not easy, right?

    Anyway, I'm trying to keep my energy high and my food clean this week. I had a birthday this weekend, and I lived it up a little, so now its time to get back to the straight and narrow.

  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm doing wk4 d3 later this evening. Don't know how I'm going to manage 20 mins on Wednesday, I might have to give w4 a couple more tries.
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm doing wk4 d3 later this evening. Don't know how I'm going to manage 20 mins on Wednesday, I might have to give w4 a couple more tries.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    I will do W4D2 when I get home tonight. I ran 10 minutes total with a 90 second break around the eight minute mark last night. I didnt even log it, just wanted to see how long I could run. :-)

    Ready to finish LOL
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Week 5 Day 1 - done, it was OK!

    Keep it up all of us!
  • x_sotonguetied
    it was HOOOOOOOT outside today! regardless, completed my W5D2 run, nearly died towards the end but i kept moving at least lol

    a littttle scared for W5D3, but.... so ready for the challenge!!
  • Margot18904
    I've done W5 D3 today - woohoo! It was tough going and there were points where my pace really dipped but I finished it and felt good. I think it's as much of a mental hurdle to overcome as a physical one - this is THE day we all dread and feel we have to get past. Onwards and upwards from here!
  • NickyJones
    NickyJones Posts: 60 Member
    W4D1 done - breathing keeping up easily but my muscles aren't. More strength training I suppose :P
    We got this!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I just got done with Week 3 Day 2... OH MY GOSH I feel like I just got punched in the gut lol! That was harrrd!! But worth the struggle, because I looked in the mirror and I'm getting a butt! :bigsmile: Yayyyy!!!

    I did 23:55 minutes (9 minutes running, 15 minutes walking) and burned 293 calories.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    Completed W4D2 last night and boy does EVERYTHING ache today LOL

    4,416 steps, 146 calories burned, 1.79 miles in 32 minutes.

    I found a great webiste with decent music on the podcast that I am using now. Made things a lot better than before when I was only using the Cto5K app on my phone.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    W4D1 done - breathing keeping up easily but my muscles aren't. More strength training I suppose :P
    We got this!

    That is the same thing I am dealing with. My breathing is great but ohhhhhh the agony :frown:
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Well I knew everybody would catch up to me when I was at W3D3 and some have gone running past me. Great job everyone. I have been having issues with my knees and not been running at all for a couple of weeks. Yesterday I decided I want to get back into it and did W1D1 again. I am going to try W2D2 next and see how that goes.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I'm still slogging through week 4. Man! It doesn't feel any easier the second week in a row. I don't know if I feel like doing week 4 a 3rd week in a row, but I cannot get through that second 5 minute run. Its a killer. A killer I tell you!

    But, I always quit this program...I can't tell you how many times I've started it. But I'm determined to get to the end of this program...genetics be damned. Even if I get to the end of week 9 and never run again.
  • Margot18904
    Well done everyone, keep it up!

    I did W6 D1 today and it was pretty good. We've registered for our first 5k next Sunday so that's my goal now, not bothered about time but I am determined to finish and to run the whole thing, however slowly!
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    W4D3 of Cto5K completed!!! 4,375 steps, 140 calories burned, 1.72 miles. I thought I would increase speed and time but ended up with less. Gotta work on that. The last 5 minute jog is a BEAST! But I did it!!! On to Week 5 on Monday.
  • Margot18904
    W6 D2 here today, but I actually pretty much did the D3 routine of one solid run as I felt up for it. Lots of uphill and it was raining pretty hard too but I did it and felt good. Bring on the first 5k race next weekend!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Great job everybody!! Glad some people are still rockin' it haha!! Looks like a lot of people gave up on us! :tongue:
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    I am still in!
    Week 6 day 1 due for me today, seems a bit flat after W5D3!! I'll let you know how it feels :)
  • x_sotonguetied
    glad to see some of us are still going strong! i completed my W5D3 run a few days ago and i seem to be getting a late start here on week 6! will probably do my W6D1 run either tomorrow or thursday. which will put me on a more un-even schedule. but hey, if the runs get done that's what counts, right?!

    keep up the awesome work everyone!! :)

    woop woooop!