Time for a Lifestyle change

Ive been a yo-yo dieter all my life and i am finally ready and committed to losing the weight that is killing me slowly. I have to much to live for to die a slow miserable death. I need lots of support and encouragement at times and other times I just need to encourage others. Help me if you can to stay on track and focused. I am an emotional eater, I eat when I am bored and upset mostly.


  • RonnieLei
    RonnieLei Posts: 14 Member
    Same here! I eat when I'm upset, bored, and stressed. I've got exercise down, I just need help staying motivated on eating healthy and making better food choices. You can add me if you like, I log everyday and try my hardest to put the correct foods I'm eating on to my diary.
  • sbmartin99
    sbmartin99 Posts: 1 Member
    That is me. Thanks for sharing ChaplainDW. I just joined today and I hope we can keep in contact. I am motivated now but need to find encouragement to keep motivated but I guess the true test will be if I reach out to make a personal connection with you folks when I am vulnerable or feeling unmotivated - before I do something I'll regret. I started day one off great with egg white and veggie omelette and tracking every single thing I ate this morning. I guess we'll see how it goes by end of day one today. Maybe I will check in again later. So ChaplainDW and RonnieLei, I wish you both much motivation and success and if there's anything I can do to help you along, I'm here online. :smile:
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I promise you can do this, stay strong and believe in yourself.
    Good luck.