Weightloss stalling out and figuring out activity levels

I'm 5'6" and at 138-140 lbs right now, and I'm hoping to get down to 125 this year. I started off at 144 lbs, but I seem to be stuck at 138-140 and keep gaining and losing the same couple of lbs. I run about 30 minutes four days a week (about 5 km per day), walk about 1-3 hours the other two days and run 10 km for about 1 hour one day a week. I walk a bit around campus and garden/take care of animals in my spare time and I just started up Insanity this week. I'd guess that this is moderately active?

I've been afraid of gaining weight (since I gain water weight really quickly) so I'm trying to keep my calories between 1200-1500 per day (although I had 1700 yesterday because I felt famished). I know that I'm already at a healthy BMI, but I would like to lose some body fat. I have been tested at about 22.3% body fat. Does anyone else hover by losing and gaining the same 2-4 lbs?


  • 120poundstogo
    120poundstogo Posts: 700 Member
    Yes, I keep losing and gaining the same 5 lbs. for about a year. I didn't do anything to lose 20 lbs. except look at the scale and say I want to lose weight!
  • Queen_Celeste
    Queen_Celeste Posts: 33 Member
    If you are at a healthy BMI, you should start working on strength training instead of focusing on just cardio and calorie cutting. Lifting weights or even just pushups, squats, and crunches will help increase your muscle mass. Also, you should start using your measurements over pounds. You can lose a lot of inches and only lose a couple of pounds. Even if you just start with the ankle weights when running and carry some relatively light dumbbells you could significantly tone your body.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    do you use a food scale to weigh all solids?

    how long have you been dieting for?
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    If you are looking to lose fat, I'd suggest weighing all of your food if you aren't already - the difference in calorie intake once you start weighing is amazing to see. I've said this before on many other threads but my electronic food scale is my favourite gadget! Before I weighed my food, I worked out I was under estimating my calories by around 300-400 per day! I didn't gain weight as I was still ever so slightly in a deficit but I wasn't particular losing much either! The scales put an end to that!

    I also agree with other posters ^^ Incorporate some strength training into your routine. I *only* lost 2lbs last month but lost a total of 8 inches because I have full body weight sessions! :) The scales are good to keep on track but non scale victories feel AMAZING!