Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 6]

DiamondsInTheRough Posts: 115
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
The Diamond Challenge*

[Sorry, this group is closed to new members. Check for sign-ups in one week!]

- How to Sign Up for Round 3
- Diamonds in the Rough Spirit Week
- Fall 5K in New York
- Trip to Florida!
- Week 6 Winners

Hello Beautiful Diamonds!

Congratulations on making it to week six of the Diamond Challenge*. Sorry I was MIA this weekend, but I just ran my first 5k for breast cancer! Woop woop! It was so much fun.

By now you have realized that this challenge is unlike many of the challenges on the MFP forums, and truly requires dedication, commitment, and most of all accountability—not unlike weight loss itself. So, take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You can only win by staying in the race, and you all have done just that!

As we head into week seven of this challenge I have already begun to make plans for Round 3 of the Diamond Challenge. If you plan to participate in Round 3, now is a great time for you to send me a message letting me know of any changes that you would like to see. For example, I have noticed that the group’s energy level tends to wane around weeks 4 and 5, and I would love to hear your ideas for helping to revitalize the group. Right now I am considering making the challenge 4 weeks instead of 7.

Some changes that are already going into effect are:

1. A simplified weigh in process with just ONE official DITR weigh in day
2. A larger challenge with two large teams (DITR vs DiamondDolls)
3. A more in-depth partnering process that considers factors such as geographical region and how talkative a partner is

Please note the sign-ups for the DiamondDolls team have already begun. You can sign up here:

Sign-ups for the DITR team for CURRENT Diamonds will begin on this Friday, June 10th. On Monday, June 13th I will open the challenge to the entire MFP community, so please take advantage of early registration if you don’t want to lose your spot.

Important note: Once the DITR team has reached capacity Diamonds will be placed on the DiamondDolls team (it really is the same thing). You can have your choice of teams if you register before June 13th.

Next week (June 13th) is the start of Diamonds Spirit Week. Let’s end our challenge with a BANG. Spirit week involves changing your profile picture each day. You may want to upload all of the images today to make things easier. Here is what you can expect:

High School Photo Day (YOU in high school… your face, your full body, or even just your terrible haircut!)

Baby Photo Day (you as a baby)

Silly Face Day (your face, your child’s face, your dog’s face… any silly face!)

Show Your Colors Day (make your profile picture something other than a diamond in your team color… be creative!)

Friday (last day of challenge):
Diamond Day (the DITR logo)

(Please note that if, for ANY reason, you have an objection to participating in any day… just skip that day! You don’t need to tell us why. This is meant to be lighthearted and fun.)

I am currently gathering a list of those of you who would be interested in participating in a 5K (3.1 miles) as a team (DITR). It would probably take place in New York in the Fall. We would run as a team at an easy jog. If you are interested, please send me a message. If we get FOUR confirmations, this event WILL happen! …we will get DITR t-shirts made for this event.

Yep, I said it and a meant it… Florida! We are all working diligently toward our goals, and what better way to celebrate than with a weekend in Florida showing off our new selves? That is why I am currently planning the DIAMOND FAMILY REUNION. Details to come, but expect three nights at an all-expense paid resort. You can also expect:
- A mature resort that allows children (you can bring the family)
- A private dinner/award ceremony for all of our big losers (aka everyone in attendance)
- An optional DITR itinerary with opportunities for socialization (i.e. beachfront mixers, morning jogs, evening hikes, ladies only breakfast etc.)
- A nifty DITR t-shirt to commemorate the trip**
- The opportunity to meet your fellow Diamonds!

I won’t be handling payment for the trip, but will direct you to the lowest fare. I will, however, be collecting $20** from those who plan to attend to cover the cost of printing and shipping the shirt and to give a more accurate estimate of those seriously planning to attend. This event WILL take place as long as even one Diamond (other than me) plans to attend. However, I hope that as many Diamonds as possible will try to make it!

*The Diamonds in the Rough Challenge has been renamed the Diamond Challenge 6/2/11
The Results!

Congratulations to ALL of our losers!

Our individual winners are...

Biggest Loser, Blue Diamonds - Lyns (1.8 lbs)
Biggest Loser, Pink Diamonds - Elle (2.8 lbs)
Biggest Loser, Yellow Diamonds - Nikki (1 lb)

Our Blue Diamonds have done it again! Yes, they won the precious golden pig with a 6.8 pound loss. The Yellow Diamonds were a close second at 5 pounds, and The Pink Diamonds trailed at 2.6 pounds.

The Diamonds lost a total of 14.9 pounds, which is great, but I KNOW we can do better! Ladies, please remember to weigh in! Let's keep pushing!

As always, we celebrate every loss! Congrats to the following ladies:

Baypathgrad - Lyns 1.8
Countryrose7 - Molly 0.5
ElleJay221 - Elle 2.8
HungryMom - Maria 1.3
Kaveril422 - Kristin 1
Kristinmp - Kristin 1.6
Momogogo 1
Nikkiws - Nikki 1
Nkfowler74 - Nicole 0.5
Starsnyc21 0.8
Tramik31 - Tracee 0.2
TrimmingTracie - Tracie 0.2
Zoe9636 - Zoe 1.2


If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

My Response:

A new house with a home gym! I have loved getting in shape from home, but I long for the perks of a gym. I would love to have a nice home gym. Of course, now that I say that I'm thinking that I could probably squeeze a small home gym into my current place! Lol.

I would also have the biggest walk-in closet imaginable... think Sex and the City. A girl can dream!

Diamonds in the Rough Guidelines:

- COMMUNICATE with your buddy and with each other! Answer the Question of the Day!
- Please use the link provided on the DITR profile page to weigh in on your weigh in day.
- Support, support, support! Who can’t use a home court advantage? Let’s cheer each other on!


In order to maintain some order on the forum, I will close the forum and start a new one every Monday.



  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    I would also definitely get a personal trainer!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member

    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    Congrats to the Blue Diamonds, you all are rocking it.

    QOTD - First thing I would buy is a house in Manhattan. Nice apt with a city view. And the apt has to have a gym and personal chef.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Congrats to my partner Elle!!! Way to go!

    QOTD Monday - first splurge lottery --
    I would have to say new vehicles. Hubby's truck is a '97, and my van is a 2001 - both are running okay, but requiring a little extra TLC in terms of $$. Would love to have some of the newer features available now on vehicles (like seat warmers, dual temperature zones, built in GPS/bluetooth, etc).
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member


    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    Hmm.. I would pay my house off and live mortgage free for the rest of my life!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Congrats to my partner Elle!!! Way to go!

    Thanks partner!!!

    QOTD Monday -If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    My first splurge would be a new vehicle - my van is a 2001, decent shape, but goes through gas like crazy! I would like something a little more efficient. Then I would start our planned renovations on our house. We have an old (very old) farmhouse that needs the main floor totally gutted - we did the upstairs a couple years ago, but the main floor - kitchen and all - is going to take some work and some serious $$$$. We just cut the tree this weekend that will be most of our cupboards - so we are starting planning stages, but still a year or more away from starting!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    QOTD Monday June 6th:

    I think I would pay off my loans, buy a car, and clothes shopping spree for the new body!!! hehe. Well, that is 3 things, but they would all be like at the same time!

    Way to complete your first 5k Jamaica. That is a great accomplishment.

    I have been MIA as well. I just completed my first half marathon. In 6 days I will be going on my first cruise. I want to be in the 3rd round of DITR and i will be a lot more committed. I have just been really busy with training. I haven't been to a gym in a few weeks so haven't had a chance to weigh in either.

    It is great to see everyone doing so well. When I get back from the cruise I will be going hardcore with all of you in round 3!!

    Have a great day!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    Great job everyone!!

    QOTD Monday: I would buy a house, pay off my student loans, my car loan (basically make sure I was debt free), buy my fiance a new car, go back to school for my Masters, and the list goes on and on...some new clothes probably, but mostly practical purchases.

    (oh wait, we were only supposed to pick ONE thing?!?! lol)
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    Hello everyone! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
    QOTD: First thing I would do is pay of all my loans!

    Congrats to this weeks winners!

    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    Well, after paying off my debts, like my car and credit card (I know, just one card? I really dislike credit companies), I would probably get my boobs done, having a kid and losing my weight is doing a number to 'em.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Good job Diamonds

    And Congratulations to all loosers And Yes blue diamonds we have done it again

    if you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    I want to take my parents on cruise. I've always wanted that . And then buy nice house and a Lexus :happy:

  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD response for Monday...... First of all congrats to the LOSERS. You guy's really did well. Go ELLE! This is my week though. And Yes I am putting it out there like that! I started the Inferno plan today from Turbo Fire today. I am going extreme. Following their eating plan and workout plan. But since I am doing double workouts I do plan on taking in juuust a few more calories than the plan allows. But I do plan on taking the "cake" this week.

    What would I do with the lottery winning?. First of all get debt free. Set up trust accounts for kids and get my body fixed. The biggest thing would be to set my business up. I am currently enrolled in school to become a personal trainer and fitness nutritionist. I would love to work primarily with young people and woman. That will happen anyhow, but it would certainly be a bigger business with more money.
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member

    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    I would buy a house. My dream house with a full gym and a personal trainer. If I could afford Bob or Jillian, it would be them.
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    QOTD--What would you do if you won the lottery? Well to echo just about everyone here, I'd pay off all the debt and get a new car. We just went down to a one car family and frankly it sucks! I would also sink a good chunk into my kids education fund and if there is any leftover, I'd buy new clothes for me!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Qotd Monday: I think I would travel round the world, staying in some pretty luxury digs and seeing some of the wonders of the world. I always dream of winning the lottery but I never buy a ticket!

    Well done all the losers!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Qotd Monday: I think I would travel round the world, staying in some pretty luxury digs and seeing some of the wonders of the world. I always dream of winning the lottery but I never buy a ticket!

    Well done all the losers!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Congrats to all the losers this week!

    QOTD: if I won the lottery, I would buy a bigger that I have a little one, and all the "stuff" that comes with her, our current house is just too small. The house I would buy would be as close to a beach as possible, preferably oceanfront, so that I could live out my dream of being a true beach bum :)
  • It's really funny you asked that question Jamaica, I bought a mega millions ticket Sunday. :P
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280

    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?

    I am so bad at questions which ask for one thing; I am too indecisive. My first spurge would be a long family vacation: my husband, kids, parents, and I at an all-inclusive resort for two or three weeks. It would be so nice to spend time together without any stressors. Shortly after I would get a new car, new kitchen countertops, and mommy body make-over (tummy tuck, breast lift, and eyelids lifted).
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member

    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would splurge on?
    I would splurge on my mother and make sure all her bills are paid because she is the most hard working woman I know and she really deserves it. Then I will pay for my education and my sons higher education as well.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Happy Tuesday Diamonds!


    How have you noticed your weightloss/fitness plan affecting your overall health?

    I am amazed with how my weightloss has improved my knee pain that I have with Osteoarthritis...I have had a particularly painful winter with it and even by the end of March, after losing about 10lbs, I really noticed the pain subsiding. It is still there, but not overpoweringly painful. This weekend I went for a walk with my family without even using a knee brace, whereas this winter, I would be in pain with the brace on.

    Also, I find my emotional health so much better, which I attribute to exercising on a regular basis.
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