Grrrr weight just won't shift

hi what can I do to shift weight iv stuck to the plan only had a few glitches but this month iv only lost 3kg it's getting me down any tips on ways to boost my feelings an weight loss will be really apriciated :(


  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    How many kg were you expecting to lose? 3kg in a month is good!
  • Well as I'm heavy 88kg I at least expected about 5 do youvthink that's un realistic ?
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Well as I'm heavy 88kg I at least expected about 5 do youvthink that's un realistic ?

    3kg is 6.6lbs, so over 4 weeks you have lost just over 1.5lbs a week. Sounds spot on to me. Hope you can find a way to relax and enjoy the journey.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    5kg would be quite a lot. I started at 183 pounds (I think that's 83kg, so not far from your weight). The most I lost was about 2 pounds a week, which I think would be about 3.6kg a month. That seemed like a lot, and I've tried to slow the rate as I get closer to goal weight.

    You want to lose slowly enough that you still have a good energy level, lose the minimum of muscle/lean body mass, and don't fall prey to problems like hair loss, etc. On those crazy weight-loss TV shows, people lose more, but many of them gain it right back. Slower is easy to be compliant with, and helps you work into healthy habits that (one hopes) you can maintain for a lifetime.
  • Yes they say slower the better just feel. I work so hard an lose so little may be feel better I. Few weeks more :)
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I know it's difficult when you've been heavy for a long time, but patience is key. You want the weight off NOW but it just doesn't work that way. It's a slow process and takes dedication. 1.5 lbs a week is great! If you do things to lose faster, it's more likely that you will eventually stop doing those things and then you'll just see weight come back. These are the times you're forming good habits and taking care of you!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited September 2015
    The thing to remember is that you didn't put that weight on in a few weeks and it's not going to come off that quickly. You really wouldn't want it to, either. @AnnPT77 pointed out some of the consequences of losing too quickly. I'll add that you'll end up with more loose skin, too. Muscle loss is something to be especially concerned about while you're losing weight because if you gain the weight back (and I'd certainly hope you don't) it's going to be all fat and you'll have an even tougher time trying to lose the weight the next time around because your body fat percentage will be even higher and your metabolism lower than it is at that weight now.

    If you haven't started already, I'd suggest strength training during your weight loss. You'll save more of your lean muscle mass and lose more fat. Since our bodies build extra muscle to carry around our extra weight, if you can keep most of that muscle you'll look amazing when you reach your goal.
  • Thank you for your reply I've started strength training an am thinking of changing times I exercise see if that makes a difference