Back for round 2!

I started my journey 2 years ago when I went through a rough time with the ex splitting town. I started eating better, exercised, and got down to 198 lbs. (All time high was somewhere from 335-350).

That was a year ago and now I find myself back where I started, or damn near it. I now weigh around 270. I cant fathom how I could let myself get back to this state. As hard as I worked, to fall into the same pitfalls...ugh. I got comfortable. I then started eating the garbage that got me to where I was. Its funny because as your losing the weight you don't feel it on a daily basis, and the reverse also holds true. I was eating all the wrong stuff but would look in the mirror and not see the changes on a day to day basis.

I miss who I was. :( I was running, ran my first 5k, then a 10k, and one day I just decided I was gonna run, ala Forest Gump, and ran 15 I had aspirations to run a half marathon and maybe even a full marathon one day!! I most of all miss the feeling of confidence I had in myself. I miss not feeling ashamed when I look in the mirror. The worst thing is I did it after being as heavy as I was, I did it!! How do I gain it all back knowing how hard it was getting there!! Ugh, I'm rambling now.

I know I need to stay on here after I lose it again...I needed the support and was grateful for it when I lost the weight, now I know I really need it to maintain it as well.

Wish me luck! (again)


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, you're not that close to your starting weight. And, bonus, this time you're starting with all the knowledge you need to get it done, plus having learned from your mistakes.

    Welcome back, you've really got this!
  • Mavalicous
    Mavalicous Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks Jennifer! I know I do, it just sucks knowing I have to do it It's time though. I kept seeing people running around town and I kept thinking that should be me. Like I said, it's time.
  • Celtic_Wanderer
    Celtic_Wanderer Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with Jennifer, this time round you are wiser and by the sound of it you know what you want, which is already a great step forward. Good luck, stay determined and show everyone you can do it
  • summerflowers79
    You did it once you can do it again :)
  • HeatherCarnes76
    HeatherCarnes76 Posts: 52 Member
    I think many of us have been through the same exact thing. I know I have been. I lost 130 pounds and gained 50 of it back. I was distraught. I am getting back to the groove of things. I've lost almost all the weight I had gained. I want to lose about 60 or 70 more. Just hang in there and before you know it, you will be running another 5k!
  • nrainb
    nrainb Posts: 37 Member
    Good for you for recognizing you deserve whatever it is you want! You want to run - Run Forest, Run! You got this (again)!!!!
  • Dray222
    Dray222 Posts: 39 Member
    You can do this! Take one day at a time. Your determination is inspiring!
  • in_faith
    in_faith Posts: 42 Member
    I'm at a motivated period in my life too. Please add me anyone.. Encouragement along the way is awesome!