Why do I keep doing this????

boobear00 Posts: 53 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
If anyone has advice that'd be great but I'm more frustrated with myself than anything else. For the 2 months, I have gained and lost the same 2-5 lbs. Every time I get anywhere near breaking the 200 mark I seem to jump back up to at least 205 by the next week. I know this is a mental thing. I know I don't even consciously realize I'm doing it, until I get back on the scale, see the results and think back on my eating. Today I am 202.5, I lost 2 1/2 lbs this week. That is amazing! I know I should be able to drop under 200 lb within a week or two. But then I never do it. Believe I will spend this week trying to analyze what I'm hiding from. Anyone else fought this and won?


  • kajun_at_work
    kajun_at_work Posts: 60 Member
    What does your food diary say? The answers will most likely be there.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You should be using the diary in MFP to help with this. I can't see yours to offer advice, but if you are really, truly, tracking everything you eat, there should be no surprises when you step on the scale (barring medical issues, of course!). As you near the end of every day, you'll want to take a look at what you've eaten so far. Not only will that help you to figure out if you need to eat more or not that evening, but it can help you to realize if there is anything you can change for tomorrow. If you are over your calorie goal for the day, you may need to be more careful the next day and avoid the items that put you over.

    Good luck!
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Yeah, no one can help unless we can see what you're eating.

    It could also be that there is a medical issue. Have you consulted your doctor and/or had blood tests?
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    i also dealt with self sabotaging.....what has help me is the following: every time a want a goodies(cake, cookies, candy, ect) i remember the effort and time it takes to lose those calories(either by exercise or calorie counting),,,,unfortuntely im not one to just have a little bite, i just rather not have it at all.....remind yourself everday of what you want to accomplish....and be kind to yourself when you have a bad, just get on the horse at the next meal(not the next day, but the next meal)....good luck on your journey....
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    If it's the scale that motivates you, maybe you should step on it every day? You do have to understand that weight fluctuates with the days, and don't get too stuck on the number. Think about what you're eating everyday, not just when it's weighing time.
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    This is the thrd time I've seriously been losing the same 50 lbs. I get comfortable with my excess weight. When I'm at my "normal" weight it just doesn't feel right!! Just keep working at it -- it is worth your effort!!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Food and water! Open up your diary and repost the question :)
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I do this as well . . . every time i get close to a "milestone" i sabotage myself and it takes me a month to get past it. Im down to my last 25 pounds to go and have been yo-yoing in the "160's" for a while now.
    I don't ever gain more than a few pounds, usually by going out too much over a weekend, but have realized that I have this pattern. As a result it has taken me a long time to lose the weight I have but honestly I know that I will never go back, I have changed so much of my life to be healthier, and love feeling so much better.
    I am reverting back to my philosophy of "1 day at a time" . . . my favorite quote from Bob Greene (Oprah's trainer) . . .

    I create myself with the choices I make each day!

    Take 24 hours at a time, never more, and just do what you can today . . . I'll do the same . . .
  • I agree with the others who have answered you so far....I was wondering the same thing when I joined this site not too long ago. I never really thought a site like this would help too much so I never tried tracking my caloric intake, but this has been a huge eye opener and you just really have to be accountable for everything you eat and find subtle things to do to change the negative habits into positive ones, like stocking up on enough groceries so that after work or a busy day, when you find you are starving because you didn't brind enough to eat for lunch, for example, you will have something waiting at home; this happened to me the other day, and that's why I stopped and bought pizza, and wolfed it down!! I was starving, had a headache, and the air conditioner at work had stopped working, so I really didn't bring enough bottled water. Plus my hypoglycemia started up, and I was weak and dizzy, and my plans to do a quick grocery shopping trip so I could cook a healthy dinner fell to the wayside! I HAD to eat something as quickly as possible, especially because of my hypoglycemia. So, pizza it was. But later, after overstuffing myself, I realized that I had peanut butter and bread at home; I could have just as easily have had a sandwhich with some bananas and glass of milk, or whatever, as had that pizza! So, it really has been helping me just to be more aware of my options, and to choose the healthy ones! So just log everything you eat, and soon you'll recognize patterns that could lead to negative behavior that sabotages your good intentions, but you will also discover you have positive behaviors too :)
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    In addition to the other good advice already posted, I would just say, hang in there. I think many of of us...I know I certainly have...been where you are at currently. I started MFP in January of this year, after trying sooooo many diets over the years (I literally joined Weight Watchers 21 times!!!! ) So many times I have self sabotaged. Even since I started MFP and joined a 12 week challenge, for a period of 4-5 weeks I still played with the same 2 lbs! Soo frustrated at myself. Finally however, I got over the hump. I kept logging on, and I make sure I log in everyday, logging ALL my food, even when I am over :o( It helps keep me honest and on track! And now that I have made regular physical activity or exercise a regular part of my day, I have lost 20 lbs (of anticipated 75 lb weight loss) my clothes fit better, I have more energy, and I am excited to be well on my way, finally, to get back to the body of mine that has been hiding under layers of fat for way too many years!

    All the best on your weight loss journey, and keep in touch with your MFP friends, the support really does help. :flowerforyou:
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