Women 20-25yrs old ... Any Takers?



  • I'm in. I'm 21 and I'm at 193, want to get down to 150 or less.
  • Leah8710
    Leah8710 Posts: 5 Member
    I want in In! 23 & 48 lbs for me
  • em1823
    em1823 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 24 and in law school and definitely looking for some support! I would love to at least 20 pounds, 30 would be AMAZING!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • I am 21 years old I was 198lbs I am now 149lbs but I have 19lbs to go - I am definitely added on joining the group - if you will have me!
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Hi! I'm totally interested in this!
    I'm 24 years old, and I started out in January at 212 pounds. I was a mess. I'm now about halfway to my goal of 150, having about 3 pounds to my first goal of 175.
    Let's kick some butt!
  • I'm 26 with two kids 4 and 2. Trying to lose 25 pounds. Want to be more active and healthy for my little ones. Feel free to add me
  • smb23112
    smb23112 Posts: 46
    I'm in I'm 26 but have 70lbs to get to 150..
  • Hi! Pls.count me in. I'm 24, 5'1 with less than 20lbs to lose..BUT losing 2lbs for me is so difficult... :( Feel free to add me and I hope with all the motivation we give each other, I'll be able to keep on track...
  • I'm in! sounds good :) I'm 25 and I have 30 I wanna lose!
  • ramberbo
    ramberbo Posts: 23
    24 and looking to lose 45-50 lbs! I am in!
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    I am 22 and actually had the same starting weight as you, I am looking to lose 50-60lbs! I am in!
  • sara_thin
    sara_thin Posts: 1
    I'm in, looking to loose around 40lbs at the moment. I'm 5'7" and 167.7lbs this morning.

    ADD ME!
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm in. I'm 26 and have 2 little ones at home ( how I gained the weight). I'm 5'0 and have about 50 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me everyone
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    i would love to join in. I'm 5'4", 24 years old, and I started at 255 lbs. My goal is to be at 205 lbs, and lucky for me, I'm about 18 lbs away. I'm also still new here, and I would love to be a part of this.

    The support sounds amazing!

    Feel free to send any and all friend requests!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I'm 23 and 5ft8
    I started out at 232, I'm now 296 and I want to get down to at least 164 (my "healthy" BMI).

    So far I've lost 36lbs but I have another 32lbs (min to lose), when I get there I'll see how I feel.

    I'd love to be a part of this group! Feel free to add me as a friend.


    Did you mean you're now 196?

    Ha yes I meant I'm now 196....oops!
  • MissKickinCurves
    MissKickinCurves Posts: 15 Member
    Congrats to everyone that's joined the group :) lets lose this weight!!!
  • eklei123
    eklei123 Posts: 27
    Can I still join the group? I'm 21 years old, and I have 30 lbs to lose. I'm 5'6" and weigh 180.
  • MissKickinCurves
    MissKickinCurves Posts: 15 Member
    Sure and Welcome :wink: Everyone that is ready to kick it into gear and lose that excess weight is always welcome here!

    If you want to join the group just send me a friend request and I'll add you so you can be a part of your weekly challenges :)
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi! Im 23 6ft SW:301 Temporary Goal weight for this year is to be 220 by xmas and by next summer I want to be 200-180. Hard work and dedication is what is going to get me there. I know anything is possible if you are committed, and have the desire to push yourself, EVEN when you have no desire to work out nor eat right!
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    :bigsmile: 28 and looking to lose about 20lbs - can i join? :) I need someone to hold me accountable! Sort of like a guilt trip haha - I'll feel guilty if i dont post every 2 days