Today I Start Maintaining: My Plan

Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
edited September 2015 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
I hit my goal weight this morning, and I'm excited to start maintenance. I've been at a 250 calorie deficit for six months (with some breaks), and this week I've upped my calories by only 50 because I know next weekend I'm going to be eating a lot (9 catered meals in three days). After I survive that weekend, I'll increase by another 50, and again each week until I hit my maintenance calories. My theory is that a slow climb will keep me from going out of control and give me some wiggle room as I adjust. My happy range is two pounds below my current weight and two pounds above.

In the meantime, I want to focus on fitness. As I've posted elsewhere, I have mobility issues that keep me from doing most exercise, but I can swim, use a recumbant bike, do yoga, and use weight machines that don't involve my feet. I would like to increase my upper body strength because I want to go further distances in my manual wheelchair so I don't have to rely on my scooter so much. (The scooter is convenient, but it does nothing for my cardivascular health. Also, it's a pain to travel with; the wheelchair is light weight and breaks down into a small size.) I am not averse to building muscle, but I know that requires a precise intake of calories and dedicated weight lifting, both of which I'm not sure I've got the energy to focus on right now. That may be something I actively pursue when summer comes around. For now, then, I'd like to improve my swimming speed and endurance and increase my strength.

I am open to any critiques of my goals and to any advice on successful maintaining.

Thanks. :smile:


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It sounds like you have things already sussed :smile:

    Its a good idea to have a weight range and fitness goals, it sounds like you'll have no problem adjusting to maintenance.

    Well done on reaching goal :smile:
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I am really impressed with your maintenance pre planning.

    Starting with swimming will be great, cardio and strength training in one. It will help strengthen your arms for your manual wheelchair too.
    Once you have built up your swimming, and are ready to move on to weights, use a personal trainer, or physiotherapist to develop a a weight routine specifically tailored to your needs.

    You never know, one day you may be looking for 5ks to race your chair in.

    Well done Mezzie.

    Cheers, h.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Congratulations on getting there! Your plan sounds fantastic :)
  • lisab64mfp
    lisab64mfp Posts: 89 Member
    Great sounding plan.....definitely well thought out for your situation/self!!!

  • honeybundle1
    honeybundle1 Posts: 58 Member
    Sounds like you've got this sussed - well done and good luck : )
  • TacoTina
    TacoTina Posts: 81 Member
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Congratulations on your achievement.

    You might end up different but i'll say this. All the plans i made to do with maintenance i did not stick with. That said, i am still in maintenance 10 months later so even if you don't stick to your plans, you can still do well. Just don't panic. And stick with your overall intention of never getting overweight again.

    As to your exercise ideas, my experience suggests that the best way for you to increase your endurance in the wheelchair is to spend more time in your wheelchair, although if you have good cardiac fitness (say from swimming, this will help. Swimming should also develop your upper body. I'm just saying you don't need ot lift weights. My experience is on a bicycle. I usually go off on tours with no fitness. I gain fitness on the road. By the end of my tours, i'm extremely fit. The thing is, it will take time to increase your fitness when you are not doing it 8 hours a day as I was able to do on a tour and the more you do the more wheelchair-fit you will be. But nevertheless, regular use for longer will increase your fitness.

    You want to work on the muscles you will need to push your wheelchair. They are the ones that count.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Congratulations on reaching your weight goal!!! It sounds like you have a solid maintenance plan so you should do well. Just listen to your body and make adjustments as needed. Wishing you all the best!
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    You have a great plan already and I really like that you're focused on fitness goals, that will really help.

    I only have one thought/suggestion on you maintenance calories. Instead of upping them 50 calories every week allow a bit more time for your body to adjust. I did 3 week intervals, added 100 calories to each day so 700 calories a week for 3 weeks time. If I was still losing at the end of the 3 weeks I added another 100 per day for another 3 weeks and monitored again. If there is a gain drop back by 50 calories a day, if you're still losing add a bit more calories and keep on going. It takes a bit of time for the loss to level out so don't panic to lose a bit more and then have a few pound gain that's pretty normal.

    Congratulations on your success and welcome to the land of maintenance.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Congrats! It sounds like you have an awesome plan. Good luck with it, and way to go on all you've achieved.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks for all the support. :smile:

    @Patttience -- thanks. I do need to spend more time in the chair, but I also love the (limited) walking I can do, so sometimes I put it off. My ultimate wheelchair goal is to get a three-wheel adapter so I can take my chair on an unpaved path through nature, but if I don't practice daily, I'll never get there. You said just what I needed to hear; if I'm going to reach my goal, I have to practice more.

    @dawnmcneil10 -- I'm actually surprised by your advice; I expected people to say I was upping the calories too slowly! Thanks for your input. I will certainly keep it in mind as I monitor.

    And to everyone, again, thanks. :smiley: