Hello my name is Estella

I just started my weight loss journey. Thanks to a classmate I found this great app and now this webpage. I recently lost my husband (05/31/2015). It has taken its toll on me and my daughter. My husband and I loved cooking food. Unfortunately it was all the wrong foods and wrong portions. After starting counting calories and watching what I eat and using this great app two weeks ago. I have lost 10.3 pounds. I am ready for another two weeks and see how far this weight loss adventure will take me. Any advice and mainly help with recipes(or a good low carb cookbook with pictures. I like to see the end result before starting a meal) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Much love and a whole lot of appreciation.


  • CancerM10
    CancerM10 Posts: 4 Member
    Any advice on cookbooks?
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    So sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine.
    This app is very helpful. I've lost 110 lbs. Add me and you can see my food diary and I'll share recipes.
  • CancerM10
    CancerM10 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the response and the opportunity to add you.