Women over 50 ..... you know what I mean !



  • dverano
    dverano Posts: 13 Member
    I hear you both! I'm 52 and have just started one week ago. Are there success stories for us over 50's with pictures? I am a visual person and find the pictures motivating for those times I'm having a tough day. Congrats to those success stories above!
  • Roza42
    Roza42 Posts: 246 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm 50 and I have lost 83 lbs over the last 4 years, 20 something since feb. I have to say that the hormonal issues are starting to get to me. Ack! I plan to lose between 40 to 80 more lbs depending on how much of my lean body mass I can preserve.
  • betty1958
    betty1958 Posts: 8 Member
    Roza42 wrote: »
    I'm 50 and I have lost 83 lbs over the last 4 years, 20 something since feb. I have to say that the hormonal issues are starting to get to me. Ack! I plan to lose between 40 to 80 more lbs depending on how much of my lean body mass I can preserve.

    Good for you! I just started today. I've got a long road ahead of me. I just need to pump myself up at this point and get back on my elliptical. Way too much potato salad and beer over the summer Time to get down to business now. Good luck to you on your journey. Thank goodness for this site!
  • Donna4300
    Donna4300 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with dverano. I would also like to see any pics that any over 50's are willing to post. I find it hard to visualise what the numbers mean. Easier to see with pics.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    edited September 2015
    I know what you mean. I am 55, 5' - 2.5" always active but find it harder to drop those nasty extra pounds. Watching what I eat and drink, exercise and weight training. Seriously weight training seems to be the key for me....and taking long walks. As another member said, "one pound at a time." Oh and I am at 134.5 but would like to be at 128ish.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    dverano wrote: »
    I hear you both! I'm 52 and have just started one week ago. Are there success stories for us over 50's with pictures? I am a visual person and find the pictures motivating for those times I'm having a tough day. Congrats to those success stories above!

    I'm 65 and have lost almost 70 lbs in 2 years......you can check out my profile pics if you want....there are two that show me with the extra weight....

    I also lift weights to gain strength, prevent bone and muscle loss, and change the composition of my body......I highly recommend it.

  • Donna4300
    Donna4300 Posts: 3 Member
    Luluinca you look great. You have given me hope.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    I'm almost 61, have been logging almost 2 years. I've lost 95 pounds. (See profile pic).... No excuses! Just do it. Log accurately, be persistent and patient and you'll succeed.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I lost 50lbs in about 8 months by giving up a lot of processed foods. I substituted flavored olive oil for butter when cooking, eat more fish and chicken either fried or baked in the olive oil, added more vegetables to my diet, and followed MyFitnessPal calorie guide. I don't exercise as much as I should but try to walk whenever I can. I have been logging into MyFitnessPal for about 320 days now and will not miss a day. Even on my binge days, I log it all in. I am 58yrs old and feel great. My Dr is thrilled. Good luck.


    Change your habits, change your life.
    Don't Quit
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    I'm 59, 60 in a couple of months. I lost 21 pounds prior to finding MFP, but not in a healthy way, and 27 since starting to log on MFP 154 days ago. I have logged every day, and count every single thing I eat or drink, including Altoids and Tums. I drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day, and weigh all my food. My MFP max is 1200, but I generally average out to about 1100 a day (approved by my doctor). I am only hungry at mealtime. I started walking in early August, and am only able to do about 30 minutes a day due to health issues. I started eating back half of those calories, but found I stopped losing, and now don't eat any of them back. I average a 5.6 pound loss per month. I am 13 years post-surgical menopause, and am extremely sedentary.

    You can all do this. :)
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    I started at 150 lbs and now am at 107. I am 53 and 4'11". I'll post some pictures for you guys when I get home from work, in about 6 hours.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    I'm 59, 5'5", hypothroid, also menopausal since chemotherapy at age 45 (including 7 years on estrogen agonist drugs that mop up the estrogen your adrenals & fat cells make after menopause, so like menopause++).

    Concur 100% that it's just Calories In < Calories Out (CICO), commitment, and careful food weighing.

    I've been quite active for a dozen years (rowing, spin classes, more), but could always and easily out-eat the activity. (Also been vegetarian for 41 years; no magic there, either.)

    Started mid-April 2015 at 183, lost 2lbs/week pretty steadily, now 40 lbs down at 142.5, working on slowing my weight loss to stay healthy as I get closer to goal (somewhere 125-130, I'm thinking).

    You can do this!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 52 and it can be done. See before (with my husband with Christmas tree) and after (current profile pic) on my profile page. It's all about consistency and not giving up. If you mess up for a day, week, etc. just get right back to it ASAP. Don't throw in the towel and don't get discouraged when the scale isn't moving. Take measurements. Keep with it and you'll see change. I started at 225 lbs. back in January 2014 and am now down to 140 lbs. I'm 5'3", so I'd like to get to about 130-135 lbs. Do whatever exercise you find is fun and that you'll stick with. I mix it up a lot with walking, running, spinning, boxing and strength training.

    I started strength training a little over a year ago and am amazed at how it's changed my body. I have muscles now! lol
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    51 here...14 years post surgical menopause and hypothyroid issues. Bum knees, arthritis in my feet....it's awesome getting older. Anyway, I've dumped processed foods, eating more "Paleo" like, for the most part. My husband lost 25+ lbs when we changed our diet and me, yep, you guessed it...GAINED 12 lbs. and now I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life! I'm beyond depression over this. I don't get it and my doctor's response to this..."You're a woman over 50. Increase the intensity of your exercise." I'm currently looking for a new doctor. Would love to hear your stories.
  • betty1958
    betty1958 Posts: 8 Member
    I can totally relate! I'll be 57 in November and I've been menopausal for 6 years due to partial hysterectomy 21 years ago. I have horrible varicose veins, had them stripped twice and they came back with a vengeance! I also quit smoking 13 years ago and have gradually been packing on the pounds since. It really sucks having to watch every morsel you put into your mouth. I find doing my elliptical 3 to 4 times per week helps immensely! It gives me more energy during the day and helps my legs feel a lot better. I've logged in now for 13 days straight and have lost a total of 5 pounds. It really does take a lot self control but is totally worth logging in every day. You can actually see our calorie intake and what you've burned off through exercise. I figure if I don't do it now I'll never do it once I hit 60, and I want to feel good! As for my husband, yes same thing, he can drop 5 pounds no problem. This menopause thing really sucks, but many women have stuck to it and lost a lot of weight, and yes you can do it too! Good luck