Need Girl “Pals” – Friendly, Fun, and Over Forty!

Hello, All! My name is Jen and I am returning to MFP after a long hiatus. I worked it successfully a few years back and lost almost 40 pounds in four months (woo-hoo!). Then, I started a new job that sucked all the life and energy out of me and stopped trying. I quit watching my nutrition AND stopped regular exercise. Within two years, I had gained all the weight back.

I made a few attempts to begin again, but MFP had seemed to lose it’s mojo for me.

I finally realized that it was because the great group of girls I’d had on my “pals” list the first time around had dropped off the program. Some had reached their goals and moved on (Yay! You. Go. Girl!), and some had just given up for whatever reason.

I’m posting here today to find a few chatty, supportive ladies to help me along on this new journey. I would like to find some women over forty (I’m fifty), with more than 50 pounds to lose (I need to lose 80-90), who will break up the monotony of daily planning and logging with positive, encouraging comments and who will share life snippets and tips that will show camaraderie and inspire me to get out there and LIVE HEALTHY!

I promise to do the same for anyone on my “pals” list! I want to hear about your NSV’s (non-scale victories), I want to hear about the snotty barista who looked you over and snorted when you ordered a short, decaf, skim latte. I want to hear about your girls’ night out and how hard it was to turn down the appetizers while sipping a REALLY LONG TIME on one whiskey and diet coke. And then I want to cheer you on and feel inspired to be just as marvelous.

I know I can do this; I just need to share the journey with women who “get” me, and who are available to build supportive friendships – even though they are just virtual ones. I’m a nurturer by nature and I want to be able to empower and support my friends too.

Send me a friends request with a note about yourself if you’d like to journey along with me :)



  • wowser5
    wowser5 Posts: 51 Member
    I am 40 with 98 pounds to lose! Feel free to add me.... I have come and gone from MFP many times. I have gained 60 pounds in two years from not journaling and no excercise. I am heavier than I have ever been, and I need friends too. The ones I do have never comment on my posts ever! I am like WTF! So good luck to your new got this!
  • hlnebel
    hlnebel Posts: 71 Member
    Hi there!
    I only fit one of your criteria (I'm female, but I'm under 40 and only have 23 lbs. left to lose), but I'd like some more friends, too, and would love to help motivate you as you work towards your goal. I'm sending you a friend request! :smiley:
  • jjomo246
    jjomo246 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I too would like to join this group because doing it alone sucks !
  • justinelm01
    justinelm01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my name is Justine, I'm 46 years old. I tried this app., A while ago and lost 20lbs. Gave up because of a man, and gained it all back and more. My son lost 90 lbs. on here and still going, he looks great. So now I'm trying it again. It's only been three days and I've lost water weight. I've never been an active person but want to start walking. I just wish I had others to walk with around my area. I also never knew I could talk to other people on here to help me go through this weight loss program. I want to loose 40lbs. That will bring me to 180lbs for now. So please add me. Thank you for reading this
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member

    You can add me if you would like. Sometimes chatty sometimes not. I will only comment on your posts and questions. I don't look at food dairies unless asked.
  • webeirish
    webeirish Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! Shannon here, about to turn 45 & I have between 63-75 lbs. I don't know b/c my scale is broken & i'm not SURE how much i'll be weighing since I lost 22 lbs. over the summer due to a BERY busy job & i'm sfraid I might have gained some back & that would depress me. =( @ the moment I feel VERY motivated & am moving a lot more so I don't want to sabotage myself. That said...i'm in!! :-) (chatty enough :-) :-)!)
  • Thanks, Ladies! I have responded to/sent friend requests to each of you. I look forward to rocking this journey with some new pals :)
  • Ooooh, pick me! I'm 38, but sometimes feel about 90 so on average I'd be over forty?! (I have the worst job in the world too, hence the weight gain and my third attempt on MFP to bed this thing in). I'm hoping to just have some laughs in the process of making permanent changes!

    My diary's private just at the moment so that I log everything but I'll be opening it up in the next week or so.
  • I definitely need some friends! I am female, 42, and would like to lose 60 pounds. About 6 years ago I had my last of 5 major abdominal surgeries, so between that and life in general I packed the pounds on. I am a pretty picky eater and of course I love junk food, so it has been a struggle for me to find healthy food that I love. And I am really trying not to get bored with the exercising! But I have finally realized that it is a lifestyle change, and hopfully I can stick with it!
  • neens666
    neens666 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi ladies :-) I'm in here logging daily, and am also happy to be added to your friends list, I love being able to look at other people's diaries ( cause im nosey :-) ) I like to get food ideas from peoples diaries cause I tend to get stuck in a rut and eat the same thing all the time! I'm 45 and have 24 kilos to lose.
  • khwicklund
    khwicklund Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, I'm 54 and had about 120 pounds to lose when I started back again. I got on the scale today and have lost my first 20 pounds. It would be nice to join a group where there are others on the same road as me. It's almost 7:00am here in Virginia and the sun has just come up. Time for me to hit a walking trail and get some steps in. The mornings are my favorite time walk, my husband actually said " Hey I'll get up with you and walk in the morning. " You know where he is? Still in bed sleeping. Oh well, I like to think this is my time anyway.
  • ckfox95
    ckfox95 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello there. Sent you a request.I am also looking for motivational friends and support. I am mid 40's myself so I know the struggle. I have about 20 lbs before I hit my goal.
  • shermansa84
    shermansa84 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to be in the group! I am not 40 but I love to chat and I would love to find other positive people to share this experience:) xoxo
  • hayjessmum
    hayjessmum Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I am about to turn 42 and have about 45kg to lose which I hate to think in pounds - Aussie here. I keep dropping off too as I have no pals or support either. Please add me!
  • lauren6967
    lauren6967 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone, I'm new but have been logging in daily. I would love some friends for support and encouragement as well as food ideas and recipes. I'm a 42 year old Mother of 7 with a very busy life. I need to lose about 60 pounds.
  • khwicklund
    khwicklund Posts: 8 Member
    Did a 5 mile walk this morning, wish all my mornings could start this way but work gets in the way Monday - Friday. After working all day I only get in 2-3 miles depending on how much walking I did at work. But what was so exciting this morning was, I did 4 miles under 60 minutes. When I started walking a few months ago, I was lucky to get 3 miles in under an hour. So today is a good day. Now for some housework.
  • Emmagirlygirl
    Emmagirlygirl Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, u can add me if u want to. Jus started on here and need friends.
  • CathyWied
    CathyWied Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I'm over 40 . My immediate goal is to get under 200 pounds ! Ten years ago I list 40 pounds and slowly gained it back. Sigh!! I would love some friends !! I too left MFP but I'm back !! love to exercise outside especially now that it's Fall
    PLEASE feel free to friend me!!
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    hey all! I am 47 and trying to lose 50lbs. I have been on MFP for a while now and hover around the same weight. I am so determined to beat this!! Could definitely use a good bunch of Pals!!
  • Cherylcrews70
    Cherylcrews70 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new to the community! I'm 43 with about that many lbs to loose☺️ awesome idea to have friends to cheer us on ! I just love all food