I lost all motivation!



  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    kami3006 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Where to start? Well you have the app. Plug in your stats and use it. Log everything you eat, invest in a food scale, before you know it you'll be 190...then 180...then goal. Start right now.

    ^^ yep. This is a link to a thread with fabulous information to get you started:

    Welcome :)


    Also, there is a difference between motivation and determination. There's a good blog article that talks about this. I will try to find it and send you the link.

    Remember, you need patience, willpower, and commitment. If you have that, use this app correctly, and read / research information, you'll be a success. Good luck!
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    edited September 2015
    brdnw wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Bxqtie116 wrote: »
    As everyone here said, you being on here is the first step. Logging all of your food will help you become more accountable for the choices you make. As for exercise, do whatever you like whether it's walking, running, swimming or riding a bike. You will need at least 40 min of cardio 4x a week to help burn off the excess weight.

    False. Exercise is for health, diet and calorie deficit is for weight loss. I lost my weight doing little to no cardio.


    From what I've seen, data tends to show that those who regularly exercise have better success with maintaining a healthy weight over the long term. Obviously, you can never out-exercise a bad diet, though.
  • yangt41
    yangt41 Posts: 33 Member
    Joining MFP, hiring a personal trainer and getting a fitbit for myself have been some of the best investments I've ever made. I'm nearing 40 lbs lost and I couldn't be more proud of myself! You got this girl!
  • kwownow
    kwownow Posts: 43 Member
    I believe my Jenny Craig consultant told me its 20% exercise and 80% food! She has seem folks with very little exercise be successful, however it's so much faster and better for you to add in whatever exercise you can do. Also Maintainers were more likely to be exercises. Makes sense to me. A short walk won't compensate for the Snickers!
  • blarnygurl
    blarnygurl Posts: 14 Member
    I stared a week ago. I agree- buy a scale for sure and weight everything. You will be amazed what a difference this makes;)
  • Ladybug_1794
    Ladybug_1794 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi I'm about in the same boat. 162lbs at my heaviest. Right now I'm doing the 30 day shred with Jillian michials. Look it up on YouTube. There about 28min workouts. 3 levels. I'm starting day 4 today or level 1 and it's really working out for me. I'm definitely feeling it even after my first day.
  • fya20d7c
    fya20d7c Posts: 2 Member
    I feel your pain. I never thought I would get to be over 200 pounds but ive weighed more than that for over a year. My body hurts, I don't recognize myself in the mirror, and my self esteem is at an all time low.

    For the past year, I kept telling myself I would lose weight but never actually took the steps to get there. I joined mfp this past Friday and im ready for a change. I'm ready for this lifestyle change; this weight didn't come on quickly so it won't come off quickly but im going to take it day by day. We can do this!
  • 4monkeys72
    4monkeys72 Posts: 5 Member
    I am not to far behind you so maybe we can do this together! Tomorrows my day 1 and need to get excercise in before off to work. That's a challenge in its self! I lose and I regain over and over. Let's do this!!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You've already started - Welcome to MFP! :)

    Put your stats in to the MFP app and find out your calorie allowance per day (Remember, you can eat back any exercise calories earned too!) Eat whatever you like (weigh your portions if possible) and track, track, track! Atick to that number and you'll lose weight. Simple as that. Good luck!
  • Endless_Journey
    Endless_Journey Posts: 136 Member
    You have made a great start by joining this site. I have lost 46kg so far. Remember it's all about calories in and calories out. Combine this with training. Keeping fit can be fun, have a good support team behind you. Now you are ready to start your journey to a healthier you.
    Good luck
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    You take it one meal at time and be honest with yourself and log log log; you'll soon find things you can swap for more filling but healthy choices. You make small changes step by step and by going for the slowly slowly wins the race approach by building healthy habits and building a healthier you - you will find that the weight will disappear! Also use the forums! Find people at a similar weight / stage / age etc to you and befriend each other to keep one another on track. Obviously the matching stats is not mandatory but it's nice to have things in common :smile:

    I'm 33 and currently at 196lbs and starting again after my little girl has just turned 1 so feel free to add me if you like. V
  • MarkofSuccess
    MarkofSuccess Posts: 120 Member
    Most of all don't let the numbers discourage you. This is a marathon not a sprint.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    Hi there! I started back on MFP about 3 months ago at 206 and have lost almost 25 pounds now. It was tough in the beginning, but it's been worth it. Like most other posters have said, start slow and build from there.

    My philosophy-- Eat what you want, just start to change what it is that you're wanting!
  • coachRichie
    coachRichie Posts: 27 Member
    You have made a start and if you commit to tracking your food intake then this is a good start.
    Take it one day at a time and just remember you are doing this to improve your health.
    Do not go on a crazy weight loss diet as you know diets are only temporary. Make a lifestlyle change.
    Add some exercise to your day.. just walking 30 minutes a day is a good start.
    If you want to get more tips.. please accept my friendship request.
  • GillianLF
    GillianLF Posts: 410 Member
    I had no idea how I weighed so much until I started logging everything. It was shocking! I realised I ate way too much. Its been a challenge sticking with my calorie goals and I went over almost every day at the start.

    I'm only here 7 weeks and already I'm making better food choices. I'm also trying to hit my goal 5 days a week, and if I go over I work it off by logging my workouts.

    Tracking is the first step I think as for me it brought about awareness. I've only lost 8 pounds in seven weeks though but its over a half a stone so its going the right way!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I'm with all the posters who have said you don't need to exercise to lose weight. I have been banging on about this for ages. It's true. I have proven it. And scientists are also starting to talk this way. When i exercise for weightloss i eventually ended up being fat agian. So only exercise when you feel like it and after you've got inside your healthy weight range, you can start thinking more seriously about it then. When you do, it better be something that you love doing if you want to sustain it for a long time and keep yoru weight off permanently.

    But back to the topic. Motivation. You've come to the right place of course.

    Just start out easy. Eat to maintain and then gradually cut back for a moderate deficit. If you are tired of it all, there's probably some changes needed in your program. And every now and then have a pause to let your metabolism come back up again becuase eating at a deficit tends to slow your metabolism. I'd suggest every three months or so, have a pause for about a month. I tried this and found it be doable.

    If you are not enjoying your food, then you need to work on that. Cook better more yummy foods that are also totally healthy. You know a lot of home cooked food is healthy. Most traditional cooking is healthy and also good for dieting. Just leave out the deep fried stuff, the stuff covered in cheese, especially if its already with meat.

    Maximise your vegies. Learn how to love veggies because they are best kept secret for weightloss. More veggies, more weightloss becuase its EASIER. Vegies help in myriad ways.
    1. they are low calorie
    2. you can eat a lot and they help you feel full and satisfied
    3. their energy is released slowly so you will not feel hungry so quickly.
    4. they are full of nutrients which help you feel better which makes losing weight easier.
    5. they can be cooked in so many interesting and delicious ways. You just have to experiment and learn how. It is certainly not about steamed vegies. Look for veggie stews, mixing vegies in your meat stews and casseroles, dips, salads, grilled, baked, sauteed, mixed into soups, vegetarian burgers, legume stews.

    Try to eat about 3 cups of vegies a day using 5 different sorts. Keep yoru fridge well stocked with vegies. Cook dishes up in bulk and store in freezer so they are easy to get at.

    Having given up cheese recently, i've discovered how wonderful mayonnaise is for making vegies taste good. I even use it in my spaghetti now with vegies instead of oil + parmesan.

    maximise your fruit for all of the above reasons. I gave up sweets and now i rely on fresh fruit for sweetness. I even eat oats with no sweetener. Doing this has enabled me to keep the weight off so long - becuase i'm hopeless with sweets. No control.

    look after your mood. Get happy. Stay happy. If you have unhappiness problems and can't fix them, get pro help.