BMI calculator

briabner Posts: 427 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering if I can get some insight on BMI calculation. I am right at 5 ft tall and the BMI calculator on here says that a healthy weight for me would be 94-128 pounds. Also, it says that to just get out of the obesity range I would need to drop down to 154 pounds. Honesly around 150 has been my goal weight. So I am not sure if I should just go with what works for me or what I technically should be based on my BMI

Any insight into this matter would be great....thanks in advance


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Just wondering if I can get some insight on BMI calculation. I am right at 5 ft tall and the BMI calculator on here says that a healthy weight for me would be 94-128 pounds. Also, it says that to just get out of the obesity range I would need to drop down to 154 pounds. Honesly around 150 has been my goal weight. So I am not sure if I should just go with what works for me or what I technically should be based on my BMI

    Any insight into this matter would be great....thanks in advance

    bmi is more of a guideline; i wouldn't bet my life on it. it doesn't take into account your frame size, body shape, etc. body fat is more accurate
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I think you should decide and don't worry too much about the BMI ... If you are comfortable at 150 stay there.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    Decide when you get to 150lbs. If you feel good then stop, if you want to lose a bit more then go ahead.:smile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I used BMI as a starting point when I was trying to figure out where I wanted to end up. But having never been a normal weight in my entire life, I had no idea how I'd look or if I'd even be able to get that low. So, I picked 140 (top end of the BMI range for 5'3").

    And then I lost 65 lbs, built up quite a bit of muscle and got my body fat percentage down to 27% or so, which is healthy, and only a bit above 25%, which is fitness or athletic for women. And I weigh 150. So I changed my goal weight. BMI was a good place to start, but it's not really something I need to get to for a healthy weight based on body fat and fitness level. You might get to 150 and feel awesome about how you look and stop. Or you get there and decide "let's go another 10 lbs". I say take it a pound at a time :)
  • BMI calculators are a good tool but you want to use it in conjunction with everything else. When you are 150 is you BP good, cholestrol, are you technically 'fit', what does your physician say, etc. Also, what is your body structure like, I'm 5'10 and it says I should be anywhere between 135 with 170 being my high. 170 is actually my target because even there I start looking emaciated with my cheeks drawn in because my body structure is just not meant to be that small so 135 is definitely not the direction I plan to go. If I can get to 170-175 I'm going to be happy because I know I'll be fit for ME! So, I say all of that to say, use your judgement and with your doctors help come to a determination what is fit for YOU and use calculators and such as a guide. Good luck!
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I currently dont have the typically over weight health issues. My blood pressure is 110/60, my cholesterol is really low with my "good cholesterol" high, blood sugars have always been normal. I do have a heart condition but it is congenital and does not ahve any thing to do with weight and I also have asthma but yet again congenital.

    So I think I shall just look in the mirror and see when I get down to 150 or so. When I was in high school about 5 years ago I got down to 98 pounds because I was super sick and in the hospital and I did not like the way that I look. So I definitely know that I will not be getting to the low end of my healthy BMI thats for sure
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    So, I am 5'9" and about 6 years ago I lost 45 lbs and was 140. This is in the "healthy" range for my bmi and a weight recommended by my doctor. Unfortunately, I was also tired all the time and in order to maintain that weight I had to eat less than 1200 a day (around 1100). I have since gained it all back (and more :P), but I have found out that I technically have a large body frame... I am not supposed to weigh below 150 in order to maintain enough lean body mass and fat XD haha so the BMI is really just a guideline... If I went to the bottom of the range I would probably become very ill. Do what feels good :) I wish I had stayed at 155-160 (where I felt comfortable) than trying to lose the extra weight to fit an ideal... Then I would have those 6 years to be healthy!!
  • welshplum84
    welshplum84 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with all the above, get to your target weight and then decide what you want to do.
    It is true that the BMI test doesn't take into account of your bone structure and muscle volume, this is why I think are a load of cr@p!
    One thing you could do is that when you do get down to your eventual weight target is to work out your Basic Metabolic Rate, you can find this by searching on Google. You enter your vitals and it calculates how many calories you need per day to maintain your weight.
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