
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Our poochie smudge is a parsons terrier and I've taken him for several jogs! He's absolutely perfect..he stays by the side of me, without a lead and could do several more miles than me. I'm puffing and sweating and he's looking for me to throw something. If I could relate him to a person, he would be a super athlete! Seriously, the vets cannot get over his muscle definition :laugh:

    We have just rehomed a chocolate labrador and she is a little on the heavy side...and too big to take jogging even if she were a perfect size!

    Lovely doggies here! :wink:

    Here is smudge and me (20lbs heavier last year) after climbing the highest mountain in south wales! Excuse the hair :laugh:



    Beautiful picture!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I run with 1.5 yr old female boxer. We average about 4-8 miles together. She runs fast with DH or slow with me. We get her out 3-4 times per week LOVE HER. We have a waist leash to free up arms and she is a great runner. Heat is killing us though so we go EARLY
  • Arogahn
    Arogahn Posts: 1 Member
    I have a collie/golden mix who is about 50 pounds. She does great with 4 miles or less and ideally without a leash!!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    The few Parsons Russells I've met were impressively muscular! I would've kept either of them. I've got 7 dogs of my own, ranging from 6 lbs to 80lbs, and I still think a 30 -40 pounder is the ideal size for all situations! I think my next dog will be a Parsons or JRT. Thanks for posting the great pics.

    Absolutely, we would have had another Parsons if we didn't rehome...I know Tia (lab_ could do the great walks with us, but maybe with not so much energy...smudge can bouce all the way up a mountain :laugh: My fiance doesn't mind me walking the dogs late at night now with our beautiful lab next to me. I love parsons...they are stubborn but highly intelligent and cuddly when they want to be...and you have to watch them with squirrels!

  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Our poochie smudge is a parsons terrier and I've taken him for several jogs! He's absolutely perfect..he stays by the side of me, without a lead and could do several more miles than me. I'm puffing and sweating and he's looking for me to throw something. If I could relate him to a person, he would be a super athlete! Seriously, the vets cannot get over his muscle definition :laugh:

    We have just rehomed a chocolate labrador and she is a little on the heavy side...and too big to take jogging even if she were a perfect size!

    Lovely doggies here! :wink:

    Here is smudge and me (20lbs heavier last year) after climbing the highest mountain in south wales! Excuse the hair :laugh:



    Beautiful picture!

    Thank you...shame the skies hadn't cleared..such an amazing view!
  • Iris0022
    Iris0022 Posts: 54
    I run with my two Boston Terriers and we do a 2.5 mile loop. My tiny 10 pounder Belle runs ahead the whole way. She is good encouragement. I figure if she can do it on her tiny little legs then so can I.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member

    he's crazy!!!




    Can you tell I love my little un? hehe xx
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    When I'm home (I'm in college and I don't have a dog here cause I don't think it'd be fair to the dog :-/ especially cause I spend so much time with my horse!) I run with my border collie mix. Her name is Cinnamon, and she's a fantastic partner!!


    This picture was taken in the winter (obviously) when we were going for a hike :). <3<3<3 the pooches!!
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    This is Oscar:


    He's a retired racing greyhound.

    One would think he would like running with me, right?


    This is what Oscar likes to do:


    The last time I tried to take him running with me, he thought it was interesting for about a half mile and then he refused to go any farther. He literally stood completely still in the middle of the sidewalk, refusing to move. He's a big boy, I can't force him :(

    As much as I'd love to run with my pup, he's my baby, and he's perfect in all other ways, so I don't complain too much!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i run with my labradoodle. she loves shorter run (two-three miles), but will go up to six. anything more than that and she can't keep up. she stays right by my side without a leash.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I run with my 100 lb, 7-month old great Dane puppy. Her name is gwendolyn. She's in my profile pic with me. Shes up to 3.5 miles averaging an 8.5-9 min mile. The vet said she could run up to a 10-k with me as long as I increase her mileage gradually. She loves it so much!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    My two year old Australian Shepard does my trail runs with me about three days a week. He started with me, and has increased distance from a couple mile walks to my 9-10 mile long runs on the weekends. We are pretty slow, averaging any where between 5 to 6 mph.

    Living up in the hills he provides a sense of security, whil I haven't come across any while running, there are definatly moutain lions and bears up here.

    Truth be told he would rather be right where he is in my profile pic. Not sure how I ended up with the worlds laziest herding dog.
  • katibug
    katibug Posts: 2
    I've been taking my 5 year old Ridgeback out for 3-5 miles a couple times a week for about a month. Lately, as it's heating up even at 6am, he's starting to lag behind me a bit. I think its a combo of the heat and him being a bit pudgy/out of shape. Not sure if I should push him to back off and accept his limitations until fall when it cools off.
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    We have 2 labradors both about 7 years old, one black one yellow, and they come for a run (cross country so off leads) with me every morning for about 4 miles and at the weekend up to 7 or 8. Hubby takes them out running as well but he tends to do short sprints on one particular field so the dogs go off and mooch around.

    I have noticed that the dogs aren't so eager to keep up with me these days as they were 2 years ago - can't decide if I'm running faster or if they're getting older!

    Have done short runs with them on the lead but as we all prefer to run cross country, it doesn't happen very often! :-)
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I use to run with my parent's dog (now she is a bit too old and it is more difficult for her), I would run 3-4Ks every other day when I was going to my parents. She a labrador/ husky mix (so blond with clear blue eyes), now she is 10 and a bit out of shape for running.

    I also run once in a while (use to be every other day when I did my C25K) with my Boston Terrier, he loves running :) (see my avi)
    That said, he prefers going to the dog park and run like there's no tomorrow after other dogs running after a ball, he loves running with greyhounds too (he is higher on his legs and very muscular 30 pounds).
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    I love all of the replies to this post. I'm impressed with the variation of breeds as running partners.

    Personally, I've got several running partners to choose from: Doberman, Belgian Malinois, & Dutch Shepherd.

    pics to come.
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    My running partners (also my drug detection dogs)

  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    anyone else?
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    I run with my pug!
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    I run with my pug!

    lol..... awesome!
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