swimming to lose weight .........



  • Aaaah that feels better!
    Do anyone else have real difficulty during the woggle part of an aquacise routine? I just can't keep in one area! Today I drifted across nearly half the pool! Still... It's a good job the others in the class can have a giggle too. :)
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    The only thing you need to lose weight is a caloric deficit. The kind of exercise you do doesn't matter, just do something you enjoy.

    Completely this!

    I started with swimming as I felt too fat and too unfit to do anything else when I started. It was a great way of building up some fitness and also helping create a calorie deficit and gave me the confidence to start exercising out of the pool. I now rarely swim (usually only on recovery days) but do find it makes me far more hungry (and it is hunger not thirst) that any other exercise I do. I can run 10 miles and burn 1200 cals (still 182lbs so burn is high) and be less hungry than swimming for 2km and burning approx 600 cals! However, the reason I swim less is I love running. Weigh/ measure & log you food, eat at a deficit and do any form of exerise you enjoy and you'll lose weight :)
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    I had been running before but I hurt my left food and it can't take the constant impact, so now I'm swimming instead. I'm trying to train up to being able to swim a mile. I'm currently at 25 laps (doing front crawl), and just need to do 10 more each time to get to a mile, and it feels doable. Phase 2 is doing it in under 30 minutes, and incorporating the flip turns. My question though is whether there are any decent apps or training trackers for swimming along the likes of c25k. I tried a paid app that was recommended by active.com and it was pretty useless really. I doubt that staff there even really looked at it. Anyway, any suggestions you have for apps, training for the last 10 laps, or how to improve time and eliminate rest periods are greatly appreciated.
  • ShannoNamaste
    ShannoNamaste Posts: 12 Member
    I am an extremely slow swimmer (I usually do freestyle or breastroke). I average about 2 to 3 minutes per lap (back and forth on a 25 meter pool). How do I count those calories? (I swim for about 1 to 1.5 hours). I appreciate all the help I can get. Love this message board!
  • twrobbel
    twrobbel Posts: 132 Member
    I hate getting water in my face and up my nose- so I don't swim laps. But, I do love, love, love to work out in the water. I have been doing 3 different kinds of water aerobics classes- 1 class 6 days a week. It definitely made a difference for me. I wear a HRM and found that in my Aqua Tabata class, I burn slightly more calories then I do in land classes (zumba, drills, etc...), and I don't feel that I worked out as hard (I do work hard enough to get my HR up though). The other water classes I take are about 50 less calories burned then land classes, but again it feels so much easier and is a lot of fun- so I'm willing to give up that 50 calories or get into the pool 5 min before class and run laps in the water to make up the difference. Plus I found that I toned up very quickly due to the water resistance. After 3 weeks, my new uncomfortably tight pants could almost be completely pulled off without unzipping. My arms looks so much more toned, and I fit into blazers I haven't worn in years because they were to tight in the upper arms. So yeah, I LOVE the water!
  • Which HRM do you use in the water. I want one for water aerobics and water tabata