For those who count calories...

LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
does that method really work? I'm doing Atkins and although I like it, I'm thinking about trying other weight loss methods so I can have more variety. If it does work, how is the weight loss when coupled with cardio and strength training? As of now, I'm losing about 10lbs a month.


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I'm down 42 so far, so I say it definitely works =)
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    for me- absolutely, especially on MFP. Because I know that I need to log it- I am more than likely not going to eat it because I know I will see all those calories on my food diary. You need to be very vigilant about it though and write everything down. Personally, calorie counting is the only way for me to lose
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I find that I can definitely have more variety because as long as I'm reasonable, and under my calories, I do well! I have lost 16 pounds since early April. I hit plateus and have to get serious, up the water, get moving, watch the sugars, etc.....but for the most part I think the counting calories is what is keeping me on track because it lets me be a little more lenient from time to time, which is what it takes to keep me on board.

    editing to add that my counter here shows only 13lbs lost becuase that's since starting maybe it was since late March? lol who cares, just being thorough! good luck to ya!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Counting calories totally works, but it's more than just counting calories, it's about making conscious decisions to eat healthy, and that's more than just the number of calories consumed. I don't recommend anyone doing any "diet" that they can't stick with for a lifetime.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I have known several people that have been on Atkins, lost weight, but when it came to really learning how to eat properly and adding healthy carbs into their diet they failed miserably and gained it all back. Counting your calories, really being aware of the fat and calories in your food, and learning how to use that in your everyday lifestyle is the only way I have been able to get this far. It is a struggle, but with the exercise and strength training I do believe it is the safest and best way to go.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    3 1/2 months (well 4 months but for the last two weeks i've had a bit of a motivational slump) and 62 ish pounds down, i'd say it works
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I think it works great! I think the setup that MFP has is even better than just counting calories since you get to see the other nutritional values of what you eat. I would say give it a try and see what you think. If you prefer to do what you are currently doing, than stick with that. You are obviously losing weight so if MFP doesn't help, than oh well. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Yes it does and with counting you dont have to limit your self to certain types of food. I count how much i burn too so that means i can eat and not starve. :)
  • Bocciulo
    Bocciulo Posts: 14 Member
    The first time I lost weight I did it and lost 30lbs. I am doing it again and it is still working. I find I am more aware of what I am eating if I am counting it.
  • TeresaJill
    TeresaJill Posts: 28 Member
    I was doing Lindora (a bit more carbs than atkins) and have switched over to calories. I'm finding that the freedom is amazing and it makes me feel like I could do this forever. With the low carb stuff, it was always something I could only do in short bursts. I'm finding that I'm not losing nearly as much weight and I'm hungry once in a while. However, I feel amazing compared to how I usually feel when doing low carb. At the moment I'm thinking that I'm going to go back and forth between the two. Low carb when I have the motivation and patience for it, and calories when I hate low carb and want other food choices. If you can hang in there with low carb a while, you might want to wait will you just can't stand it and then treat yourself to counting only calories. It feels naughty to eat a bit of rice now and then. lol

    Either way, good luck!
  • holliehhobbie
    holliehhobbie Posts: 17 Member
    I've done Atkins before and I had the same issue, variety. When I am craving something darn it I want it!! And I felt like I could not stick to the diet. And I was constantly planning. Same with weight watchers and Nutra-System. I have stuck with MFP for 4 months now and lost 25lbs. I feel like I can eat what I want as long as I stay in range for the week. Diabetes runs in my family so I have adjusted my sugar and carbs lower than MFP recommends, but left the calories at thier recommendation. And if you track everything you eat and all your excercise I have found that I can see trends. So I don't get so upset when I don't loose any weight that 1 week of the month. Or if I do an extra work out I can have that Mojito, or a glass of wine with steak. And best of all I don't feel guilty b/c I am still watching what I eat.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    Counting calories totally works, but it's more than just counting calories, it's about making conscious decisions to eat healthy, and that's more than just the number of calories consumed. I don't recommend anyone doing any "diet" that they can't stick with for a lifetime.

    I agree with this completely. I don't do well on low-carb diets or any type of eating plan that restricts a particular food group. As soon as you tell me I can't have it, that's all I want. I've lost all my weight by watching what and how much I eat but I don't deprive myself of anything. I've always worked out hard but eating better has made the biggest change in my body and I feel amazing.
  • I agree that you absolutely need to count calories when you are trying to lose weight. I was never the kind of person to eat junk food and fast food all the time. I always ate healthy meals, i just had too much at a time. Once I started counting calories I realized how much I was eating. If you are gaining weight you are clearly eating too much, and I feel that it is vital to really understand how many calories you are consuming in a day. People may think they know, but I feel like counting calories is a HUGE wake-up call.

    Its really surprising how fast the calories build up when you are just doing a tiny bit of snacking. Count one regular day and I think you will realize that its the easiest way to lose weight.
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