focusing on diet before exercise

I have a question.... and tell me if it makes sense or not, Im not trying to sound like Im a know it all! But this is a conclusion I have come to... So to lose weight you need to first find out how many calories you are consuming on a daily basis, lets say 2000. The next thing would be to find out how active you are, so we'll say sedentary. At my current height and weight (61"/ 195) my BMR is 1600. So at the end of the day I would have a surplus of 400 calories thus gaining weight. But if I cut that 2000 throught working watching what I eat and how much and consume 1200 calories a day keeping my BMR the same (sedentary burns 1600 for me) then I should come up with a deficit of 400 (instead of a surplus), therefore losing weight. I worded like this not to include exercise, not because I dont wanna workout, I just got off active duty army so I love working out and lifting HEAVY weights lol! But I struggled with my weight the entire time I was enlisted and worked out very religiously. It dawned on me that my problem with my weight might come from trying too much initially. I always try to diet and exercise at the same time! It never fails, I get even more hungrier from the extra activities and end up gaining. I get discouraged and quit because for me, its harder to control or restrict my appitite while working out. I've tried just working out first and letting my diet 'catch' up (meaning I'll focus on it later) and I lost ten lbs! But as soon as I missed a few workouts if felt like came back faster the second time around lol! This time I will opt to try getting my diet together first. The way I see it (and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong) is that no matter how much exercise or amazing feats I can perform in the gym, it will all go to waste by dinner time for me lol! So If I stick to a 1200 cal diet, no working out because it boosts my appitite, and get plenty of water and take a multi I will lose weight. Not as fast, which is not what I want I'd rather lose it slow... If I lose it slow it'll come back slow (hopefully!) Then once I get down to a healthier weight I will begin walking and calisthenics and build up from there... But that sounds to simple to me or like i might have misinterpreted the information I received. I am open to all suggestions and opinions! Thanks!


  • LowCarbAmanda
    Here's a link to an article entitled, The Scientist and the Stairmaster - Why most of us believe that exercise makes us thinner—and why we're wrong.

    It's basically about just that. That exercise is very useful for fitness, but not absolutely essential for weight loss, and can be detrimental if you can't reign in the appetite you work up while working out.

    Personally, I didn't want to lose all my weight by exercising, only to gain it back when I devote less time to it. I've done some walking, but that's about it, and I've lost a fair amount in 9 months all through diet. I look forward to exercising for fitness and FUN when I've lost more! :)
  • mapexdrummer69
    You've got it a bit wrong.

    BMR does not take into account, NEAT (non-exercise associated thermodynamics), TEF (thermic effect of food), etc. These things will be far above BMR. 1200 calories, IMO is FAR too low for a man your size.
  • jwebb086
    jwebb086 Posts: 8
    thank you for the responses! and Im a girl lol!
  • jwebb086
    jwebb086 Posts: 8
    thanks for the articles both of you!
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    80 % of weight loss is from healthy dieting (lifestyle), 20 % from exercise....

    My motto and it works... :bigsmile:

    I use exercise for improving my overall fitness and body sculpturing.....
  • jwebb086
    jwebb086 Posts: 8
    that needs to become my motto as well! lol
  • mapexdrummer69
    thank you for the responses! and Im a girl lol!

    Lol, my apologies. I saw height and profile pic and drew a conclusion. My bad!!!

    Edit: I'm just jealous because I'm 5' 7". Lol

    Double edit: 61" does not equal 6' 1".
    So much fail in my post.

    Disregard my post, read the link I posted.
  • fairygirl716
    fairygirl716 Posts: 213
    In the last 10 months I have lost 81 lbs. I have done this by making a lifestyle change. That is the key to it...not "DIETING". If you are truly looking for something that will last forever, then making a lifestyle change and going about it slowly is the way to go. There is not magic formula of getting there. Simply you much consume less calories than you burn. If you are working out and eating more...then your body probably needs it. But, what are you grabbing when you work out? If you are grabbing a high calorie supplement bar or fast food then you aren't nourshing your body.

    Don't give up on the working out, stick to it and alter the types of foods you are eating. A 100 calorie banana is not the same as a 100 calorie snack pack. It's all about balance and choices. In order to have a healthy body, you must make healthier choices. Good luck on your journey...and thank you for your service to our country...welcome home.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    80 % of weight loss is from healthy dieting (lifestyle), 20 % from exercise....

    My motto and it works... :bigsmile:

    I use exercise for improving my overall fitness and body sculpturing.....

    This absolutely.
  • jwebb086
    jwebb086 Posts: 8
    lol thats okay, i look tough on the pic (maybe a lil too tough)! the military always measures us in inches so its a habit Im 5'1" to clear it up! lol
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    I'm with you on this - I notice also that i'm hungrier when i workout intensely than when I don't. I do try to keep some level of activity, be it walking, dancing around the house, yoga, etc, so I don't lose muscle mass. Also, I don't want to kill myself working out to lose weight, only to get burned out and then *poof* weight gain! I want to do something that I can keep up even after I've met my goal and that I enjoy! I grew up a dancer and was also 15-20lbs overweight. So, i do believe diet had something to do with that.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    that needs to become my motto as well! lol
