The more I lose, the more motivated I get...

Hey everybody!
I have been using MFP off and on for over a year but wasn't really holding myself accountable with it until recently and I really wish I had buckled down earlier! I've lost 22 pounds over all, 10 in the past 2 months. Needless to say, I'm on fire and am seeing the results of cleaner eating. Knowing I've got to look at how my day went after I've logged my food after and exercise has really helped me out. So this is the first time I'm reaching out on the community here just to say "hey" and to thank those who make this app possible :)


  • tinacline123
    tinacline123 Posts: 13 Member
    Well done xx any tips for me ive bin on here all week and not lost a 1lb lol
  • mackie326
    mackie326 Posts: 3 Member
    I tried all sorts of different things diet wise, so if something isn't working out how you'd like, try something new. Listen to your body and it will help you out. And drink A LOT of water, I try to drink a gallon a day and that alone makes a huge difference :) Most people exist in a state of dehydration to the point that thirst and hunger start to feel the same to your brain. If I feel hungry, I drink water first. I found the "30 day gallon challenge" on a blog somewhere (can't remember right now) but after that month I felt such a difference I just continued it.
  • vball1121
    vball1121 Posts: 36 Member
    The biggest tip id give both of you is not to get discouraged!! Just keep putting in work and it usually takes about 3 months for results to be visible! Don't give up, it'll be worth it, the first few months are the hardest!
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Well done xx any tips for me ive bin on here all week and not lost a 1lb lol

    Patience!!!! It takes a lot longer than a week to lose weight. Make sure you weigh all your solids and measure all your liquids and LOG EVERYTHING you put in your mouth (including bites, licks and tastes) and you will eventually lose. I also agree with Mackie: listen to your body. If you find you're having a hard time keeping in your calorie goals, look at your diary to see why and try eating more protein or more fiber or more high volume foods or drinking more water to find what works for you.

    Also, keep in mind that weight loss is not linear. What that means is that weight naturally fluctuates up and down every day and throughout the day, based on many factors. I highly recommend using a weight trending app (I use Libra for Android but there are a lot of them) to help see past the normal fluctuations. You might also find that you will be really "good" for a long time and not see any results and then all of a sudden you'll lose the weight at once, several weeks later. Basically, just trying to say don't focus so much on what "should" happen in a week.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!

    PS @mackie326 Way to go!!!!! Congrats on the awesome loss and renewed motivation!!!! :smile:
  • shanboban85
    shanboban85 Posts: 3 Member
    That's awesome! I feel the same way! Keep up the good work!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I love a success story! :)
    Well done on keeping on track and not giving in! Keep up the fantastic work.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    The more you do, the more you do.