Caffeine addiction ??

jnettiedotson Posts: 163
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm trying to lose weight, as we all are. Every morning I usually have a starbucks energy drink double shot thing, and I haven't today...or yesterday. My head is freaking pounding right now. I took ibuprofin, not helping. I know I need that caffeine, any suggestions?


  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I replaced my coffee with green tea. It has enough caffeine in it so I don't get a headache and it is 0 calories!
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    xenergy is an energy drink full of vitamins and zero calories... otherwise look for other things that either are or arn't diet that don't contain many calories but have enough caffeine in them to help you. Water joe is a water with caffeine too that might help. Sorry about your pounding headache :(
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    tea, or a small cup of black coffee.....
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    i get iced unsweetened green tea from starbucks.. since i'm going to starbucks i feel like i'm getting a treat and there are no calories, there is caffeine, and i guess green tea boosts your metabolism a little bit... so nothing bad about it. i think it's really refreshing
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    excedrin helped me... it has a little bit of caffeine but it helped take the edge away and wasn't as much caffeine as you'd find in a double shot of coffee.... after about 4 days it gets easier to switch from the excedrin to ibuprofren. Then try to lessen your caffeine intake, once you get passed the 4 days you should be golden.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Sounds like you're used to quite a bit of caffeine every day. I'd suggest stepping down the caffeine intake until your withdrawal symptoms get better. Maybe start with a small cup of coffee the first day or two, then a half decaf/half regular, then nothing. If you're wanting to do it cold turkey, I'm not sure what else you can do besides take Advil and drink a lot of water and wait it out...that's what I did.
  • I drink pepsi max...0 cals and caffiene and ginsing for energy :)
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Excedrin (caffeine is one of the active ingredients), and lots of water, b/c your headache could also be due to dehydration.
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    I was the Mountain Dew queen! Try tea or coffee. Use sweeteners or splenda if needed (not sugar).
  • mzhunnie
    mzhunnie Posts: 10
    Hi, hope this helps, I too, cant do with out coffee- headaches come on quickly, I went to instant coffee, Folgers and put peppermint mocha creamer by coffee mate-Instant coffee has no- calories and you can have 4 tsp of the creamer=60 calories and I use organic suger=15 per tsp. Peppermint is suppose to help with headaches , so far working for me. Good Luck
  • ProjectSara
    ProjectSara Posts: 83 Member
    Some pain pills have caffeine in them, like Midol or Excedren. I wouldn't recommend taking them daily, but they helped get rid of my lack-of-caffeine headache. Or, you can drink a small cup of regular coffee, with a shot of cream in it. Or green tea. If you get headaches because of caffeine dependance, its a lot easier to ween off of it, it only took me a week or so of drinking less and less, until I could drink none and not get a headache. Good luck!
  • You guys are awesome, I really didn't think anyone would reply...and I got all this. I'm so glad no one told me to eat chocolate, because that was my next secret plan. But I'm fighting it! I think I am actually going to lay down for a minute before my twins wake up....thanks all! <3
  • klamont9
    klamont9 Posts: 59
    I went cold turkey and had headaches for 13 days and then they stopped. But about a month later I was back to drinking the caffeine! At least I can say I tried.
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Every so often I decaffinate... it's toughest for the first week or two. Maybe instead of cutting out the caffeine all at once, gradually wean yourself off. Start with a one shot instead of double for a few days, then regular coffee (no shots), then decaf. Besure to drink lots of water and other healthy liquids. Good luck. You can make if you stick with it.
  • onlinebs
    onlinebs Posts: 15
    How can you be addicted to something you should be drinking every hour of every day, even while sleeping? Caffeine is God's way of apologizing for prohibition.

    Ok, maybe I have a problem...
    I tried to reduce my caffeine intake a couple of weeks ago, just couldn't hack it. There are LOTS of good alternative low cal energy drinks. Rockstar makes my favorite two, the grape "replenish" and the "zero" that is still pretty tasty.
    Like everyone says, you just can't go wrong with green tea. However, on the opposite end are yummy dark teas and chai, both of which can be sweetened and creamed just like coffee. Just remember Splenda and low fat (around 20 cal) creamers.

    Just for emphasis. Chai tea will rock your freaking world, especially if recovering from the double shot habit. Hot or cold, it's a friend.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm pretty bad about the caff myself - one cup of coffee in the AM, one in the PM, a diet coke in the middle. i doctor the coffee with 1 tbsp half and half (yes, full-fat) and a packet of splenda. Can't manage without it.

    Kudos to you for dropping the habit! Let us know how it goes!
  • I HAVE my coffee. I cut down from 8-10 cups a day to two

    I MUST have coffee or nothing will get done

    It is my total sugar MFP allows me for the day
  • I HAVE my coffee. I cut down from 8-10 cups a day to two

    I MUST have coffee or nothing will get done

    It is my total sugar MFP allows me for the day
  • Excuse me I'm not sure what I'm doing, LOL. I too will get nothing done. I have twin baby boys (1 year old) that do not sleep all night and run around like crazy little monsters all day :). I love them so! But I love my coffee energy drinks too!
  • Carek99
    Carek99 Posts: 25 Member
    The first time I quit (I quit once for 14 months until my new job had free pop, and again a little over 2 months ago), I read that caffeine withdrawal is on scale with heroine. There were several internet stories of death that I couldn't really track down to get names and dates.

    Still, that was enough for me to wean myself off with 1 diet coke a day from my however many I wanted before quitting. Caffeine is a drug, quitting a drug cold turkey hurts. It may work for you or it may not.

    One suggestion, quitting the second time hurt more than the first. If you actually do remove it try to avoid getting hooked again. That doesn't mean avoid chocolate or tea, just keep it in moderation and preferably not daily.
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