circuit vs two muscle a day

Hey guys, im 86kgs and 5'11''. Trying to get to 80 by November. What's the best workout for this. Heavy weight circuit training or two muscle s day with high reps? Would love to hear from you folks!


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    If you're a beginner to lifting, don't go with the typical bodybuilding split just yet. It's not efficient for a beginner... read into programs such as;
    • New Rules of Lifting For Women
    • Strong Curves
    • ICF 5x5
    • StrongLifts 5x5

    Rep ranges for compound lifts are pretty much 5x5, and 3x8 for accessory work.
  • KaneWorth
    KaneWorth Posts: 19 Member
    I agree, as a beginner circuits over the muscle splits are best. If you aren't a beginner though then muscle splits.
  • dlm7507
    dlm7507 Posts: 237 Member
    Investigate complexes.