Advice on trouble eating enough



  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    scrowley22 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    let me guess you are trying to bulk on a diet of 100% chicken, fish, and vegetables…???

    if yes, then you need to add in calorie dense foods like ice cream, pasta, bagels, rice, full fat foods, etc to help you get in a surplus. yes, you should be meeting your micronutrient requirements, but once those are met there is nothing wrong with eating calorie dense foods..

    please define what you mean by "good and healthy"?

    Wow thanks everyone so far. Yea kinda nailed it there, I do add rice though and some other things. I was just staying away from calorie dense foods. I took a drastic change about two months ago and quit smoking started eating more. I started lifting 4 times a week before that and just stuck to chicken fish and veggies.

    So.. I am confused.. why are you bulking for 2lbs.
    If you just want to bulk 2 lbs stop working out 4x a week, and eat little more.

    Why are you going to bulk on calorie dense food? The idea behind bulking it is to eat more to create a surplus.
    You can create a surplus by eating more meat and more veggies
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I'm just going by what bodybuilders eat. clean carbs. rice, potatoes, oatmeal, lean meats, Ezekiel bread. My breakfast is 1 cuP of oatmeal with butter, honey, ground flax seeds... and a New Zealand grass fed whey shake in almond milk. That's like 700 calories. I don't work. I'm disabled and stay home, so I can eat all day. if I did WORK, it would be very difficult. I have nothing against calorie dense foods, I rely on 2 power bars a day, but i look forward to eating 2 cups of broccoli. It digests easily and it is nutrient dense, (if lightly steamed) may suppresses thyroid function . Did Popeye eat spinach because we want to promote our kids to eat it? or is it because eating cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli) suppresses thyroid function?

    please explain to me what a clean carb is and how that distinguishes from other carbs...

    A clean carb = 1 ingredient
    examples = Apples, peppers, etc.

    Other carbs = More than 1 ingredient
    Examples = bread, snickers bars, Soda etc.

    LOL ...OK..

    so whole wheat bread is unclean because more than one ingredient? I guess oatmeal is bad too then...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    scrowley22 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    let me guess you are trying to bulk on a diet of 100% chicken, fish, and vegetables…???

    if yes, then you need to add in calorie dense foods like ice cream, pasta, bagels, rice, full fat foods, etc to help you get in a surplus. yes, you should be meeting your micronutrient requirements, but once those are met there is nothing wrong with eating calorie dense foods..

    please define what you mean by "good and healthy"?

    Wow thanks everyone so far. Yea kinda nailed it there, I do add rice though and some other things. I was just staying away from calorie dense foods. I took a drastic change about two months ago and quit smoking started eating more. I started lifting 4 times a week before that and just stuck to chicken fish and veggies.

    So.. I am confused.. why are you bulking for 2lbs.
    If you just want to bulk 2 lbs stop working out 4x a week, and eat little more.

    Why are you going to bulk on calorie dense food? The idea behind bulking it is to eat more to create a surplus.
    You can create a surplus by eating more meat and more veggies

    because you don't get extra credit for additional micronutrients, so once your micronutrient goals are met there is nothing wrong with filling in your day with calorie dense foods, provided that you are meeting your macros as well.

    and good luck eating 3000 calories of chicken, fish, and vegetables....
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited September 2015
    "and good luck eating 3000 calories of chicken, fish, and vegetables..."
    Your not eating 3000 calories of chicken, your eating X amount of calories to finish up your bulk.

    Me personally, I prefer an extra serving of chicken thigh, steak, Turkey leg, Salmon over a teaspoon of peanut butter or cup of ice cream.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited September 2015
    "and good luck eating 3000 calories of chicken, fish, and vegetables..."
    Your not eating 3000 calories of chicken, your eating X amount of calories to finish up your bulk.

    Me personally, I prefer an extra serving of chicken thigh, steak, Turkey leg, Salmon over a teaspoon of peanut butter or cup of ice cream.

    Personally, its about balance. I get 80 to 90% of my foods from very nutrient dense foods. But if I am bulking, I have eat about 3500 calories, and eating that many calories can be tough, especially if I stick to low calorie foods like chicken, turkey, etc... Typically, I aim to get 20 to 30g of fiber daily, hit about 140 to 160g of protein, and I let the rest fall out.

    Right now, you are eating about 1800 calories... do you think it would be easy to almost double that?

    The fact is, we aren't telling people to have a diet full of junk food, but if people struggle to get calories, then calorie dense, "junky" foods can help them achieve their goals. If you cant hit a surplus, then good luck building muscle and good luck achieving your goals.
  • scrowley22
    scrowley22 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok wow my first goal is to get 185, next is 200 but small steps to begin with. I just appreciate everyone and all the info, really needed ideas to push the intake up and get past this 183 where I seem to be stuck at. I am going to make sure I hit my micro and macro goals but not be afraid to eat other meals too. Making sure I add as much as I can with extras like avacado almond butter and other things not really bad but still adding more to my goals adding more pasta and rice and using a lot of the info provided as insight to keep my gains going.