Starting Over

kaswain Posts: 80 Member
Hello All,

My name is Kristin and i joined MFP over a month ago and i was doing really good but the last few weeks i have been on vacation and lost all motivation. I am trying to get back into the swing of things and get more involved on here. I need some motivation buddies! Add me as a friend if you would like and we can help motivate each other!!


  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm just starting, and could use some motivation buddies, too! It's hard to stay motivated on vacation, where did you go?
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    Having a good network of pals on here is a great way to stay focused, feel free to add me anyone. Ive been on here a couple of months now and its a great site, we all get our down times and fall off the path but getting on it again is great and shows we are all determined. You can do this, amanda xx
  • VanishersCoach
    I'm just starting also. I just gave birth five weeks ago and need motivation getting my post pregnancy body back. Let's help each other. Thanks
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    I went to Missouri to visit a friend who is stationed at the Ft. Leonard Wood Military Base. I had an amazing time but had an eating free-for-all and im excited to get back into watching my calories and feeling better in general. All of the high fat foods i ate definitely are catching up with how im feeling this week.