Losing Weight In Order To Get Pregnant?



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    My best friend had this experience. She had 'unexplained infertility' for six years and was severely obese. Her fertility specialist was a jerk and refused to help her until she lost weight and was no longer in an obese category. Honestly, we both think the specialist didn't think she would bother but in a bit less than two years she got to a BMI of 28. Within three months of her second visit with the specialist, she got pregnant with twins. She is due in December.

    I am finding myself in a similar situation, as I am heavier than specialists prefer and my partner and I are having problems conceiving. I am losing the weight but I refuse to do any fad quick loss diets because I want the loss to be long term.

    I don't think the fertility specialist was a jerk for doing that. I'm sure that based on his expertise and experience, he realized there wasn't much he could do to help her at that weight. Why waste the time and money if he knows there is only a very slim chance of a successful pregnancy? He gave her good advice...she followed it...went back and quickly got pregnant. Seems to me he did the right thing.

    I don't think it's jerky either. My fertility specialist was super blunt (he once told me that a woman's uterine lining should be like a lush lawn and that mine was like a weedy field) and I loved it. I was paying him a lot of money and wouldn't want him to BS me and string me along when there was something easy, like losing weight, that I could do to increase my odds of getting pregnant.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    My best friend had this experience. She had 'unexplained infertility' for six years and was severely obese. Her fertility specialist was a jerk and refused to help her until she lost weight and was no longer in an obese category. Honestly, we both think the specialist didn't think she would bother but in a bit less than two years she got to a BMI of 28. Within three months of her second visit with the specialist, she got pregnant with twins. She is due in December.

    I am finding myself in a similar situation, as I am heavier than specialists prefer and my partner and I are having problems conceiving. I am losing the weight but I refuse to do any fad quick loss diets because I want the loss to be long term.

    I don't think the fertility specialist was a jerk for doing that. I'm sure that based on his expertise and experience, he realized there wasn't much he could do to help her at that weight. Why waste the time and money if he knows there is only a very slim chance of a successful pregnancy? He gave her good advice...she followed it...went back and quickly got pregnant. Seems to me he did the right thing.

    I don't think it's jerky either. My fertility specialist was super blunt (he once told me that a woman's uterine lining should be like a lush lawn and that mine was like a weedy field) and I loved it. I was paying him a lot of money and wouldn't want him to BS me and string me along when there was something easy, like losing weight, that I could do to increase my odds of getting pregnant.

    Weedy field! he has a way with words. LOL! But I agree...I appreciate bluntness from professionals because it leaves no room for misunderstanding and makes it clear exactly what the situation is.
  • wintersyve
    wintersyve Posts: 29 Member
    wintersyve wrote: »
    Like someone else here a few years ago I lost 30lb but still nothing. The upshot of this us that we are in the process of applying for adoption! So excited!

    I hope everything goes well!

  • judymata
    judymata Posts: 42 Member
    I started to lose weight for that same reason, my motivations have shifted significantly since then. Hope everything works out for you!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I did. I started losing weight June 2013. I lost weight sensibly and healthily and worked out 4-5x a week. I lost 57 lbs (from 211.6 to 155) and we began TTCing as soon as I hit 155 lbs (which was the goal my husband set). I went from rarely having periods (think 1-3 a year) to getting more and more regular. I was finally getting my period monthly. Plus I could finally see fluctuations on the scale for when I retained water weight, which meant either I was ovulating or getting AF. For once in my life I was finally able to track my cycles. We conceived the very first month of trying, which was April/May 2014. Continued logging and eating sensibly, swam 3x a week. I gained the recommended amount of weight for my BMI, 24.6 lbs. Had my baby January of this year. She's now 8 months old and I've lost an additional 12 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight after I lost all of my pregnancy weight. It's a bit harder to lose with breastfeeding, by I'm slowly getting there.

  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I did. I started losing weight June 2013. I lost weight sensibly and healthily and worked out 4-5x a week. I lost 57 lbs (from 211.6 to 155) and we began TTCing as soon as I hit 155 lbs (which was the goal my husband set). I went from rarely having periods (think 1-3 a year) to getting more and more regular. I was finally getting my period monthly. Plus I could finally see fluctuations on the scale for when I retained water weight, which meant either I was ovulating or getting AF. For once in my life I was finally able to track my cycles. We conceived the very first month of trying, which was April/May 2014. Continued logging and eating sensibly, swam 3x a week. I gained the recommended amount of weight for my BMI, 24.6 lbs. Had my baby January of this year. She's now 8 months old and I've lost an additional 12 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight after I lost all of my pregnancy weight. It's a bit harder to lose with breastfeeding, by I'm slowly getting there.

    So glad to see this!!! I have the same problem (few to no periods) and I'm hoping losing weight will help me. I've only lost 15 lbs, after starting at 223, and already I'm pmsing like crazy. Your post gives me so much hope! Thank you!

    Also, I read somewhere that fat cells store androgen hormones, so if you already have a tendency for too much testosterone, the fat keeps it there. Or something. It was awhile ago...lol.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited September 2015
    But doesn't getting pregnant get u out of shape again ?

    My sister used her first pregnancy as an excuse to over eat. I think she gained 60 pounds. That's when she discovered MFP. She learned that she simply cannot eat as much ice cream as her 6'4" husband and gained much less weight with her second pregnancy.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    My best friend had this experience. She had 'unexplained infertility' for six years and was severely obese. Her fertility specialist was a jerk and refused to help her until she lost weight and was no longer in an obese category. Honestly, we both think the specialist didn't think she would bother but in a bit less than two years she got to a BMI of 28. Within three months of her second visit with the specialist, she got pregnant with twins. She is due in December.

    I am finding myself in a similar situation, as I am heavier than specialists prefer and my partner and I are having problems conceiving. I am losing the weight but I refuse to do any fad quick loss diets because I want the loss to be long term.

    I don't think the fertility specialist was a jerk for doing that. I'm sure that based on his expertise and experience, he realized there wasn't much he could do to help her at that weight. Why waste the time and money if he knows there is only a very slim chance of a successful pregnancy? He gave her good advice...she followed it...went back and quickly got pregnant. Seems to me he did the right thing.


    I consulted with a marriage counselor who wouldn't take us because we were drinking...a lot. I thought he was a jerk at the time, but after I stopped drinking to excess could see where he was coming from.

  • mspink7022
    mspink7022 Posts: 9 Member
    I am losing weight to be healthy but I have baby fever and my husband and I are ready for babies. I hope to lose 30lbs by the end of the year and then hopefully get pregnant :) Weight loss has always been a struggle, but I think it will be easier to do knowing I get a sweet baby at the end :wink:
  • mago_lubb_it
    mago_lubb_it Posts: 1 Member
    Me here!! I'm also trying to lose weight to conceive my second. I've been trying for 18 months with no luck and I finally understood my weight has a lot to do with it. I had started losing weight around March and was getting ny periods every month and as soon as I stopped they became irregular and my cycles were like 62 days long just to get a period and now that I started again I got my period earlier and I'm looking forward to getting them every month. I'm also eating a lot healthier and I'm not eating any meats which is a big thing for me. Don't miss it what so ever. Add me if you to follow. I don't mind having a buddy to go through this and help each other!! :)
  • jasminemabry
    jasminemabry Posts: 18 Member
    I am having infertility problems as well and since I have started changing my lifestyle it has made it more meaningful because I know I will be a mom soon...so anybody want to be friends I would love support
  • GillianLF
    GillianLF Posts: 410 Member
    I havent started trying yet but planning to in maybe 6 months. I've discussed it with my doctor and she recommended I lose some weight and become healthier. She said given my age (will be 36 when trying for my first) I should do everything to optimise my health.
    Thats the final push I needed to do something about my health and when I need motivation I think of my future and it helps.

    Very best of luck getting pregnant ladies. Its such an emotional thing, nice to be able to get support from other women.
  • jedin97
    jedin97 Posts: 5 Member
    edited September 2015
    In 2005 my husband and I decided after being married for a year and together for 6 years, we'd quit preventing pregnancy. I had thought nothing of fertility at that time and it never crossed my mind that I'd have issues with it. The first year went by and I thought that it was relatively normal not to get pregnant quickly..... Then another year went by and another year and still no pregnancy. At this point I was getting my period once every three or so months. I started thinking it may be my thyroid as it had tested irregular a few times before, only to be normal when rechecked. Then I started researching issues I had been having.... To make a long story shorter, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism AND PCOS and told that while it wasn't completely impossible to get pregnant, it would be very difficult if it ever did happen. In 2010, after trying Meds, I had finally had it. I started working out about 5 days a week and keeping an eye on what I was eating but not really restricting so much. I lost 15lbs in three months and my period became regular on its own. Within the next two months, I became pregnant. I have a beautiful and healthy little girl. Now I've put that weight I lost back on and am wishing for another miracle baby if possible....
    This time at least I know it's possible with exercise and eating better. I'm down 10lbs so far in three weeks this time but I'd really like to lose about 40lbs!
  • GillianLF
    GillianLF Posts: 410 Member
    @jedin97 thank you for that! Very inspiring.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I lost 45 lbs, and am now pregnant after conceiving on the first cycle. So I think losing weight and getting healthy helped. :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    There's lots of pregnancy success stories in my post-bariatric support group. To go from "morbidly obese" to "new momma" has got to be amazing. I'm well past those years now but I'm popping in to remind all you gals to take a pregnancy vitamin now, which will have the folic acid in it.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    HI - A few years ago, I was told that I would have a 90% chance of never conceiving. I decided to take charge, get healthy, lose weight, eat better. I was doing it for myself, and not for trying to get pregnant. My hormones were always a little of out whack, but after losing 40 lbs, my periods became regular, and I got pregnant on my own! I think that losing weight, being healthy and eating right, can regulate our bodies, especially our hormones that play a key role in our health! Good Luck!
  • 91mummy
    91mummy Posts: 4 Member
    me. Im not trying but not preventing either. Iv had a rubbish year so im just going to be as healthy as i can and hopefully il get pregnant soon. I had a miscarriage in january and lost my mum this month so had alot on my plate both metaphorically and literally! Im taking each day as they come and what happens will happen. I have 2 boys already and gained about 30lbs with each but now im up to 200lbs instead of my usual 150lbs, so trying to lose as much as I can and maintain a healthy weight in pregnancy