misfit shine

Hey, are there any misfit users out there, I feel like I am the only one using it.


  • xXGearheadXx
    xXGearheadXx Posts: 56 Member
    I used a flash (same hardware guts and software, different housing) for 2 days. Calorie burn reported was nearly 1.5x higher than my prior method (.045cal/step vs .031cal/step) so i discontinued use immediately. regardless of which counter/calculator was more accurate, the difference represented a step change in my data and i wasn't too cool with that. steps counted were close between my iphone and the misfit....within 500 steps each day, but the difference in calorie burn between the two was pretty drastic.
  • alihughes
    alihughes Posts: 3 Member
    I use the shine and I love it. <3 I use it alongside the weightwatchers app mostly, but I've just synced it up on here too for when I get to my maintenance weight :)
    One thing I would say to bear in mind is not 5o exoect perfect accuracy....its a pretty pedometer with bluetooth connectivity! I tend to use mind as a guide and as general motivation. ...the output isn't always perfect!
  • starling01
    starling01 Posts: 81 Member
    I have a misfit shine. I have used it for a month now. I eat back between 25% and 50% of my calories, and although my MFP loss rate is set to .5lb a month, I've been losing over a pound a week since I started using misfit. It's a great motivator. I don't have an iphone or fitbit or anything so can't compare it.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    I also have a misfit shine and really like it. You are welcome to add me. My user names are the same on here and misfit.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    Love my misfit flash! Nothing is the gold standard for accuracy, but it gets me in the ballpark!
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I use the flash! But I don't sync it to MFP because I was having issues with the communication overestimating calories burned (eg, I'd get an extra 300 "from exercise" for doing nothing every day). I use it to track my exercise & daily activity, and use the measurements for inputing exercise events into MFP. I love that it's waterproof so I can take it swimming :) I use the sleep tracker sometimes, but I find it to generally overestimate how much I've slept, and it's kinda uncomfortable to wear at night. How do you like the shine?
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    I have a pebble watch and use the misfit app on it. I don't pay much attention to the exercise calories it says I earned, but I do like the points system, as it helps me better assess how active I am vs plain steps.
  • TravelinGal7147
    TravelinGal7147 Posts: 50 Member
    I loved my shine and bought it because I could swim with it. Low and behold it cannot handle salt water and I swim in a salt water pool so since I already had a fitbit I am back to that. I quite like the fitbit but I liked just wearing the shine on my wrist. Oh well.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    Wow sorry to hear.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    I use the flash! But I don't sync it to MFP because I was having issues with the communication overestimating calories burned (eg, I'd get an extra 300 "from exercise" for doing nothing every day). I use it to track my exercise & daily activity, and use the measurements for inputing exercise events into MFP. I love that it's waterproof so I can take it swimming :) I use the sleep tracker sometimes, but I find it to generally overestimate how much I've slept, and it's kinda uncomfortable to wear at night. How do you like the shine?

    Love the shine, it's nice to keep up with the points as appose to steps..I also love that it tracks my sleep, seems to be accurate.
  • SnakesLadders79
    SnakesLadders79 Posts: 10 Member
    Can you just usenit on its own without the MFP? I'm worried that I'm doubling up on calories burned by entering them into MFP myself and wearing the Shine? Btw, anyone who wants can add me, I'm looking for friends :smiley: particularly anyone losing a lot of weight but not fussy haha
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    Can you just usenit on its own without the MFP? I'm worried that I'm doubling up on calories burned by entering them into MFP myself and wearing the Shine? Btw, anyone who wants can add me, I'm looking for friends :smiley: particularly anyone losing a lot of weight but not fussy haha

    Yep, that's what I do. I had the same worry. I just add in exercise manually into mfp, using my misfit as a guide for how quickly I was moving.