Geeky gamer girl looking for new friends to join this epic and perilous journey!



  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    More geeks! :joy: Ps4 gamer girl here (Borderlands 2, ESO, Zen Pinball, Diablo III, DA:I, Netflix :tongue: ), Joss Whedon fan, Tamora Pierce reader, sorted into Slytherin, former convention attending Otaku (now I don't watch/attend much), slow Japanese learner, and just overall sci-fi/fantasy lover.

    I'm very active on MFP, and would love more Heroes of the Geekdom to join me in The Quest! (man, I really wanted a second season of that... I cried when they revealed the castle.)
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    My hubby and I are looking into joining a community D&D group at our local game store. We're kind of nervous, though, as we've only played with friends before. Anyone have any experience with this? How did it go?

    Never started a new group through a gaming store, but if it's a good gaming store, it might be a good experience. It's always helpful to expand the group of D&D friends for new game experiences!

    Also, just posting this here because I see several people playing DA:I. If you play the Trespasser DLC (and you totally should, even with Bioware's STAB-TWIST moment), let the credits roll. You'll get a preview of Varric's new book and it's HILARIOUS!
  • moribunny
    moribunny Posts: 417 Member
    Saeraphine wrote: »
    More geeks! :joy: Ps4 gamer girl here (Borderlands 2, ESO, Zen Pinball, Diablo III, DA:I, Netflix :tongue: ), Joss Whedon fan, Tamora Pierce reader, sorted into Slytherin, former convention attending Otaku (now I don't watch/attend much), slow Japanese learner, and just overall sci-fi/fantasy lover.

    I'm very active on MFP, and would love more Heroes of the Geekdom to join me in The Quest! (man, I really wanted a second season of that... I cried when they revealed the castle.)
    I wanted a second season of The Quest, too! >__<
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 3,030 Member
    Saeraphine wrote: »
    More geeks! :joy: Ps4 gamer girl here (Borderlands 2, ESO, Zen Pinball, Diablo III, DA:I, Netflix :tongue: ), Joss Whedon fan, Tamora Pierce reader, sorted into Slytherin, former convention attending Otaku (now I don't watch/attend much), slow Japanese learner, and just overall sci-fi/fantasy lover.

    I'm very active on MFP, and would love more Heroes of the Geekdom to join me in The Quest! (man, I really wanted a second season of that... I cried when they revealed the castle.)

    Tamora Pierce is my all-time favorite author! I think I have read ALL of her books! <3
  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »
    Saeraphine wrote: »
    More geeks! :joy: Ps4 gamer girl here (Borderlands 2, ESO, Zen Pinball, Diablo III, DA:I, Netflix :tongue: ), Joss Whedon fan, Tamora Pierce reader, sorted into Slytherin, former convention attending Otaku (now I don't watch/attend much), slow Japanese learner, and just overall sci-fi/fantasy lover.

    I'm very active on MFP, and would love more Heroes of the Geekdom to join me in The Quest! (man, I really wanted a second season of that... I cried when they revealed the castle.)

    Tamora Pierce is my all-time favorite author! I think I have read ALL of her books! <3

    YAY! Another fan! The only one I haven't read yet is Battle Magic! I have it, just haven't sat down with it since I moved. I have all of her books, and now I'm going through and collecting first editions and cool hardback cover art editions. I even have a couple signed!

    I'm impatiently waiting for Tris's new book at the academy to come out! She's one of my favorite characters!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @rbratt06 Never actually done myself but it's a good idea! I'm nervous at the thought though too, I've never played and I'd be going in solo o.o Talk about having to overcome introverted social anxiety XD

    @Saeraphine Welcome, nice to have you! It's been pretty amazing, seeing how many other geeks and nerds and generally awesome people have responded :smiley: And can I just say, very jelly of the PS4 >.> I'm mainly a PC gamer nowadays but... *sigh*... the PS4 looks soooo nice!
  • Kuresai
    Kuresai Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone! This thread is awesome. So many people into similar interests. I myself love gaming either video games or tabletop, although haven't had much time lately to play. I am into anime, sci fi, fantasy, comics, tcg, and I love Doctor Who. I'm always looking for something new and would eventually like to be able to cosplay at a convention when I lose some weight.
    dubird wrote: »

    Huh. I wonder if my FFXI linkshell is still playing GW2. I should check that out! I've actually got Star Wars Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online right now. They're both free to play now, which is kinda cool, but I hate not having anyone to play with.

    @dubird You played FFXI? That's awesome! I played for 10 years! I sadly left after most of my friends did and I was left in pretty empty linkshells.
  • orochiwarrior
    orochiwarrior Posts: 97 Member
    Hi. It's great to see some fellow geeks on here. I have been gaming since the days of the Atari 2600. I am into Gaming, Anime, Manga and Japanese Music. Feel free to add me
  • lydiakatlough
    lydiakatlough Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a gamer! Looking for more friends on here!

    I'm also on Xbox! Betterlylo92!
  • knowles1989
    knowles1989 Posts: 28 Member
    So, is anyone on psn?
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 3,030 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @rbratt06 Never actually done myself but it's a good idea! I'm nervous at the thought though too, I've never played and I'd be going in solo o.o Talk about having to overcome introverted social anxiety XD

    So... We went to check out a group yesterday that had two open slots. When we got there, they said that their table was full and wouldn't even let us watch. My husband and I were so embarrassed (and upset because the game store was a half hour away).

    So we're thinking of making our own group on Roll20 (D&D E5). My hubs is a great DM, so if anyone wants to join our campaign, please message me! :)
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @Kuresai Glad to have you! Sending an add your way, the more geeks on my f-list the better ;)

    @orochiwarrior Dang everytime someone says anime I think of the growing list of stuff I need to watch XD Adding you!

    @lydiakatlough Gamer girls ftw! Added :smile:

    @knowles1989 Technically I'm on Playstation (PS3), but I'm rarely on it XD

    @rbratt06 Ugh that sucks! I've never played tabletops before, so if you don't mind having a total nub I'd be up for trying :smiley:
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Kuresai wrote: »
    Hello everyone! This thread is awesome. So many people into similar interests. I myself love gaming either video games or tabletop, although haven't had much time lately to play. I am into anime, sci fi, fantasy, comics, tcg, and I love Doctor Who. I'm always looking for something new and would eventually like to be able to cosplay at a convention when I lose some weight.
    dubird wrote: »

    Huh. I wonder if my FFXI linkshell is still playing GW2. I should check that out! I've actually got Star Wars Old Republic and Elder Scrolls Online right now. They're both free to play now, which is kinda cool, but I hate not having anyone to play with.

    @dubird You played FFXI? That's awesome! I played for 10 years! I sadly left after most of my friends did and I was left in pretty empty linkshells.

    Yeah, I miss it! Never did get to finish the Wings of the Godess expansion, though we did finish Prometha. Holy crap, that was an awesome final battle! Still have the screenshots. XD I miss my linkshell now. *lesad*
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 3,030 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @rbratt06 Ugh that sucks! I've never played tabletops before, so if you don't mind having a total nub I'd be up for trying :smiley:

    Hey that's okay! We have premade characters on hand, so all you would have to do is make an account on Roll20 (it's free, no worries). And, if you could help recruit two more people, we'd be golden! :D

  • Varamyr38
    Varamyr38 Posts: 258 Member
    Love Star Trek obviously. Into all kinds of sci-fi and fantasy geekery. Add away! Allons-y!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @KptCirk Done and done, <3 the poop out of Star Trek hehe
  • SimoneCrazy
    SimoneCrazy Posts: 2 Member
    Ok all im new to this forum although been using MFP for a few years on and off. Im finding this self motivation to be hard and really would love somw help.
    Im not a gamer lol though a comic nerd.
    Please add me please. Cheers from Australia
  • sbmcm
    sbmcm Posts: 32 Member
    Hey :)
    I am also a fellow gamer girl/short *kitten*/wannabe geek. I wouldn't say I'm the sharpest tool in the box but I love all things science related and I'm a bit of an astronomy geek :) I'm a big gamer and it's nice to see a fellow zelda fan on here! Also, I love anything paranormal/zombie related or just anything scary! Looking forward to the new series of the walking dead (hopefully they will pick it up this season as I was very disappointed by the last few episodes). I am also very much into my photography at the moment so any fellow photographers also feel free to add me too :)
    This is my second time using this app and I'm feeling much more confident this time round, ready to shed some fatty rolls :)

    Geek/photography nut here, and I'm always looking to meet others who share the obsession.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @SimoneCrazy Done and done! No need to be any specific type of geek or nerd, don't even have to be either. I totally understand that motivation can be difficult to find sometimes, and one of my biggest inspirations have been my MFP pals. Knowing we're in the same boat and having similar challenges AND victories has helped keep me focused, hopefully it'll encourage you too!

    @sbmcm Photography! I've always wanted to get into it, welcome aboard :smiley:
  • sbmcm
    sbmcm Posts: 32 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @SimoneCrazy Done and done! No need to be any specific type of geek or nerd, don't even have to be either. I totally understand that motivation can be difficult to find sometimes, and one of my biggest inspirations have been my MFP pals. Knowing we're in the same boat and having similar challenges AND victories has helped keep me focused, hopefully it'll encourage you too!

    @sbmcm Photography! I've always wanted to get into it, welcome aboard :smiley:
    @FitGeekery Thanks! And you should, it's beyond addictive (fair warning though: gear envy is brutal...and the lens wish lists never end). But I love it, and I would never go back. :smile: